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Dynamic creation of rxjs observables and operators from data.

Branches / Versions

  • main - Contains the most recent version
npm install @ckapp/rxjs-parse
  • next - Contains the next version
npm install @ckapp/rxjs-parse@next

Most PRs should be made to main.

Check our branching and release strategy.

Installation and Usage

ES6 via npm

npm i @ckapp/rxjs-parse


  1. Create a parser
  2. Chain other parsers
  3. Use parser
import { create } from '@ckapp/rxjs-parse/core';
import { rxjsParsers } from '@ckapp/rxjs-parse/common';

// Create a parser
const parser = create().chain(
  // Chain specific parsers

// Create observables
const observable = parser.parse(...);


  • npm test run tests