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Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
  * New upstream version
    * Adding new sci-fi sound for "future" era. (pulicat, cernel, veqryn)
    * Allowing "NONE" as a valid option value in file.
    * Fixed null pointer exception in Moore AI for water based factories.
    * Fixed bid delegate so that it will still run even if the player has no
    resources other than the bid amount. (veqryn)
    * Fixed possible null pointer exception in Triggered Victory which is
    triggered from outside of the end round delegate. (veqryn)
    * Making TransportTracker a static implementation to clean up the engine
    a little bit. (veqryn)
    * Fixing various bugs in Global 1940, ww2v3, v4, v5, and v6. (veqryn)
    * Created new Player Rule Attachment, "immuneToBlockade", which will
    prevent blockade production loss for that player. (veqryn)
    * Allowed 1940's paratroopers tech (ariborne combat) to move to / attack
    territories that have been blitz or already conquered this turn. (veqryn)
    * Allowed 1940's paratroopers tech (airborne combat) to move from allied
    bases, and to allow travel over water. (veqryn)
    * Created new step properties for special move delegates, "airborneMove",
    which controls if it is an Airborne Combat move phase. (veqyrn)
    * Adding some more pre-industrial sounds. (pulicat)
    * Allowed muting of custom aa gun sounds and custom notification,
    victory, and defeat sounds. (veqryn)
    * Created resource image factory for making images and icons of
    resources. (veqryn)
    * Fixed user interface to allow purchasing resources. (veqryn)
    * Fixing engine to allow purchase rules for purchasing resources.
    * Fixed memory leak in repair rules for repairing factories. (veqryn)
    * Creating a menu option in the "File" menu called "Post PBEM/PBF
    Gamesave...", which will for pbem games post/email the savegame to the
    forum, without having to wait for the end turn phase. (veqryn)
    * Changing trigger "notification" to use "players". (veqryn)
    * Changing unit attachment property, "repairsUnits", to allow multiple
    and to have repair values associated with each unit, thereby allowing
    units to be repaired by X amount each turn. (veqryn)
    * Created new unitPlacement attribute, "unitDamage", which will let a
    unit start with bombing factory damage. (veqryn)
    * Created new unitPlacement attribute, "hitsTaken", which will let a unit
    start damaged. (veqryn)
    * Deleting game option property, "SBR Affects Unit Production", and
    simplifying the engine to only use direct unit damage. (veqryn)
    * Getting units with different bombing unit damage to not stack. (veqryn)
    * Allowing selection of casualties for multiple hit units to allow damage
    points past one. (veqryn)
    * Getting "hitPoints" to work in the graphical user interface. (veqryn)
    * Getting "hitPoints" to work on the back end inside the engine. (veqryn)
    * Created new unit attachment property, "hitPoints", which sets the
    number of hitpoints a unit has, and also deleted property "isTwoHit".
    * Allowing sounds to be played by trigger, by putting "_sounds" after a
    duplicate of the Notification message key, with the value equal to
    "notification_" or "victory_" or "defeat_" + the sound key found in the file. (veqryn)
    * Added logfile "dump" command for host bots, that will from the command
    line print out all status, connection, memory, and thread information to
    the log. (veqryn)
    * Created ability for lobby admins to mute and/or boot players in a host
    bot, remotely. (veqryn)
    * Created ability for lobby admins to see the player connections in any
    host game. (veqryn)
    * Created ability for lobby admins to see chatlog of a host bot remotely.
    * Adding a new autosave, 'autosave2', which will take turns being saved
    to with 'autosave'. (veqyrn)
    * Changing movement validation to disallow moving from a contested battle
    territory into an enemy territory. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug with a territory owned by one player but having enemy units
    in it, if the owned reconquers the territory it is no longer marked as
    newly-conquered. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug preventing sounds inside a zipped map from playing if the
    zipped map file path had any spaces or special characters in it. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug preventing phase sounds from playing more than once in a
    non-pbem game. (veqryn)
    * Creating an option to select local players and AI's for PBEM games.
    AI's will not post/email the turn summary and savegame at the ends of
    their turns however. (veqryn)
    * Fixing bug with host bots where disabling players, quitting, then
    reloading and disabling even more players, resulted in game crash.
    * Disallowing previously disabled players from being re-enabled after a
    game has started. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug with moderator lobby unbanning utility. (veqryn)
    * Created ability for lobby admins to ban players inside a host bot,
    remotely. (veqryn)
    * Created ability for lobby admins to stop game on a host bot remotely.
