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Remove hardcoded MSBuild version, get latest instead
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kzu committed Dec 2, 2014
1 parent b4a27c0 commit a4086a5
Showing 1 changed file with 90 additions and 74 deletions.
164 changes: 90 additions & 74 deletions Common.ps1
@@ -1,75 +1,91 @@
# Builds all .slns recursively in Release mode, then
# pushes all resulting .nupkg in bin\Release folders
# This function assumes it's called from the netfx root
# folder, with the relative path being the path to
# search for nugets.
function Push-Packages
param([string] $relativePath)

$apiKey = Get-Content apikey.txt

Build-Packages $relativePath

Write-Progress -Activity "Pushing" -Status "Publishing built packages recursively"

Get-ChildItem -Path $relativePath -Recurse -Filter *.nupkg | Where-Object { $_.DirectoryName.EndsWith("bin\Release") } | %{ .\nuget.exe Push $_.FullName $apiKey }

Write-Progress -Activity "Pushing" -Status "Done!" -Completed

# Builds all .slns recursively in Release mode, then
# copies all resulting .nupkg in bin\Release folders
# to the Drop folder.
# This function assumes it's called from the netfx root
# folder, with the relative path being the path to
# search for nugets.
function Drop-Packages
param([string] $relativePath)

Build-Packages $relativePath

mkdir Drop -ea silentlycontinue
$dropDir = gci -Filter Drop
Write-Host "Drop location is " $dropDir.FullName

Get-ChildItem -Path $current -Recurse -Filter *.nupkg | `
Where-Object { $_.DirectoryName.EndsWith("bin\Release") } | %{ `
$target = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($dropDir.FullName, $_.Name); `
[System.Threading.Thread]::Sleep(1000); `
$_.CopyTo($target, $true); }

Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying" -Status "Done!" -Completed

# Builds all .slns recursively in Release mode
# This function assumes it's called from the netfx root
# folder, with the relative path being the path to
# search for nugets.
function Build-Packages
param([string] $relativePath)

$msbuild = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe")

Write-Progress -Activity "Building" -Status "Building release recursively"

# Build all extensions
foreach ($build in (Get-ChildItem -Path $relativePath -Recurse -Filter *.sln))
pushd $build.DirectoryName

Write-Progress -Activity "Building" -Status ("Cleaning " + $build.Name) -PercentComplete $progress
&$msbuild /target:Clean /verbosity:quiet /p:Configuration=Debug | out-null
&$msbuild /target:Clean /verbosity:quiet /p:Configuration=Release | out-null

Write-Progress -Activity "Building" -Status ("Building " + $build.Name) -PercentComplete $progress
&$msbuild /verbosity:minimal /p:Configuration=Release /nologo


Write-Progress -Activity "Building" -Status "Done!" -Completed
# Builds all .slns recursively in Release mode, then
# pushes all resulting .nupkg in bin\Release folders
# This function assumes it's called from the netfx root
# folder, with the relative path being the path to
# search for nugets.
function Push-Packages
param([string] $relativePath)

Build-Packages $relativePath

Write-Progress -Activity "Pushing" -Status "Publishing built packages recursively"

Get-ChildItem -Path $relativePath -Recurse -Filter *.nupkg | Where-Object { $_.DirectoryName.EndsWith("bin\Release") } | %{ .\nuget.exe Push $_.FullName }

Write-Progress -Activity "Pushing" -Status "Done!" -Completed

# Builds all .slns recursively in Release mode, then
# copies all resulting .nupkg in bin\Release folders
# to the Drop folder.
# This function assumes it's called from the netfx root
# folder, with the relative path being the path to
# search for nugets.
function Drop-Packages
param([string] $relativePath)

Build-Packages $relativePath

mkdir Drop -ea silentlycontinue
$dropDir = gci -Filter Drop
Write-Host "Drop location is " $dropDir.FullName

Get-ChildItem -Path $current -Recurse -Filter *.nupkg | `
Where-Object { $_.DirectoryName.EndsWith("bin\Release") } | %{ `
$target = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($dropDir.FullName, $_.Name); `
[System.Threading.Thread]::Sleep(1000); `
$_.CopyTo($target, $true); }

Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying" -Status "Done!" -Completed

# Builds all .slns recursively in Release mode
# This function assumes it's called from the netfx root
# folder, with the relative path being the path to
# search for nugets.
function Build-Packages
param([string] $relativePath)

$msbuilds = @(get-command msbuild -ea SilentlyContinue)
if ($msbuilds.Count -eq 0) {
throw "MSBuild could not be found in the path. Please ensure MSBuild is in the path."

if (!(test-path ".\.nuget\NuGet.exe")) {
if (!(test-path ".\.nuget")) {
mkdir .nuget | out-null
write-host Downloading NuGet.exe...
invoke-webrequest "" -outfile ".\.nuget\NuGet.exe"

if (test-path ".\packages.config") {
write-host Installing root-level NuGet packages...
.\.nuget\NuGet.exe Install -OutputDirectory packages -ExcludeVersion

$msbuild = $msbuilds[0].Definition

Write-Progress -Activity "Building" -Status "Building release recursively"

# Build all extensions
foreach ($build in (Get-ChildItem -Path $relativePath -Recurse -Filter *.sln))
pushd $build.DirectoryName

Write-Progress -Activity "Building" -Status ("Cleaning " + $build.Name) -PercentComplete $progress
&$msbuild /target:Clean /verbosity:quiet /p:Configuration=Debug | out-null
&$msbuild /target:Clean /verbosity:quiet /p:Configuration=Release | out-null

Write-Progress -Activity "Building" -Status ("Building " + $build.Name) -PercentComplete $progress
&$msbuild /verbosity:minimal /p:Configuration=Release /nologo


Write-Progress -Activity "Building" -Status "Done!" -Completed

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