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Simplify comments in the run-agent.bat.sample and
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avodonosov committed Jul 26, 2012
1 parent 2ec0179 commit cb65b16
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Showing 4 changed files with 85 additions and 126 deletions.
23 changes: 15 additions & 8 deletions docs/README
@@ -1,19 +1,26 @@
This directory contains:

test-systems - list of all the ASDF systems in Quicklisp
with a word "test" in the system name;
ordered by the project download count.
with a word "test" in the system name;
ordered by the project download count.

detect-test-systems.lisp - the lisp code which
generated the test-systems file
generated the test-systems file

quicklisp-download-statistics-2012.txt - quiclisp download statistics - information about the libraries already reviewed:
whether it is added to test grid, and if not added - why
(no test suite, needs manual configuration, hangs, etc.)
The libraries are ordered in alphabetical order.
whether it is added to test grid, and if not added - why
(no test suite, needs manual configuration, hangs, etc.)
The libraries are ordered in alphabetical order. - Notes about what needs to be done in the project.
Ordered approximatelly by priority (descending)
Ordered approximatelly by priority (descending) - Done TODO items. - Information about all the bug reports
I submitted based on the test-grid resutls.
I submitted based on the test-grid resutls.

agent-portability.txt - Notes about running test grid agent
on various CL implementations.
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions docs/agent-portability.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
As of 2012-07-25 and quicklisp 2012-07-03 we have
the following situation:

CCL is the recommented choice, as it is the development platform
of test grid. Works on windows and linux (tested with CCL 1.8 and 1.7)
The command line to start agent with CCL:

lx86cl --load run-agent.lisp --eval "(quit)"

SBCL works on linux (tested with SBCL 1.0.57),
but doesn't work on windows (problem with external-program library).

export SBCL_HOME=/home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.57/lib/sbcl
/home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.57/bin/sbcl --load run-agent.lisp --eval "(quit)"

CLISP 2.49 Windows - Doesn't work.
(Something seems to be wrong in external-program
with passing program parameters)
Anyway, here are the CLISP parameters:

clisp -x (load "run-agent.lisp")'

ABCL - I don't know, but at least it would take some effort.
I stopped when ABCL required JNA for CFFI (JNA is a Java
library to work with FFI). I need to learn
how to make JNA available for ABCL.

java -jar abcl.jar --batch --load run-agent.lisp

CMUCL - Doesn't work (tested on cmu-20crelease-20c20c_unicode-linux-x86).
The first issue encountered is with external-program:

/opt/cmucl-20c/bin/lisp -load run-agent.lisp -eval "(quit)"

ECL - Doesn't work (tested with ecl-12.7.1-dee2506a-win-x86).
When it starts child CCL process to update quicklisp, the CCL crashes.

ecl -load run-agent.lisp -eval "(quit)"

Allegro - not tested:

alisp -qq -L run-agent.lisp

Other Lisps - not tested.
64 changes: 8 additions & 56 deletions run-agent.bat.sample
@@ -1,62 +1,14 @@
@echo off

echo ************************************************************************
echo Updating to the recent cl-test-grid version...
echo ************************************************************************
rem Updating to the recent cl-test-grid version
call git pull

echo ************************************************************************
echo Running the test grid agent
echo ************************************************************************
rem Start your run-agent.lisp script. We suppose
rem Quicklisp is installed and added to the init
rem file of your lisp.

rem Please choose ONE lisp to run the main agent process.
rem Quicklisp is required to be installed and added to the init
rem file of that lisp.
rem As of 2012-07-25 and quicklisp 2012-07-03 we have
rem the following situation:
C:\Users\testgrid\lisps\ccl-1.8-windows\wx86cl64.exe --load run-agent.lisp --eval "(quit)"
rem CCL is the recommented choice, as it is the test grid development platform.