    * Created ability for lobby admins to shut down a host bot remotely.
    * Created new option for host bots, "",
    which when set will allow remote actions on the host bot from the lobby
    admins. (veqryn)
    * Created new option for host bots, "",
    which will set the time between lobby reconnection refreshes, with the
    minimum and default being 6 hours. (veqryn)
    * Created new game option property, "Disabled Players Assets Deleted",
    which will delete all units and resources from a disabled unused player
    during game startup. (veqryn)
    * Allowing clients to disable and enable players for host bots, but not
    normal hosts. (veqryn)
    * Forcing random start to not allow disabled players to select
    territories, and also letting savegames keep disabled state, and disabled
    players switched to an AI. (veqryn)
    * Creating new playerlist option for players, "canBeDisabled", which if
    set to true will force the game to delete all delegates for that player,
    thereby allowing more customized multiplayer games. (veqryn)
    * Forcing hosts and hosting bots to always use Secure Random source when
    playing online, even when the host is not playing. (veqryn)
    * Updating TripleA to require at least Java 6 or greater. (veqryn)
    * Updating included jar libraries to latest versions. (veqryn)
    * Updating embedded JRE to Java 7 update 51 for x86. (veqryn)
    * Updated Substance UI to version 7.2.1, and included approximately 14
    new Look and Feel skins. (veqryn)
    * Created a menu option called "User Notifications..." which lets you
    turn off notifications you would receive from End Turn Reports, Triggered
    Notifications, Chance rolls that are successful or failed. (veqryn)
    * Fixing Comment Log so that it updates in real time. (veqryn)
    * Changed automated hosting bots so that they show up as having 1 less
    player (ie: the bot itself doesn't count), which means zero players if
    noone else has joined. (veqryn)
    * Changed unit resource creation so that positive resources will be
    created before negative resources. (veqryn)
    * Fixing bug in destroyedTUV condition for allRounds that prevented it
    from working at all. (veqryn)
    * Added an updated engine jar for so that the new engine can play
    old 1.7.0.x savegames. (veqryn)
    * Changed game setup screen so that the buttons for "Choose Game", "Load
    Saved Game", and "Game Options", will no longer be greyed out for Clients
    who have connected to an automated hosting bot. Those buttons will
    perform the same as if the client used the "Network" menu instead.
    * Adding a menu option to change an automated hosting bot's game options,
    and creating backend to process this request. (veqryn)
    * Forcing automated hosting bots have have a "support email address", so
    that when a bot has hung or stopped responding, a moderator in the lobby
    can email the bot's owner to notify them of the situation. (veqryn)
    * Forcing automated hosting bots to have no password, to start with the
    string "Bot", and have "automated_host" somewhere in comments. (veqryn)
    * Adding a column to the lobby called "B" for "Bots", which will show
    which hosts are automated hosting bots. They will also show up as
    italics. (veqryn)
    * Fixed order of firing in ww2v3 and Global 1940, so that defending subs
    that are not sneak attacking will fire after all attackers have fired.
    * Fixing a bug where attacking with a carrier loaded with allied
    fighters, then retreating, would prevent those fighters from being able
    to participate in battles for the rest of the game. (veqryn)
    * Allowed TripleA clip player to access sound files within a zipped map.
    * Fixed bug that allowed fighters to be moved greater than their allowed
    movement if paired with a carrier. (veqryn)
    * Adding scroll bars to placement window. (veqryn)
    * Fixed another bug in getMaxUnitsToBePlaced, it will no longer stop the
    game if it frees up enough capacity to place but not equal to theoretical
    maximum. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug where a strategic bombing unit receiving negative support
    and/or negative terrain modifier would be unable to bomb is its attack
    power decreased to zero. (veqryn)
    * Created new step properties for move delegates, "combinedTurns", which
    changes some validation for intermeshed player phases, such as allowing
    air to live if the ally could place a carrier under them. (veqyrn)
    * Created new step properties for purchase and place delegates, "bid",
    which controls if it is a bid phase. (veqyrn)
    * Created new step properties for move and end turn delegates,
    "repairUnits", which controls when units get repaired. (veqyrn)
    * Created new step properties for move and place delegates,
    "removeAirThatCanNotLand", which controls when air that can not land gets
    killed. (veqryn)
    * Created new step properties for move delegates, "resetUnitState", which
    controls when units get their movement and other stats reset. (veqryn)
    * Created new step properties for move delegates, "giveBonusMovement",
    which controls when bonus movement is given. (veqryn)
    * Created new step properties for move delegates, "fireRockets", which
    controls when rockets fire. (veqryn)
    * Created new step properties for move delegates, "combatMove" and
    "nonCombatMove", which control movement validation. (veqryn)
    * Prevented AA type units from firing on both start and end of movement,
    when option "Force AA Attacks For Last Step Of Fly Over" is turned on.
