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Leon Rowland edited this page Mar 2, 2016 · 6 revisions

To make a Dialplan we first need an instance of the Dialplan class. This is the main holder classes for all lines you will add.

The Dialplan requires a name. This, in Asterisk, is the name found in [].

You have the option of passing in 1 line straight into the constructor.


$dialplan = new Dialplan('example_context', $line)


There are a few types of lines, for now we will just use the typical ExtenLine. The ExtenLine requires a pattern, string or number to match, the priority and the application tied with that line.

In this example, we are just assigning a number for the exten line, set to priority 1 and we pass the Application we want.

$line = new ExtenLine('100', 1, $application)


Every line requires a specification of an Application. In the above line, lets issue a Dial application. Different Applications have different methods, check that Applications class to find everything you have access to.

$application = new Dial('SIP', 'phone1')

String Representations

The Dialplan class, all Lines and Applications have a toString method to easily turn that class to the Asterisk string.

The above code for ExtenLine would output the following.

echo $line->toString()
// outputs
// exten => 100,1,Dial(SIP/phone1)

Using the toString method on the Dialplan class will prepare the entire Dialplan in string form. The above Dialplan would look like this.

echo $dialplan->toString();
// outputs
// [example_context]
// exten => 100,1,Dial(SIP/phone1)

Dialplan::toString will also include line breaks "\n"

Full Example

include "vendor/autoload.php";

use Clearvox\Asterisk\Dialplan\Application\Dial;
use Clearvox\Asterisk\Dialplan\Dialplan;
use Clearvox\Asterisk\Dialplan\Line\ExtenLine;

// Make the first line
$firstLine = new ExtenLine(100, 1, (new Dial('SIP', 'phone1', 30))->addOption('o'));

// Make the whole Dialplan Context
$dialplan = new Dialplan('example_context', $firstLine);

// Prepare the second Dial
$dial = new Dial('SIP', 'phone2', 30);

// Second line
$secondLine = new ExtenLine(101, 1, $dial);

// Add to the Dialplan

// Check the string representation of the Dialplan
echo $dialplan->toString();

// [example_context]
// exten => 100,1,Dial(SIP/phone1,30,o)
// exten => 101,1,Dial(SIP/phone2,30,otT)
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