rem CCL - the recommented choice, as it is the development platform
rem of test grid. Works on windows and linux (tested with CCL 1.8 and 1.7)
rem C:\Users\anton\unpacked\ccl\ccl-1.8-windows\wx86cl64.exe --load run-agent.lisp --eval "(quit)"

rem SBCL - works on linux (tested with SBCL 1.0.57),
rem but doesn't work on windows (problem with external-program library).
rem sbcl --load run-agent.lisp --eval "(quit)"

rem CLISP 2.49 Windows - Doesn't work.
rem (Something seems to be wrong in external-program
rem with passing program parameters)
rem Anyway, here are the CLISP parameters:
rem clisp -x "(load \"run-agent.lisp\")"

rem ABCL - I don't know, but at least it would take some effort.
rem I stopped when ABCL required JNA for CFFI (JNA is a Java
rem library to work with FFI). I need to learn
rem how to make JNA available for ABCL.
rem call C:\Users\anton\unpacked\abcl\abcl-bin-1.0.1\abcl.bat --batch --load run-agent.lisp

rem ECL - Doesn't work (tested with ecl-12.7.1-dee2506a-win-x86).
rem When it starts child CCL process to update quicklisp, the CCL crashes.
rem C:\Users\anton\projects\ecl\bin\ecl -load run-agent.lisp -eval "(quit)"

rem Allegro - not tested:
rem "C:\Program Files (x86)\acl82express\alisp.exe" -qq -L run-agent.lisp

rem other Lisps - not tested.
rem As for lisps other than CCL, see docs/agent-portability.txt.
73 changes: 11 additions & 62 deletions
@@ -1,71 +1,20 @@

echo "************************************************************************"
echo "Updating to the recent cl-test-grid version..."
echo "************************************************************************"
# Update to the recent cl-test-grid version
git pull

echo "************************************************************************"
echo "Running the test grid agent..."
echo "************************************************************************"
# Start your run-agent.lisp script. We suppose
# Quicklisp is installed and added to the init
# file of your lisp.

# Please choose ONE lisp to run the main agent process.
# Quicklisp is required to be installed and added to the init
# file of that lisp.
# As of 2012-07-25 and quicklisp 2012-07-03 we have
# the following situation:

# CCL - the recommented choice, as it is the development platform
# of test grid. Works on windows and linux (tested with CCL 1.8 and 1.7)
#/home/anton/ccl/ccl-1.8/lx86cl --load run-agent.lisp --eval "(quit)"

# SBCL - works on linux (tested with SBCL 1.0.57),
# but doesn't work on windows (problem with external-program library).
#export SBCL_HOME=/home/anton/sbcl/sbcl-1.0.54-x86-linux/lib/sbcl
#/home/anton/sbcl/sbcl-1.0.54-x86-linux/bin/sbcl --load run-agent.lisp --eval "(quit)"

# CLISP 2.49 Windows - Doesn't work.
# (Something seems to be wrong in external-program
# with passing program parameters)
# Anyway, here are the CLISP parameters:
#clisp -x (load "run-agent.lisp")'
/home/testgrid/lisps/ccl-1.8/lx86cl --load run-agent.lisp --eval "(quit)"
# CCL is the recommented choice, as it is the test grid development platform.

# ABCL - I don't know, but at least it would take some effort.
# I stopped when ABCL required JNA for CFFI (JNA is a Java
# library to work with FFI). I need to learn
# how to make JNA available for ABCL.
#/path/to/abcl/ --batch --load run-agent.lisp

# CMUCL - Doesn't work (tested on cmu-20crelease-20c20c_unicode-linux-x86).
# The first issue encountered is with external-program:
# Alternatively SBCL may also be used (but not on windows). Tested with SBCL 1.0.57.
#/opt/cmucl-20c/bin/lisp -load run-agent.lisp -eval "(quit)"

# ECL - Doesn't work (tested with ecl-12.7.1-dee2506a-win-x86).
# When it starts child CCL process to update quicklisp, the CCL crashes.
#ecl -load run-agent.lisp -eval "(quit)"

# Allegro - not tested:
#alisp -qq -L run-agent.lisp

#export SBCL_HOME=/home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.57/lib/sbcl
#/home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.57/bin/sbcl --load run-agent.lisp --eval "(quit)"

# other Lisps - not tested.
# As for other lisps, see docs/agent-portability.txt.

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