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Updated docker assets (#105)
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* Updated docker assets

* Bump docker-compose.yml version to 3.8
  • Loading branch information
Tobias Andersen committed Feb 10, 2023
1 parent b3b9038 commit f0ad7d8
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Showing 10 changed files with 483 additions and 25 deletions.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions Dockerfile.terraclassic.terrad-binary
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
FROM ubuntu:22.04

RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ; \
apt-get update ; \
apt-get install -y build-essential wget lz4 aria2 curl jq gawk coreutils git golang-go ; \
apt-get clean ; \
mkdir /terra ; \
groupadd -r terra ; \
useradd -r -g terra --home-dir=/terra terra ; \
chown -R terra:terra /terra

ENV GOPATH=/usr/local/

RUN git clone ; \
cd core ; \
make install

USER terra

WORKDIR /terra

# rest server
# grpc
# tendermint p2p
EXPOSE 26656
# tendermint rpc
EXPOSE 26657

CMD ["/usr/local/bin/terrad", "version"]
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions Makefile
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ LEDGER_ENABLED ?= true
SIMAPP = ./app
DOCKER := $(shell which docker)
DOCKER_BUF := $(DOCKER) run --rm -v $(CURDIR):/workspace --workdir /workspace bufbuild/buf

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,20 +115,20 @@ endif

mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)
docker build --no-cache --tag terramoney/core ./
docker create --name temp terramoney/core:latest
docker build --no-cache --tag classic-terra/core ./
docker create --name temp classic-terra/core:latest
docker cp temp:/usr/local/bin/terrad $(BUILDDIR)/
docker rm temp

mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)
docker build --tag terramoney/core-shared ./ -f ./shared.Dockerfile
docker create --name temp terramoney/core-shared:latest
docker build --tag classic-terra/core-shared ./ -f ./shared.Dockerfile
docker create --name temp classic-terra/core-shared:latest
docker cp temp:/usr/local/bin/terrad $(BUILDDIR)/
docker cp temp:/lib/ $(BUILDDIR)/
docker rm temp

install: go.sum
install: go.sum
go install -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) ./cmd/terrad

update-swagger-docs: statik
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,10 +196,10 @@ benchmark:

golangci-lint run --out-format=tab
sudo golangci-lint run --out-format=tab

golangci-lint run --fix --out-format=tab --issues-exit-code=0
sudo golangci-lint run --fix --out-format=tab --issues-exit-code=0
.PHONY: lint lint-fix

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,4 +255,4 @@ localnet-start: build-linux localnet-stop
docker-compose down

.PHONY: localnet-start localnet-stop
.PHONY: localnet-start localnet-stop
285 changes: 284 additions & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ If you haven't already, install Golang by following the [official docs](https://
Use `git` to retrieve Terra Core from the [official repo]( and checkout the `main` branch. This branch contains the latest stable release, which will install the `terrad` binary.

git clone
git clone
cd core
git checkout main
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,3 +128,286 @@ wget -O ~/.terra/config/genesis.json
curl > ~/.terrad/config/addrbook.json
terrad start

### Join a testnet

Several testnets might exist simultaneously. Ensure that your version of `terrad` is compatible with the network you want to join.

To set up a node on the latest testnet, visit [the testnet repo](

### Run a local testnet

The easiest way to set up a local testing environment is to run [LocalTerra](, which automatically orchestrates a complete testing environment suited for development with zero configuration.

### Run a single node testnet

You can also run a local testnet using a single node. On a local testnet, you will be the sole validator signing blocks.

**Step 1. Create network and account**

First, initialize your genesis file to bootstrap your network. Create a name for your local testnet and provide a moniker to refer to your node:

terrad init --chain-id=<testnet_name> <node_moniker>

Next, create a Terra account by running the following command:

terrad keys add <account_name>

**Step 2. Add account to genesis**

Next, add your account to genesis and set an initial balance to start. Run the following commands to add your account and set the initial balance:

terrad add-genesis-account $(terrad keys show <account_name> -a) 100000000uluna,1000usd
terrad gentx <account_name> 10000000uluna --chain-id=<testnet_name>
terrad collect-gentxs

**Step 3. Run Terra daemon**

Now you can start your private Terra network:

terrad start

Your `terrad` node will be running a node on `tcp://localhost:26656`, listening for incoming transactions and signing blocks.

Congratulations, you've successfully set up your local Terra network!

## Set up a production environment

**NOTE**: This guide only covers general settings for a production-level full node. You can find further details on considerations for operating a validator node by visiting the [Terra validator guide](

This guide has been tested against Linux distributions only. To ensure you successfully set up your production environment, consider setting it up on an Linux system.

