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###LepMap 3

##step 0 : install Lepmap # #download the binaries from #unzip /bin into the lepmap_pipeline folder #everything should now be run by "java -cp bin/ Modulename"

step 1 : prepare input files

#- Genotypes #post.gz coming from preparing script for lepmap, based on bam files. Run scripts from lepmap pre-processing pipeine (see wiki) #in pileupParser2.awk, on line 21, we cna adjust the minimum coverage for filtering #The sequencing data processing pipeline for Lep-MAP3 is based on "SAMtools mpileup" and custom scripts #pileupParser2.awk and pileup2posterior.awk, provided in

samtools mpileup -q 10 -Q 10 -s $(cat sorted_bams)|awk -f pileupParser2.awk|awk -f pileup2posterior.awk|gzip >post.gz

#as posterior names, we used ready_for_lepmap3_"covX"_"family".gz (X is the minimum coverage given as filter)

#- Pedigree #id of the samples and order should match the genotype file #using the sample list (= first line of post.gz file), prepare a pedigree.txt file with 6 lines and n+2 tab-sep columns #line 1: family_name #line 2: ind_name #line 3 : father_name (0 if not available) #line 4: mother_name #line 5 sex (male=1, fem=2) #line 6: phenotype (just put 0

#- family file #because I am building two maps separately for the two families I have two pedigree files (pedigree_"family".txt) and two genotype files. #their name includes the family name which I give in families.txt. #remember that all families can also be put together in the geno and pedigree files to make a single map.

step 2 : edit the

#parameter to set : missing value filter level, nb of CPU, LOD and size limit for chromosome clusterin, path of the family file, etc..

step 3 : Parental call module

#run the parental call #one can edit the SEX variable to precise XY or ZW system or don't bother about sex-linked markers. #one can also use vcf entry file at that step using special arguments. Not tried #the parental call has also put the pedigree as header of the genotype data. #avoid using the "outputParentPosterior=1" even if one parent has poor data. It messed up with my data and markers. Providing grands parents is better.


step 4 : Filtering

#adjust MISS parameter to filter for missing data (for instance missingLimit=0.9 represent 90% of progeny with data)

#caution: for single family data use dataTolerance like 0.001 or 0.0001 but subsequent distortionLod=1 in SeparateChromosomes2 and JoinSingles2All

#this step will determine the markers actually use in the map. #the number id of each marker in the final map comes from the output of this stage #therefore the final steps of the script calls a Rscript to build the marker list.


step5: separate markers into chromosome (LG linkage groups)

#this step splits the markers into LG. #the most important parameter to adjust is the LOD in the #to see the output and the number of markers per chromosome, see the file .repartition


step6 join single

#if there are many markers not placed into LG, this module can put them on the LG with a smaller LOD limit #not run because I had less than 1 % of the markers out of the LG ./01_scripts/06_run_join_single

#if this step is relevant, remember to change in the 01_order_marker the path to the map to make it use the map with joinsingle

step7 order marker

#this step is the longest : it orders the marker within each LG #it is supposed to use several iterations (variable ITE set to 5) #it can re-order a previous order, to improve the likelihood. #This is the REFINE_STEPS variable. In practice, I do not observe an improve in the likelihood value #but I have not checked whether the marker order has changed.

#the last part of the script makes a link with the marker list extracted at step 4 and return the map with all the chromosome together and #each marker with its coresponding identification (scaffold position)

#it can also filters to remove the repetitive lines (positin on which there are more than 200 markers)-> output file with f

#there is a possibility to phase which might be useful for QTL mapping. Yet, I am not fully sure how this works and how translate the 0/1 #of the phase into the AA/AB of RQTL etc...


#one may edit REFINE_STEPS variable, now set to 2 (a total of 3 ordering steps of 5 iterations each

step8 look at the maps

#in th e08 folder, one can find the output of the map with contig/position name and the plot of marker position #there are several Rfiles to do a summary

#the will prepare entry files for mapcomp #the will prepare entry files for chromonomer (a .tsv with the position on the map , and a fasta with sequence associated with each marker)


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