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Prometheus exporter to fetch statistics from Wallix bastion API


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Wallix Bastion exporter for Prometheus

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This is a simple server that scrapes Wallix Bastion stats and exports them via HTTP for Prometheus consumption.

Getting Started

Download and extract the lastest precompiled binary from releases page.

Then, run it:

./wallix_bastion_exporter [flags]

Help on flags:

./wallix_bastion_exporter --help

Check the examples directory for common installations like Systemd or Opentelemetry Collector.


First of all, it requires an available user on the target Wallix bastion with full read only permissions. Here is an example of the Terraform configuration:

resource "wallix-bastion_profile" "full_ro" {
  profile_name  = "full_ro"
  description   = "Grant read only access to everything"
  target_access = false

  gui_features {
    wab_audit      = "view"
    approval       = "view"
    authorizations = "view"
    devices        = "view"
    system_audit   = "view"
    target_groups  = "view"
    user_groups    = "view"
    users          = "view"
    wab_settings   = "view"

  gui_transmission {
    system_audit   = "view"
    approval       = "view"
    authorizations = "view"
    devices        = "view"
    target_groups  = "view"
    user_groups    = "view"
    users          = "view"
    wab_settings   = "view"

resource "wallix-bastion_user" "monitoring" {
  user_name        = "monitoring"
  display_name     = "Monitoring"
  email            = "monitoring@localhost.localdomain"
  profile          = wallix-bastion_profile.full_ro.profile_name
  user_auths       = ["local_password"]
  password         = "password should be retrieved from secure place like vault_generic_secret datasource"
  force_change_pwd = false
  ip_source        = ""

If the exporter is not installed on Wallix bastion host, so you must:

  • change the ip_source restriction for the user in the configuration above for the address from where the exporter will query Wallix bastion API.
  • specify the custom URL for the Wallix bastion API (e.g. ./wallix_bastion_exporter --scrape-uri

Then, you must configure at least wallix-username and wallix-password corresponding to this user. See Configuration section below for more information about how to configure the exporter.


Configuration can be done, in precendence order, using:

  1. flags
  2. environment variables
  3. yaml configuration file

For the last, you can copy config.yaml.sample next to the exporter binary and modify depending on your setup.

Here is a matrix with all available configurations depending on their sources:

Config option Environment variable Flag Description
listen-address LISTEN_ADDRESS --listen-address Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry
telemetry-path TELEMETRY_PATH --telemetry-path Path under which to expose metrics
scrape-uri SCRAPE_URI --scrape-uri URI on which to scrape Wallix Bastion API
skip-verify SKIP_VERIFY --skip-verify Flag that disables TLS certificate verification for the scrape URI
timeout TIMEOUT --timeout Timeout in seconds for requests to Wallix Bastion API
wallix-username WALLIX_USERNAME --wallix-username The username used for authentication to request Wallix Bastion API
wallix-password WALLIX_PASSWORD --wallix-password The password used for authentication to request Wallix Bastion API

You can mix the three sources as you wish like:

$ cat config.yaml
scrape-uri: ""
listen: ":4242"

$ WALLIX_PASSWORD=$(gopass show -o wallix-bastion/password) ./wallix_bastion_exporter --wallix-username "monitoring" --scrape-uri ""

In this example:

  • wallix-username is defined by --wallix-username flag to monitoring
  • wallix-password is defined by WALLIX_PASSWORD environment variable using gopass command
  • scrape-uri is defined by both configuration file and flag but the last has the priority so the value is
  • listen is defined by listen configuration file directive to :4242 to change the default port 9191


The statistics retrieved from Wallix API are not very dynamic so it is recommended to configure the scrape interval to 5m. Below could cause undesired load on the server. Above will desynchronize closed sessions metric timeframe.

Metric Labels Note
wallix_bastion_up 0 if the exporter cannot authenticate to Wallix API, 1 if request is successful
wallix_bastion_users Total number of local users as gauge
wallix_bastion_groups Total number of user groups as gauge
wallix_bastion_devices Total number of devices as gauge
wallix_bastion_targets type Number of targets per type
wallix_bastion_sessions status Number of sessions per status. closed status count is done over the last 5m independently of the scrape interval
wallix_bastion_encryption_status status,security_level Encryption status (need_setup=0, ready=1, need_passphrase=2)
wallix_bastion_encryption_security_level security_level,status Encryption security level (need_setup=0, passphrase_defined=1, passphrase_not_used=2, [hidden]=-1)
wallix_bastion_license_is_expired Is the Wallix is expired (0=false, 1=true)
wallix_bastion_license_primary_ratio License usage percentage of primary
wallix_bastion_license_secondary_ratio License usage percentage of secondary
wallix_bastion_license_named_user_ratio License usage percentage of named user
wallix_bastion_license_resource_ratio License usage percentage of resource
wallix_bastion_license_waapm_ratio License usage percentage of waapm
wallix_bastion_license_sm_target_ratio License usage percentage of sm target
wallix_bastion_license_pm_target_ratio License usage percentage of pm target


go build


Mozilla Public License 2.0, see LICENSE.