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[#2205] Add docs on resource views migration
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amercader committed Feb 12, 2015
1 parent 723fa3f commit 894efa3
Showing 1 changed file with 87 additions and 2 deletions.
89 changes: 87 additions & 2 deletions doc/maintaining/data-viewer.rst
Expand Up @@ -240,6 +240,91 @@ You can modify the maximum allowed size for proxied files using the
.. _same-origin policy:

.. todo:: Writing custom view types (tutorial?)
Migrating from previous CKAN versions

If you are upgrading an existing instance running CKAN version 2.2.x or lower
to CKAN 2.3 or higher, you need to perform a migration process in order for the
resource views to appear. If the migration does not take place, resource views
will only appear when creating or updating datasets or resources, but not on
existing ones.

The migration process involves creating the necessary view objects in the
database, which can be done using the ``paster views create`` command.

.. note:: The ``paster views create`` command uses the search API to get all
necessary datasets and resources, so make sure your search
index :ref:`is up to date <rebuild search index>` before starting the
migration process.

The way the ``paster views create`` commands works is getting all or a subset
of the instance datasets from the search index, and for each of them checking
against a list of view plugins if it is necessary to create a view object. This
gets determined by each of the individual view plugins depending on the dataset's
resources fields.

Before each run, you will be prompted with the number of datasets affected and
asked if you want to continue (unless you pass the ``-y`` option)::

You are about to check 3336 datasets for the following view plugins: ['image_view', 'recline_view', 'text_view']
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]

.. note:: On large CKAN instances the migration process can take a significant
time if using the default options. It is worth planning in advance and split
the process using the search parameters to only check relevant datasets.
The following documentation provides guidance on how to do this.

If no view types are provided, the default ones are used
(check `Defining views to appear by default`_ to see how these are defined)::

paster views create

Specific view types can be also provided::

paster views create image_view recline_view pdf_view

For certain view types (the ones with plugins included in the main CKAN core),
default filters are applied to the search to only get relevant resources. For
instance if ``image_view`` is defined, filters are added to the search to only
get datasets with resources that have image formats (png, jpg, etc).

You can also provide arbitrary search parameters like the ones supported by
:py:func:`~ckan.logic.action.get.package_search`. This can be useful for
instance to only include datasets with resources of a certain format::

paster views create geojson_view -s '{"fq": "res_format:GEOJSON"}'

.. todo:: CLI & migration for CKAN < 2.3
To instead avoid certain formats you can do::

paster views create -s '{"fq": "-res_format:HTML"}'

Of course this is not limited to resource formats, you can filter out or in
using any field, as in a normal dataset search::

paster views create -s '{"q": "groups:visualization-examples"}'

.. tip:: If you set the ``ckan_logger`` level to ``DEBUG`` on your
configuration file you can see the full search parameters being sent
to Solr.

For convenience, there is also an option to create views on a particular
dataset or datasets::

paster views create -d dataset_id

paster views create -d dataset_name -d dataset_name

Command line interface

The ``paster views`` command allows to create and remove resource views objects
from the database in bulk.

Check the command help for the full options::

paster views create -h

.. todo:: Writing custom view types (tutorial?)

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