    * Created new game property option "Abandoned Territories May Be Taken
    Over Immediately", which allows an abandoned territory to be taken over
    on the turn it was abandoned, rather than waiting for it to be attacked.
    * Created new game property option "Sea Battles May Be Ignored", which
    allows attackers to not create a battle in a contested sea zone. (frogg)
    * Created new game property option "Contested Territories Produce No
    Income", which will stop all production in territories that contain enemy
    units. (frogg)
    * Created new game property option "Retreating Units Remain In Place",
    which will allow retreats to only the same territory as the battle.
    (frogg & veqryn)
    * Allowed forum poster to maintain "notify me"
    settings. (Bruce Nielsen)
    * Changed trigger property "when" so that it can be set multiple times,
    allowing a trigger to fire multiple times per round. (frogg)
    * Changed game property option "Battle Rounds" to "Land Battle Rounds".
    * Added game property option "Sea Battle Rounds". (frogg)
    * Possible fix for host game hang, when host is launching and another
    player leaves or joins at start of launch. (veqryn)
    * Possible fix for game hang / game freeze during hosting, client start
    step should now wait for delegate bridge to finish updating. (veqryn)
    * Possible workaround for game hang / game freeze during hosting, if
    error occurs game should now drop back to waiting screen instead of just
    hanging or ghosting. (veqryn)
    * Adding much more logging to HeadlessServerGame in order to try to find
    cause of the CastClassExceptions in TripleAPlayer.start() and
    NullPointer/IllegalArgumentExceptions in RemoteName. (veqryn)
    * Fixed null pointer error in battle calculator when spamming the cancel
    button. (veqryn)
    * Rebalancing Great War world war 1 game. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug where chanceIncrementOnFailure and chanceDecrementOnSuccess
    were not allowing any number of zero or less for chance. (veqryn)
    * Fixed error where games with a round offset where doubling what round
    the game started on each time it was saved via the history panel.
    * Creating a headless chat service, so that server can be created in a
    headless environment and still chat. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug causing fatal errors in client-server games when client owned
    very last step/delegate of game (only applied to some grid based games).
    * Adding a log file for the headless server located at
    /log/headless-game-server-<servername>-log<#>.txt, to keep track of
    events. (veqryn)
    * Adding many more additional commands to headless game server console,
    including show connections, ban player, save game, and stop game.
    * Stopped headless game server from being able to load any savegame for a
    map to which it does not have the required map files for. (veqryn)
    * Possible fix another possible hang/freeze point causing a Could Not
    Block Delegate Execution error. (veqryn)
    * Fixed headless game server's connect to lobby so that resetting the
    connection does not erase info about the game. (veqryn)
    * Possible fixes two possible hang/freeze points in Server Game, one
    caused by a bogus ClassCastException in ClientGame, the other by a bogus
    NullPointerError/IllegalArgumentError in RemoteName from
    PlayerDelegateBridge. (veqryn)
    * Making sure sound system never loads sound clips for headless game
    server. (veqryn)
    * Added a console to automated headless game server host, which allows
    commands such as 'help', 'status', 'memory', 'threads', and 'quit'.
    * Created a headless UIContext for use with headless game server, so that
    it may run on a linux platform that has no configured graphics
    environment. (veqryn)
  • Loading branch information
Christoph Korn committed Mar 3, 2014
1 parent e98986c commit 00ee176
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 2 changed files with 256 additions and 9 deletions.
251 changes: 251 additions & 0 deletions triplea/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,254 @@
triplea ( precise; urgency=low

* New upstream version
* Adding new sci-fi sound for "future" era. (pulicat, cernel, veqryn)
* Allowing "NONE" as a valid option value in file.
* Fixed null pointer exception in Moore AI for water based factories.
