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Unity Design System

lerna Node.js CI

Package Version
@clarityhub/unity-core npm version
@clarityhub/unity-email npm version
@clarityhub/unity-forms npm version
@clarityhub/unity-marketing npm version
@clarityhub/unity-web npm version

Getting Started

See our documentation on how to use the Unity Design System.


  1. Install npm: npm i
  2. Install lerna
  3. Run npm run bootstrap
  4. Build packages - npm run build

You can now develop on each package. Run npm run docz:dev to generate the Design System docs.

If you need to run snapshots to update them or generate new ones, you can run the following command:

npm run test:watch -- --scope=@clarityhub/unity-web

Running unity-email

The unity-email package has a special build that you can run to generate example HTML files:

  1. npm run build
  2. npm run emails:watch
  3. npm run emails:run
  4. Open the /lib folder
  5. You can open any generated .html file to preview what emails will look like


Run npm run release to lint, run tests, and publish the packages (if you have permission).


Run npm run deploy to build the Docz site and deploy to gh-pages (if you have permission).