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The Inkpad CLI can be installed with:

cargo install inkpad-cli

We can use the inkpad binary to explore the usages of inkpad library.

inkpad 0.2.0
Inkpad command tool

    inkpad [*.contract | name | code-hash] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    <*.contract | name | code-hash>    If empty, inkpad will load the last contract which has been executed

    call      Calls a call method
    deploy    Calls a deploy method
    help      Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    info      Prints info of *.contract
    list      Lists all contracts


  • lightweight. Inkpad is a standalone ink! contract environment that scales with your needs, Inkpad can be embedded into almost any application.
  • debugging. Inkpad built with the traps handlers of both wasmi and wasmtime, it supports catching the traps of the wasm binary of ink! contracts
  • tests. With Inkpad, you can write tests of ink! contract with full-features of the chain api
  • customized. The runtime of inkpad works with various of rust trait that we can configure it blazing flexible.

Platform Support

You can use Inkpad from a variety of different platforms:


// test flipper.contract
use inkpad_ri::Instance;
use inkpad_runtime::Runtime;
use parity_scale_codec::Encode;

fn test_flipper() {
    let mut rt = Runtime::contract(
    .expect("Create runtime failed");

    rt.deploy("default", vec![], None).expect("Deploy failed");
    assert_eq!("get", vec![], None), Ok(Some(vec![0])));

    rt.deploy("new", vec![true.encode()], None)
        .expect("Deploy failed");
    assert_eq!("get", vec![], None), Ok(Some(vec![1])));"flip", vec![], None).expect("Call contract failed");
    assert_eq!("get", vec![], None), Ok(Some(vec![0])));

How it works

Inkpad extracted from sp-sandbox and pallet-contracts of substrate with both wasmi and wasmtime features, plus trap handlers for the two executors.

It abstracts the chain environment which ink! contracts requires so that we can embed inkpad almost any applications to run ink! contracts.

Run ink! contract anywhere!