* Fixed bid delegate so that it will still run even if the player has no
resources other than the bid amount. (veqryn)
* Fixed possible null pointer exception in Triggered Victory which is
triggered from outside of the end round delegate. (veqryn)
* Making TransportTracker a static implementation to clean up the engine
a little bit. (veqryn)
* Fixing various bugs in Global 1940, ww2v3, v4, v5, and v6. (veqryn)
* Created new Player Rule Attachment, "immuneToBlockade", which will
prevent blockade production loss for that player. (veqryn)
* Allowed 1940's paratroopers tech (ariborne combat) to move to / attack
territories that have been blitz or already conquered this turn. (veqryn)
* Allowed 1940's paratroopers tech (airborne combat) to move from allied
bases, and to allow travel over water. (veqryn)
* Created new step properties for special move delegates, "airborneMove",
which controls if it is an Airborne Combat move phase. (veqyrn)
* Adding some more pre-industrial sounds. (pulicat)
* Allowed muting of custom aa gun sounds and custom notification,
victory, and defeat sounds. (veqryn)
* Created resource image factory for making images and icons of
resources. (veqryn)
* Fixed user interface to allow purchasing resources. (veqryn)
* Fixing engine to allow purchase rules for purchasing resources.
* Fixed memory leak in repair rules for repairing factories. (veqryn)
* Creating a menu option in the "File" menu called "Post PBEM/PBF
Gamesave...", which will for pbem games post/email the savegame to the
forum, without having to wait for the end turn phase. (veqryn)
* Changing trigger "notification" to use "players". (veqryn)
* Changing unit attachment property, "repairsUnits", to allow multiple
and to have repair values associated with each unit, thereby allowing
units to be repaired by X amount each turn. (veqryn)
* Created new unitPlacement attribute, "unitDamage", which will let a
unit start with bombing factory damage. (veqryn)
* Created new unitPlacement attribute, "hitsTaken", which will let a unit
start damaged. (veqryn)
* Deleting game option property, "SBR Affects Unit Production", and
simplifying the engine to only use direct unit damage. (veqryn)
* Getting units with different bombing unit damage to not stack. (veqryn)
* Allowing selection of casualties for multiple hit units to allow damage
points past one. (veqryn)
* Getting "hitPoints" to work in the graphical user interface. (veqryn)
* Getting "hitPoints" to work on the back end inside the engine. (veqryn)
* Created new unit attachment property, "hitPoints", which sets the
number of hitpoints a unit has, and also deleted property "isTwoHit".
* Allowing sounds to be played by trigger, by putting "_sounds" after a
duplicate of the Notification message key, with the value equal to
"notification_" or "victory_" or "defeat_" + the sound key found in the file. (veqryn)
* Added logfile "dump" command for host bots, that will from the command
line print out all status, connection, memory, and thread information to
the log. (veqryn)
* Created ability for lobby admins to mute and/or boot players in a host
bot, remotely. (veqryn)
* Created ability for lobby admins to see the player connections in any
host game. (veqryn)
* Created ability for lobby admins to see chatlog of a host bot remotely.
* Adding a new autosave, 'autosave2', which will take turns being saved
to with 'autosave'. (veqyrn)
* Changing movement validation to disallow moving from a contested battle
territory into an enemy territory. (veqryn)
* Fixed bug with a territory owned by one player but having enemy units
in it, if the owned reconquers the territory it is no longer marked as
newly-conquered. (veqryn)
* Fixed bug preventing sounds inside a zipped map from playing if the
zipped map file path had any spaces or special characters in it. (veqryn)
* Fixed bug preventing phase sounds from playing more than once in a
non-pbem game. (veqryn)
* Creating an option to select local players and AI's for PBEM games.
AI's will not post/email the turn summary and savegame at the ends of
their turns however. (veqryn)
* Fixing bug with host bots where disabling players, quitting, then
reloading and disabling even more players, resulted in game crash.
* Disallowing previously disabled players from being re-enabled after a
game has started. (veqryn)
* Fixed bug with moderator lobby unbanning utility. (veqryn)
* Created ability for lobby admins to ban players inside a host bot,
remotely. (veqryn)
* Created ability for lobby admins to stop game on a host bot remotely.
* Created ability for lobby admins to shut down a host bot remotely.
