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r3a1ay edited this page Apr 9, 2015 · 3 revisions

Use these settings to configure your code style for .hx files. The style will be used in generated code and snippets.

Class structure

Use haxe_fields_order setting to specify the class structure. The available keys are:

Key Description
V Sorted static variables
v Sorted variables
F Sorted static methods
f Sorted methods


"haxe_fields_order": "Fvf"

The fields will be generated in this order:

private static function fooA():Void {}
public static function fooB():Void {}

public static var barA:Int;
public var barB:Int;
private static var barC:Int;

private function fooC():Void {}


Use haxe_modifiers_order setting to specify the preferred order of modifiers. The available keys are:

Key Description
o override
p private or public
i inline
s static


"haxe_modifiers_order": "ospi"

Generated method will look like this:

static private inline function foo():Int {}


Use haxe_whitespace_style and haxe_white_space2 settings to specify your preferred spaces style.


"haxe_whitespace_style": "function f (a : T<T> , b : T = null) : T->T;",
"haxe_whitespace_style2": "for(i in 0...5)"

Generated code will look like this:

function foo (a : String , b : Int) : Void {
    for(i in 0...10) {}


Use haxe_brace_style setting to specify the position of the opening brace and the keyword after the closing brace.


"haxe_brace_style" : "}\nelse\n{"

Generated code will look like this:

if (true)
    // if
    // else

Blank lines

Use haxe_bl_top, haxe_bl_property, haxe_bl_group, haxe_bl_var and haxe_bl_method settings to specify the number of blank lines between code blocks. More

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