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[#1941] Subclass repoze.who AuthTktCookiePlugin.
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Override _get_cookies to ensure the presence or absence of the HttpOnly
flag in each cookie value based on a new httponly property of the class.
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brew committed Nov 14, 2014
1 parent 9390a92 commit 6623a73
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Showing 3 changed files with 249 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ckan/config/
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from routes.middleware import RoutesMiddleware
from repoze.who.config import WhoConfig
from repoze.who.middleware import PluggableAuthenticationMiddleware
from repoze.who.plugins.auth_tkt import make_plugin as auth_tkt_make_plugin
from fanstatic import Fanstatic

from ckan.plugins import PluginImplementations
from ckan.plugins.interfaces import IMiddleware
from ckan.lib.i18n import get_locales_from_config
from ckan.lib.auth_tkt import make_plugin as auth_tkt_make_plugin
import ckan.lib.uploader as uploader

from ckan.config.environment import load_environment
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95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions ckan/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
import os

from repoze.who.plugins import auth_tkt as repoze_auth_tkt

_bool = repoze_auth_tkt._bool

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CkanAuthTktCookiePlugin(repoze_auth_tkt.AuthTktCookiePlugin):

def __init__(self, httponly, *args, **kwargs):
super(CkanAuthTktCookiePlugin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.httponly = httponly

def _ensure_httponly_for_cookies(self, cookies):
Take a list of cookie tuples items and ensure HttpOnly is set
# change tuples to lists
cookie_list = [list(c) for c in cookies]
# ensure httponly is set correctly for each cookie
for cookie in cookie_list:
cookie[1] = _set_substring(cookie[1], '; HttpOnly', self.httponly)
# change lists back to tuples and return
return [tuple(c) for c in cookie_list]

def _get_cookies(self, *args, **kwargs):
Override method in superclass to ensure HttpOnly is set appropriately.
super_cookies = super(CkanAuthTktCookiePlugin, self). \
_get_cookies(*args, **kwargs)

cookies = self._ensure_httponly_for_cookies(super_cookies)

return cookies

def _set_substring(value, substring, presence=True):
Ensure presence/absence of substring in value.
If presence is True, ensure value contains substring. Append substring to
value if absent.
If presence is False, ensure value does not contain substring. Remove
substring from value is present.
has_substring = (substring in value)
if has_substring and not presence:
# remove substring
value = value.replace(substring, '')
elif not has_substring and presence:
# add substring
value += substring
return value

def make_plugin(httponly=True,
from repoze.who.utils import resolveDotted
if (secret is None and secretfile is None):
raise ValueError("One of 'secret' or 'secretfile' must not be None.")
if (secret is not None and secretfile is not None):
raise ValueError("Specify only one of 'secret' or 'secretfile'.")
if secretfile:
secretfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(secretfile))
if not os.path.exists(secretfile):
raise ValueError("No such 'secretfile': %s" % secretfile)
secret = open(secretfile).read().strip()
if timeout:
timeout = int(timeout)
if reissue_time:
reissue_time = int(reissue_time)
if userid_checker is not None:
userid_checker = resolveDotted(userid_checker)
plugin = CkanAuthTktCookiePlugin(httponly,
return plugin
153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions ckan/new_tests/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
from ckan.lib.auth_tkt import CkanAuthTktCookiePlugin
from ckan.lib.auth_tkt import _set_substring

class TestSetSubstring(object):

'''Tests for auth_tkt._set_substring method.'''

def test_set_substring__value_has_substring_and_substring_should_be_present(self):
'''Substring should be retained in value'''
value = "I love my kitten, it is sweet."
substring = "kitten"
presence = True
new_value = _set_substring(value, substring, presence)
assert new_value == value

def test_set_substring__value_has_substring_and_substring_should_not_be_present(self):
'''Substring should be removed from value.'''
value = "I love my kitten, it is sweet."
substring = "kitten"
presence = False
new_value = _set_substring(value, substring, presence)
assert new_value == "I love my , it is sweet."

def test_set_substring__value_doesnot_have_substring_and_substring_should_be_present(self):
'''Substring is appended to value.'''
value = "I wish I had a "
substring = "kitten"
presence = True
new_value = _set_substring(value, substring, presence)
assert new_value == 'I wish I had a kitten'

def test_set_substring__value_doesnot_have_substring_and_substring_should_not_be_present(self):
'''Substring isn't appended to value.'''
value = "I don't have one."
substring = "kitten"
presence = False
new_value = _set_substring(value, substring, presence)
assert new_value == "I don't have one."

class TestEnsureHttpOnlyForCookies(object):

'''Tests for CkanAuthTktCookiePlugin._ensure_httponly_for_cookies method'''

def _make_plugin(self, httponly):
'''Only httponly needs to be set.'''
return CkanAuthTktCookiePlugin(httponly=httponly,

def test_ensure_httponly_for_cookies__should_have_httponly(self):
'''Cookie values should contain HttpOnly.'''
plugin = self._make_plugin(httponly=True)
cookies = [
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/'),
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/; Domain=localhost'),
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/; Domain=.localhost')
ensured_cookies = plugin._ensure_httponly_for_cookies(cookies)
expected_cookies = [
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/; HttpOnly'),
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/; Domain=localhost; HttpOnly'),
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/; Domain=.localhost; HttpOnly')
assert ensured_cookies == expected_cookies

def test_ensure_httponly_for_cookies__should_have_httponly_already_do(self):
Cookie values should contain HttpOnly, they already to so nothing
should change.
plugin = self._make_plugin(httponly=True)
cookies = [
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/; HttpOnly'),
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/; Domain=localhost; HttpOnly'),
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/; Domain=.localhost; HttpOnly')
ensured_cookies = plugin._ensure_httponly_for_cookies(cookies)
assert ensured_cookies == cookies

def test_ensure_httponly_for_cookies__should_not_have_httponly_already_absent(self):
Cookie values should not contain HttpOnly. They don't so nothing
should change.
plugin = self._make_plugin(httponly=False)
cookies = [
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/'),
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/; Domain=localhost'),
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/; Domain=.localhost')
ensured_cookies = plugin._ensure_httponly_for_cookies(cookies)
assert ensured_cookies == cookies

def test_ensure_httponly_for_cookies__should_not_have_httponly(self):
Cookie values should not contain HttpOnly, they do so it should be
plugin = self._make_plugin(httponly=False)
cookies = [
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/; HttpOnly'),
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/; Domain=localhost; HttpOnly'),
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/; Domain=.localhost; HttpOnly')
ensured_cookies = plugin._ensure_httponly_for_cookies(cookies)
expected_cookies = [
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/'),
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/; Domain=localhost'),
('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="HELLO"; Path=/; Domain=.localhost')
assert ensured_cookies == expected_cookies

class TestCkanAuthTktCookiePlugin(object):

Test the added methods used by this subclass of

def _make_plugin(self, httponly):
'''Only httponly needs to be set.'''
return CkanAuthTktCookiePlugin(httponly=httponly,

def test_httponly_present(self):
'''HttpOnly flag should be present in cookie values.'''
plugin = self._make_plugin(httponly=True)
cookies = plugin._get_cookies(environ={'SERVER_NAME': ''},
for cookie in cookies:
assert 'HttpOnly' in cookie[1]

def test_httponly_absent(self):
'''HttpOnly flag should be absent in cookie values.'''
plugin = self._make_plugin(httponly=False)
cookies = plugin._get_cookies(environ={'SERVER_NAME': ''},
for cookie in cookies:
assert 'HttpOnly' not in cookie[1]

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