* Created new option for host bots, "",
which when set will allow remote actions on the host bot from the lobby
admins. (veqryn)
* Created new option for host bots, "",
which will set the time between lobby reconnection refreshes, with the
minimum and default being 6 hours. (veqryn)
* Created new game option property, "Disabled Players Assets Deleted",
which will delete all units and resources from a disabled unused player
during game startup. (veqryn)
* Allowing clients to disable and enable players for host bots, but not
normal hosts. (veqryn)
* Forcing random start to not allow disabled players to select
territories, and also letting savegames keep disabled state, and disabled
players switched to an AI. (veqryn)
* Creating new playerlist option for players, "canBeDisabled", which if
set to true will force the game to delete all delegates for that player,
thereby allowing more customized multiplayer games. (veqryn)
* Forcing hosts and hosting bots to always use Secure Random source when
playing online, even when the host is not playing. (veqryn)
* Updating TripleA to require at least Java 6 or greater. (veqryn)
* Updating included jar libraries to latest versions. (veqryn)
* Updating embedded JRE to Java 7 update 51 for x86. (veqryn)
* Updated Substance UI to version 7.2.1, and included approximately 14
new Look and Feel skins. (veqryn)
* Created a menu option called "User Notifications..." which lets you
turn off notifications you would receive from End Turn Reports, Triggered
Notifications, Chance rolls that are successful or failed. (veqryn)
* Fixing Comment Log so that it updates in real time. (veqryn)
* Changed automated hosting bots so that they show up as having 1 less
player (ie: the bot itself doesn't count), which means zero players if
noone else has joined. (veqryn)
* Changed unit resource creation so that positive resources will be
created before negative resources. (veqryn)
* Fixing bug in destroyedTUV condition for allRounds that prevented it
from working at all. (veqryn)
* Added an updated engine jar for so that the new engine can play
old 1.7.0.x savegames. (veqryn)
* Changed game setup screen so that the buttons for "Choose Game", "Load
Saved Game", and "Game Options", will no longer be greyed out for Clients
who have connected to an automated hosting bot. Those buttons will
perform the same as if the client used the "Network" menu instead.
* Adding a menu option to change an automated hosting bot's game options,
and creating backend to process this request. (veqryn)
* Forcing automated hosting bots have have a "support email address", so
that when a bot has hung or stopped responding, a moderator in the lobby
can email the bot's owner to notify them of the situation. (veqryn)
* Forcing automated hosting bots to have no password, to start with the
string "Bot", and have "automated_host" somewhere in comments. (veqryn)
* Adding a column to the lobby called "B" for "Bots", which will show
which hosts are automated hosting bots. They will also show up as
italics. (veqryn)
* Fixed order of firing in ww2v3 and Global 1940, so that defending subs
that are not sneak attacking will fire after all attackers have fired.
* Fixing a bug where attacking with a carrier loaded with allied
fighters, then retreating, would prevent those fighters from being able
to participate in battles for the rest of the game. (veqryn)
* Allowed TripleA clip player to access sound files within a zipped map.
* Fixed bug that allowed fighters to be moved greater than their allowed
movement if paired with a carrier. (veqryn)
* Adding scroll bars to placement window. (veqryn)
* Fixed another bug in getMaxUnitsToBePlaced, it will no longer stop the
game if it frees up enough capacity to place but not equal to theoretical
maximum. (veqryn)
* Fixed bug where a strategic bombing unit receiving negative support
and/or negative terrain modifier would be unable to bomb is its attack
power decreased to zero. (veqryn)
* Created new step properties for move delegates, "combinedTurns", which
changes some validation for intermeshed player phases, such as allowing
air to live if the ally could place a carrier under them. (veqyrn)
* Created new step properties for purchase and place delegates, "bid",
which controls if it is a bid phase. (veqyrn)
* Created new step properties for move and end turn delegates,
"repairUnits", which controls when units get repaired. (veqyrn)
* Created new step properties for move and place delegates,
"removeAirThatCanNotLand", which controls when air that can not land gets
killed. (veqryn)
* Created new step properties for move delegates, "resetUnitState", which
controls when units get their movement and other stats reset. (veqryn)
* Created new step properties for move delegates, "giveBonusMovement",
which controls when bonus movement is given. (veqryn)
* Created new step properties for move delegates, "fireRockets", which
controls when rockets fire. (veqryn)
* Created new step properties for move delegates, "combatMove" and
"nonCombatMove", which control movement validation. (veqryn)
* Prevented AA type units from firing on both start and end of movement,
when option "Force AA Attacks For Last Step Of Fly Over" is turned on.
