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Welcome to the Overlook Hotel! This application is a hotel management tool where customers can log in, book a room, and view their past, present, and upcoming stays.

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Overlook Hotel

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Welcome to the Overlook Hotel, we're glad you're here!

The application is a hotel management tool where customers can log in, book a room, and view their past, present, and upcoming stays. This was the final solo project for Mod 2 of the Front End Engineering program at the Turing School of Software & Design. It was designed and built by Claire Fields in 6 days.

This application was built mobile-first, is fully responsive, and in addition to meeting the requirements of Iterations 1-3 on the project spec, has one additional feature. The rooms API that was provided did not have any image urls, so I fetched a curated collection of images from the Unsplash API and assigned them to rooms based on type or number of beds. Please enjoy!

Overview and Features

When you first come to the site you will be greeted by a gorgeous photo of the exterior of our hotel- isn't it trendy?

overlook hotel splash page on mobile

While this site was designed mobile-first, it is fully responsive across tablet, large tablet and desktop breakpoints. In the desktop view, you will notice that the hamburger button disappears in favor of more traditional navigation buttons.

overlook hotel splash page on desktop

So, you're impressed with the facade, would you like to book a room? Clicking the "Book Now" button, if you are not logged in, will direct you to log in. If you already have an account, just go ahead and log in.

One of the learning goals of this project was to practice some log in authentication. A valid username will start with username and end with a number between 1 and 50 (there are 50 users in the users API). All users have the same password: overlook2021. While there are many different ways to approach this log in authentication process, if a user has entered username<something> and the correct password, I attempt to fetch that user from the database. If the response status code is 404, I know that the user does not exist in the API, and show an error on the DOM. I have added several other layers of error handling to prevent invalid user log-in. They are shown below:

gif of successful log in process on mobile gif of unsuccessful log in process on mobile

Once you have successfully logged into the site, you can view a user dashboard which will show you how much you have spent to date, as well as any current, upcoming or past trips. If you have no upcoming or past trips, that message will also be displayed. Poor Chauncey here has no upcoming stays, let's book him a room!

All stays on this app are for one night only, so let's watch as Chauncey selects a date for his stay and browses the available rooms.

gif of user dashboard with no upcoming trips gif of user picking a date and browsing rooms

Users may filter available rooms by room type.

desktop view showing filtered results

Oh no! There aren't any available rooms!! Don't worry though, at almost any point in the booking process (up to the very last moment!) you can go back and change your dates or filter by a different room type.

desktop view showing no available roms

Once you have selected a room, you have one last chance to go back before booking. After all, this is a very nice hotel and we want to be sure you are happy with your room!

desktop view of booking screen

gif of successful room booking in mobile view

Assuming your booking is sucessful and has been successfully POSTed to the bookings API, you will see a confirmation message and then be directed back to your profile, where your new, upcoming booking is visible! We here at the Overlook Hotel sincerely hope that Chauncey enjoys his stay.

And that's about it for functionality! Oh, one more thing, let's log out.

gif of log out

And for the nerds in the audience, let's check out what happens in the odd event that our server has crashed and users are trying to log in.

gif showing server down error

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Future Features

In future, I hope to add manager interaction to the app. The manager should be able to log in with different credentials, see a dashboard page showing total available rooms for today, total revenue for totday and percentage of rooms occupied for today. The manger should also be able to search for any user by name and view their name, bookings, and total amount spent. The manager should be able to add a room booking for that user and delete any upcoming bookings.

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  1. Clone down the overlook hotel API.
  2. cd into the directory.
  3. Then run: npm install
  4. Run npm start. You should see Overlook API is now running on http://localhost:3001 !
  5. cd out of that directory then clone down this repo
  6. Install the library dependencies. Run: npm install
  7. Run npm start in your terminal. Go to http://localhost:8080/ and you should see the website!
  8. Enter control + c in your terminal to stop the server(s) at any time.

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Technologies Used

  • Vanilla JavaScript
  • HTML
  • Testing with Mocha and Chai
  • Webpack
  • fetching customer, booking and room data from an API provided by Turing
  • posting bookings to the API


Claire Fields

Ashton Huxtable (Code reviewer)

Nik Seif (Project Manager)

Chandler Moisen (Mentor)

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Welcome to the Overlook Hotel! This application is a hotel management tool where customers can log in, book a room, and view their past, present, and upcoming stays.






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