### Increase maximum open files

`terrad` can't open more than 1024 files (the default maximum) concurrently.

You can increase this limit by modifying `/etc/security/limits.conf` and raising the `nofile` capability.

* soft nofile 65535
* hard nofile 65535

### Create a dedicated user

It is recommended that you run `terrad` as a normal user. Super-user accounts are only recommended during setup to create and modify files.

### Port configuration

`terrad` uses several TCP ports for different purposes.

- `26656`: The default port for the P2P protocol. Use this port to communicate with other nodes. While this port must be open to join a network, it does not have to be open to the public. Validator nodes should configure `persistent_peers` and close this port to the public.

- `26657`: The default port for the RPC protocol. This port is used for querying / sending transactions and must be open to serve queries from `terrad`. **DO NOT** open this port to the public unless you are planning to run a public node.

- `1317`: The default port for [Lite Client Daemon]( (LCD), which can be enabled in `~/.terra/config/app.toml`. The LCD provides an HTTP RESTful API layer to allow applications and services to interact with your `terrad` instance through RPC. Check the [Terra REST API]( for usage examples. Don't open this port unless you need to use the LCD.

- `26660`: The default port for interacting with the [Prometheus]( database. You can use Promethues to monitor an environment. This port is closed by default.

### Run the server as a daemon


Keep `terrad` running at all times. The simplest solution is to register `terrad` as a `systemd` service so that it automatically starts after system reboots and other events.

### Register terrad as a service

First, create a service definition file in `/etc/systemd/system`.

**Sample file: `/etc/systemd/system/terrad.service`**

Description=Terra Daemon
ExecStart=/data/terra/go/bin/terrad start

Modify the `Service` section from the given sample above to suit your settings.
Note that even if you raised the number of open files for a process, you still need to include `LimitNOFILE`.

After creating a service definition file, you should execute `systemctl daemon-reload`.

### Start, stop, or restart service

Use `systemctl` to control (start, stop, restart)

# Start
systemctl start terrad
# Stop
systemctl stop terrad
# Restart
systemctl restart terrad

### Access logs

# Entire log
journalctl -t terrad
# Entire log reversed
journalctl -t terrad -r
# Latest and continuous
journalctl -t terrad -f

## Using `docker-compose`

1. Install Docker

- [Docker Install documentation](
- [Docker-Compose Install documentation](

2. Create a new folder on your local machine and copy docker-compose\docker-compose.yml

3. Review the docker-compose.yml contents

4. Bring up your stack by running

docker-compose up -d

5. Add your wallet
docker-compose exec node sh /

6. Copy your terra wallet address and go to the terra faucet here -> Put your address in and give yourself luna coins.

7. Start the validator
docker-compose exec node sh /

### Cheat Sheet:

#### Start

docker-compose up -d

#### Stop

docker-compose down

#### View Logs

docker-compose logs -f

#### Run Terrad Commands Example

docker-compose exec node terrad status

#### Upgrade

docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

#### Build from source
Its possible to use docker-compose to build the images from the go source code by running the following commands in sequence:

1) docker-compose -f docker-compose.node.yml -f build core --no-cache
2) docker-compose -f docker-compose.node.yml -f build node --no-cache

## Resources

- Developer Tools

- Terra developer documentation(
- []( - The Terra community wiki.
- SDKs
- [Terra.js]( for JavaScript
- [terra-sdk-python]( for Python
- [Faucet]( can be used to get tokens for testnets
- [LocalTerra]( can be used to set up a private local testnet with configurable world state

- Developer Forums
- [Terra Developer Discord](
- [Terra DEveloper Telegram room](

- Block Explorers

- [Terra Finder]( - Terra's basic block explorer.
- [Terrascope]( - A community-run block explorer with extra features.
- [Stake ID]( - A block explorer made by Staking Fund
- [Hubble]( - by Figment

- Wallets

- [Terra Station]( - The official Terra wallet.
- Terra Station Mobile
- [iOS](
- [Android](

- [Falcon Wallet](
- [Leap Wallet](
- [XDeFi](
- [Liquality](

- Research

- [Agora]( - Research forum
- [White Paper](

## Community

- [Offical Website](
- [Discord](
- [Telegram](
- [Twitter](
- [YouTube](

## Contributing

If you are interested in contributing to Terra Core source, please review our [code of conduct](./

## License

This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. Read more about it [here](LICENSE).

© 2022 Terraform Labs, PTE LTD


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