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clarkzjw committed Jan 21, 2016
1 parent ba1633c commit 2c425c0
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Showing 7 changed files with 149 additions and 0 deletions.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions MATLAB/boxfilter.m
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
function imDst = boxfilter(imSrc, r)

% BOXFILTER O(1) time box filtering using cumulative sum
% - Definition imDst(x, y)=sum(sum(imSrc(x-r:x+r,y-r:y+r)));
% - Running time independent of r;
% - Equivalent to the function: colfilt(imSrc, [2*r+1, 2*r+1], 'sliding', @sum);
% - But much faster.

[hei, wid] = size(imSrc);
imDst = zeros(size(imSrc));

%cumulative sum over Y axis
imCum = cumsum(imSrc, 1);
%difference over Y axis
imDst(1:r+1, :) = imCum(1+r:2*r+1, :);
imDst(r+2:hei-r, :) = imCum(2*r+2:hei, :) - imCum(1:hei-2*r-1, :);
imDst(hei-r+1:hei, :) = repmat(imCum(hei, :), [r, 1]) - imCum(hei-2*r:hei-r-1, :);

%cumulative sum over X axis
imCum = cumsum(imDst, 2);
%difference over Y axis
imDst(:, 1:r+1) = imCum(:, 1+r:2*r+1);
imDst(:, r+2:wid-r) = imCum(:, 2*r+2:wid) - imCum(:, 1:wid-2*r-1);
imDst(:, wid-r+1:wid) = repmat(imCum(:, wid), [1, r]) - imCum(:, wid-2*r:wid-r-1);

10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions MATLAB/demo.m
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
close all;

I = im2double(imread('guide.png'));
p = im2double(imread('src.bmp'));
r = 3; % try r=2, 4, or 8
% eps = 0.2^2; % try eps=0.1^2, 0.2^2, 0.4^2
eps = 1e-6;

q = guidedfilter_color(I, p, r, eps);
imwrite(q, 'matlab.bmp');
Binary file added MATLAB/guide.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions MATLAB/guidedfilter.m
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
function q = guidedfilter(I, p, r, eps)
% GUIDEDFILTER O(1) time implementation of guided filter.
% - guidance image: I (should be a gray-scale/single channel image)
% - filtering input image: p (should be a gray-scale/single channel image)
% - local window radius: r
% - regularization parameter: eps

[hei, wid] = size(I);
N = boxfilter(ones(hei, wid), r); % the size of each local patch; N=(2r+1)^2 except for boundary pixels.

mean_I = boxfilter(I, r) ./ N;
mean_p = boxfilter(p, r) ./ N;
mean_Ip = boxfilter(I.*p, r) ./ N;
cov_Ip = mean_Ip - mean_I .* mean_p; % this is the covariance of (I, p) in each local patch.

mean_II = boxfilter(I.*I, r) ./ N;
var_I = mean_II - mean_I .* mean_I;

a = cov_Ip ./ (var_I + eps); % Eqn. (5) in the paper;
b = mean_p - a .* mean_I; % Eqn. (6) in the paper;

mean_a = boxfilter(a, r) ./ N;
mean_b = boxfilter(b, r) ./ N;

q = mean_a .* I + mean_b; % Eqn. (8) in the paper;
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions MATLAB/guidedfilter_color.m
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
function q = guidedfilter_color(I, p, r, eps)
% GUIDEDFILTER_COLOR O(1) time implementation of guided filter using a color image as the guidance.
% - guidance image: I (should be a color (RGB) image)
% - filtering input image: p (should be a gray-scale/single channel image)
% - local window radius: r
% - regularization parameter: eps

[hei, wid] = size(p);
N = boxfilter(ones(hei, wid), r); % the size of each local patch; N=(2r+1)^2 except for boundary pixels.

mean_I_r = boxfilter(I(:, :, 1), r) ./ N;
mean_I_g = boxfilter(I(:, :, 2), r) ./ N;
mean_I_b = boxfilter(I(:, :, 3), r) ./ N;

mean_p = boxfilter(p, r) ./ N;

mean_Ip_r = boxfilter(I(:, :, 1).*p, r) ./ N;
mean_Ip_g = boxfilter(I(:, :, 2).*p, r) ./ N;
mean_Ip_b = boxfilter(I(:, :, 3).*p, r) ./ N;

% covariance of (I, p) in each local patch.
cov_Ip_r = mean_Ip_r - mean_I_r .* mean_p;
cov_Ip_g = mean_Ip_g - mean_I_g .* mean_p;
cov_Ip_b = mean_Ip_b - mean_I_b .* mean_p;

% variance of I in each local patch: the matrix Sigma in Eqn (14).
% Note the variance in each local patch is a 3x3 symmetric matrix:
% rr, rg, rb
% Sigma = rg, gg, gb
% rb, gb, bb
var_I_rr = boxfilter(I(:, :, 1).*I(:, :, 1), r) ./ N - mean_I_r .* mean_I_r;
var_I_rg = boxfilter(I(:, :, 1).*I(:, :, 2), r) ./ N - mean_I_r .* mean_I_g;
var_I_rb = boxfilter(I(:, :, 1).*I(:, :, 3), r) ./ N - mean_I_r .* mean_I_b;
var_I_gg = boxfilter(I(:, :, 2).*I(:, :, 2), r) ./ N - mean_I_g .* mean_I_g;
var_I_gb = boxfilter(I(:, :, 2).*I(:, :, 3), r) ./ N - mean_I_g .* mean_I_b;
var_I_bb = boxfilter(I(:, :, 3).*I(:, :, 3), r) ./ N - mean_I_b .* mean_I_b;

a = zeros(hei, wid, 3);
for y=1:hei
for x=1:wid
Sigma = [var_I_rr(y, x), var_I_rg(y, x), var_I_rb(y, x);
var_I_rg(y, x), var_I_gg(y, x), var_I_gb(y, x);
var_I_rb(y, x), var_I_gb(y, x), var_I_bb(y, x)];
%Sigma = Sigma + eps * eye(3);

cov_Ip = [cov_Ip_r(y, x), cov_Ip_g(y, x), cov_Ip_b(y, x)];

a(y, x, :) = cov_Ip * inv(Sigma + eps * eye(3)); % Eqn. (14) in the paper;

b = mean_p - a(:, :, 1) .* mean_I_r - a(:, :, 2) .* mean_I_g - a(:, :, 3) .* mean_I_b; % Eqn. (15) in the paper;

q = (boxfilter(a(:, :, 1), r).* I(:, :, 1)...
+ boxfilter(a(:, :, 2), r).* I(:, :, 2)...
+ boxfilter(a(:, :, 3), r).* I(:, :, 3)...
+ boxfilter(b, r)) ./ N; % Eqn. (16) in the paper;
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions MATLAB/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@


Matlab demo code for "Guided Image Filtering" (ECCV 2010)

by Kaiming He (

If you use/adapt our code in your work (either as a stand-alone tool or as a component
of any algorithm), you need to appropriately cite our ECCV 2010 paper.

This code is for academic purpose only. Not for commercial/industrial activities.

The running time reported in the paper is from C++ implementation. This matlab code is
a reference for those who would like to reimplement our method.



guidedfilter.m - guided filter implementation (Eqn(5), (6), (8) in the paper)
guidedfilter_color.m - guided filter for color guidance (Eqn(14), (15), (16) in the paper)

Run the four examples to see the results shown in the paper.
Binary file added MATLAB/src.bmp
Binary file not shown.

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