* Created new game property option "Abandoned Territories May Be Taken
Over Immediately", which allows an abandoned territory to be taken over
on the turn it was abandoned, rather than waiting for it to be attacked.
* Created new game property option "Sea Battles May Be Ignored", which
allows attackers to not create a battle in a contested sea zone. (frogg)
* Created new game property option "Contested Territories Produce No
Income", which will stop all production in territories that contain enemy
units. (frogg)
* Created new game property option "Retreating Units Remain In Place",
which will allow retreats to only the same territory as the battle.
(frogg & veqryn)
* Allowed forum poster to maintain "notify me"
settings. (Bruce Nielsen)
* Changed trigger property "when" so that it can be set multiple times,
allowing a trigger to fire multiple times per round. (frogg)
* Changed game property option "Battle Rounds" to "Land Battle Rounds".
* Added game property option "Sea Battle Rounds". (frogg)
* Possible fix for host game hang, when host is launching and another
player leaves or joins at start of launch. (veqryn)
* Possible fix for game hang / game freeze during hosting, client start
step should now wait for delegate bridge to finish updating. (veqryn)
* Possible workaround for game hang / game freeze during hosting, if
error occurs game should now drop back to waiting screen instead of just
hanging or ghosting. (veqryn)
* Adding much more logging to HeadlessServerGame in order to try to find
cause of the CastClassExceptions in TripleAPlayer.start() and
NullPointer/IllegalArgumentExceptions in RemoteName. (veqryn)
* Fixed null pointer error in battle calculator when spamming the cancel
button. (veqryn)
* Rebalancing Great War world war 1 game. (veqryn)
* Fixed bug where chanceIncrementOnFailure and chanceDecrementOnSuccess
were not allowing any number of zero or less for chance. (veqryn)
* Fixed error where games with a round offset where doubling what round
the game started on each time it was saved via the history panel.
* Creating a headless chat service, so that server can be created in a
headless environment and still chat. (veqryn)
* Fixed bug causing fatal errors in client-server games when client owned
very last step/delegate of game (only applied to some grid based games).
* Adding a log file for the headless server located at
/log/headless-game-server-<servername>-log<#>.txt, to keep track of
events. (veqryn)
* Adding many more additional commands to headless game server console,
including show connections, ban player, save game, and stop game.
* Stopped headless game server from being able to load any savegame for a
map to which it does not have the required map files for. (veqryn)
* Possible fix another possible hang/freeze point causing a Could Not
Block Delegate Execution error. (veqryn)
* Fixed headless game server's connect to lobby so that resetting the
connection does not erase info about the game. (veqryn)
* Possible fixes two possible hang/freeze points in Server Game, one
caused by a bogus ClassCastException in ClientGame, the other by a bogus
NullPointerError/IllegalArgumentError in RemoteName from
PlayerDelegateBridge. (veqryn)
* Making sure sound system never loads sound clips for headless game
server. (veqryn)
* Added a console to automated headless game server host, which allows
commands such as 'help', 'status', 'memory', 'threads', and 'quit'.
* Created a headless UIContext for use with headless game server, so that
it may run on a linux platform that has no configured graphics
environment. (veqryn)

-- Jhonny Oliveira <> Mon, 03 Mar 2014 21:35:25 +0100

triplea ( precise; urgency=low

* New upstream version
Expand Down
14 changes: 5 additions & 9 deletions triplea/patches/launcher_scripts.patch
@@ -1,19 +1,15 @@
Description: Points to Debian installed location, and calls #!/bin/sh
Author: Scott Howard <>

Index: triplea-
--- triplea- 2011-06-19 04:14:04.000000000 +0200
+++ triplea- 2012-04-14 20:26:41.902251506 +0200
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-cd $(dirname $0)
+cd /usr/share/triplea
java -server -Xmx192m -classpath bin/triplea.jar:lib/derby_10_1_2.jar -Dtriplea.lobby.port=3303 -Dtriplea.lobby.console=true games.strategy.engine.lobby.server.LobbyServer
Index: triplea-
--- triplea- 2011-09-17 01:31:32.000000000 +0200
+++ triplea- 2012-04-14 20:28:37.398248070 +0200
java -server -Xmx192m -classpath bin/triplea.jar:lib/derby- -Dtriplea.lobby.port=3303 -Dtriplea.lobby.console=true games.strategy.engine.lobby.server.LobbyServer
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Expand Down

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