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This plugin creates handles on nodes that can be dragged to create edges between nodes.


  • jQuery >=1.4
  • Cytoscape.js >=2.2.3


You initialise the plugin on the same HTML DOM element container used for Cytoscape.js:

	/* ... */

// the default values of each option are outlined below:
preview: true, // whether to show added edges preview before releasing selection
    preview: true, // whether to show added edges preview before releasing selection
    handleSize: 10, // the size of the edge handle put on nodes
    handleColor: '#ff0000', // the colour of the handle and the line drawn from it
    handleLineType: 'ghost', // can be 'ghost' for real edge, 'straight' for a straight line, or 'draw' for a draw-as-you-go line
    handleLineWidth: 1, // width of handle line in pixels
    handleNodes: 'node', // selector/filter function for whether edges can be made from a given node
    hoverDelay: 150, // time spend over a target node before it is considered a target selection
    cxt: true, // whether cxt events trigger edgehandles (useful on touch)
    enabled: true, // whether to start the plugin in the enabled state
    toggleOffOnLeave: false, // whether an edge is cancelled by leaving a node (true), or whether you need to go over again to cancel (false; allows multiple edges in one pass)
    edgeType: function( sourceNode, targetNode ){
      // can return 'flat' for flat edges between nodes or 'node' for intermediate node between them
      // returning null/undefined means an edge can't be added between the two nodes
      return 'flat'; 
    loopAllowed: function( node ){
      // for the specified node, return whether edges from itself to itself are allowed
      return false;
    nodeLoopOffset: -50, // offset for edgeType: 'node' loops
    nodeParams: function( sourceNode, targetNode ){
      // for edges between the specified source and target
      // return element object to be passed to cy.add() for intermediary node
      return {};
    edgeParams: function( sourceNode, targetNode, i ){
      // for edges between the specified source and target
      // return element object to be passed to cy.add() for edge
      // NB: i indicates edge index in case of edgeType: 'node'
      return {};
    start: function( sourceNode ){
      // fired when edgehandles interaction starts (drag on handle)
    complete: function( sourceNode, targetNodes, addedEntities ){
      // fired when edgehandles is done and entities are added
    stop: function( sourceNode ){
      // fired when edgehandles interaction is stopped (either complete with added edges or incomplete)


These classes can be used for styling the graph as it interacts with the plugin:

  • edgehandles-source : The source node
  • edgehandles-target : A target node
  • edgehandles-preview : Preview elements (used with options.preview: true)
  • edgehandles-hover : Added to nodes as they are hovered over as targets
  • edgehandles-ghost-edge : The ghost handle line edge


During the course of a user's interaction with the plugin, several events are generated and triggered on the corresponding elements:

On the source node:

  • cyedgehandles.showhandle : when the handle is shown
  • cyedgehandles.start : when starting to drag on the handle
  • cyedgehandles.stop : when the handle is released
  • cyedgehandles.complete : when the handle has been released and edges are created

On the target node:

  • cyedgehandles.addpreview : when a preview is shown (i.e. target selected)
  • cyedgehandles.removepreview : when a preview is removed (i.e. target unselected)

Example binding:

cy.on('cyedgehandles.start', 'node', function(e){
	var srcNode = this;

	// ...

Plugin functions

  • $('#cy').cytoscapeEdgehandles('enable') : enable the plugin
  • $('#cy').cytoscapeEdgehandles('enable') : disable the plugin
  • $('#cy').cytoscapeEdgehandles('option', 'preview', false) : set individual option (e.g. 'preview')
  • $('#cy').cytoscapeEdgehandles('option', { /* options */ }) : set all options
  • $('#cy').cytoscapeEdgehandles('option', 'preview') : get option value (e.g. 'preview')
  • $('#cy').cytoscapeEdgehandles('destroy') : destroy the plugin instance
  • $('#cy').cytoscapeEdgehandles('start', 'some-node-id') : start the handle drag state on node with specified id (e.g. 'some-node-id')
  • $('#cy').cytoscapeEdgehandles('drawon') : enable draw mode
  • $('#cy').cytoscapeEdgehandles('drawoff') : disable draw mode


Edge creation plugin for Cytoscape.js






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