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Plugin to get the C3 linearization output from your project.


This plugin will help you to simplify your project's inheritance graph and to solve the linearization issues in an easier way.


npm install hardhat-c3-linearization

Import the plugin in your hardhat.config.js:


Or if you are using TypeScript, in your hardhat.config.ts:

import "hardhat-c3-linearization";


The plugin adds a linearize task to get the c3 linearization output from a project.

To do so just run

npx hardhat linearize

and the linearization output of your entire project will be in your project's linearization/linearization.json file.

You can add a specific path to get the linearization output of those specified files,

npx hardhat linearize ./contracts/MyContract.sol

The linearization output can also be generated when compiling, it will work over the entire project and is disabled by default.

The task is to clean the current linearization output file.

npx hardhat clean-linearize


To configure the linearization to run while compiling, this plugin extends the HardhatUserConfig's ProjectPathsUserConfig object with an optional linearization field to enable it.

This can be set as follows:

module.exports = {
  linearization: {
    enabled: true,


The plugin will be automatically executed when the project is compiled (if it is enabled).

And if there is any linearization problem during the compilation, even though the compilation will fail, the linearization file will be generated showing the issue.

For example in the following scenario,

 contract A{}
 contract B is A{}
 contract C is B, A{}

the linearization output will be:

  "A": ["A"],
  "B": ["B", "A"],
  "C": [
    "Linearization of inheritance graph impossible",
    ["B", "A"],
    ["A", "B"]

showing the linearization issue in contract C and the problem source when merging the linearization of contract B with the contract C inheritance order.

In any case, the same linearization output will be generated if the npx hardhat linearize task is executed.