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Wind stress example.
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Co-Authored-By: sandreza <>
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ali-ramadhan and sandreza committed Apr 17, 2019
1 parent e6edea5 commit 9584ec9
Showing 1 changed file with 144 additions and 0 deletions.
144 changes: 144 additions & 0 deletions examples/wind_stress.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
using ArgParse

s = ArgParseSettings(description="Run simulations of an ocean forced by surface wind stresses.")

@add_arg_table s begin
"--resolution", "-N"
help="Number of grid points in each dimension (Nx, Ny, Nz) = (N, N, N)."
help="Wind stress to impose at the surface in the x-direction [N/m²]."
"--heat-flux", "-Q"
help="Heat flux to impose at the surface [W/m²]. Negative values imply a cooling flux."
help="Temperature gradient to impose at the bottom [K/m]."
help="Diffusivity κ [m²/s]."
help="Time step in seconds."
help="Number of simulation days to run the model."
"--output-dir", "-d"
help="Base directory to save output to."

parsed_args = parse_args(s)
N = parsed_args["resolution"]
τ = parsed_args["wind-stress"]
Q = parsed_args["heat-flux"]
dTdz = parsed_args["dTdz"]
κ = parsed_args["diffusivity"]
dt = parsed_args["dt"]
days = parsed_args["days"]

for arg in [N, τ, Q, dTdz, dt, days]
arg = isinteger(arg) ? Int(arg) : args

base_dir = parsed_args["output-dir"]

filename_prefix = "wind_stress_N" * string(N) * "_tau" * string(τ) * "_Q" * string(Q) *
"_dTdz" * string(dTdz) * "_k" * string(κ) * "_dt" * string(dt) *
"_days" * string(days)
output_dir = joinpath(base_dir, filename_prefix)

if !isdir(output_dir)
println("Creating directory: $output_dir")

# Adding a second worker/proccessor for asynchronous NetCDF output writing.
using Distributed

# We need to activate the Oceananigans environment on all workers if executing
# this script from the development repository using "julia --project".
@everywhere using Pkg
@everywhere Pkg.activate(".");

@everywhere using Oceananigans
@everywhere using CuArrays
@everywhere using Printf

# Physical constants.
ρ₀ = 1027 # Density of seawater [kg/m³]
cₚ = 4181.3 # Specific heat capacity of seawater at constant pressure [J/(kg·K)]

# Set more simulation parameters.
Nx, Ny, Nz = N, N, N
Lx, Ly, Lz = 100, 100, 100
Δt = dt
Nt = Int(days*60*60*24/dt)
ν = κ # This is also implicitly setting the Prandtl number Pr = 1.

# We impose the wind stress as a flux at the surface.
wind_stress_flux = τ/ρ₀

# To impose a flux boundary condition, the top flux imposed should be negative
# for a heating flux and positive for a cooling flux, thus the minus sign.
heat_flux = -Q / (ρ₀ * cₚ)

# Create the model.
model = Model(N=(Nx, Ny, Nz), L=(Lx, Ly, Lz), ν=ν, κ=κ, arch=GPU(), float_type=Float64)

# Set boundary conditions.
model.boundary_conditions.u.z.left = BoundaryCondition(Flux, wind_stres_flux)
model.boundary_conditions.T.z.left = BoundaryCondition(Flux, heat_flux)
model.boundary_conditions.T.z.right = BoundaryCondition(Gradient, dTdz)

# Set initial conditions.
T_prof = 273.15 .+ 20 .+ dTdz .* model.grid.zC # Initial temperature profile.
T_3d = repeat(reshape(T_prof, 1, 1, Nz), Nx, Ny, 1) # Convert to a 3D array.

# Add small normally distributed random noise to the top half of the domain to
# facilitate numerical convection.
@. T_3d[:, :, 1:round(Int, Nz/2)] += 0.01*randn() .= CuArray(T_3d)

# Add a NaN checker diagnostic that will check for NaN values in the vertical
# velocity and temperature fields every 1,000 time steps and abort the simulation
# if NaN values are detected.
nan_checker = NaNChecker(1000, [model.velocities.w, model.tracers.T], ["w", "T"])
push!(model.diagnostics, nan_checker)

# Write full output to disk enough times that we end up with 32 outputs.
n_outputs = 32
output_freq = floor(Int, Nt / n_outputs)
netcdf_writer = NetCDFOutputWriter(dir=output_dir, prefix=filename_prefix * "_",
padding=0, naming_scheme=:file_number,
frequency=output_freq, async=true)
push!(model.output_writers, netcdf_writer)

# With asynchronous output writing we need to wrap our time-stepping using
# an @sync block so that Julia does not just quit if the model finishes time
# stepping while there are still output files that need to be written to disk
# on another worker/processor.
@sync begin
# Take Ni "intermediate" time steps at a time and print out the current time
# and average wall clock time per time step.
Ni = 100
for i = 1:ceil(Int, Nt/Ni)
progress = 100 * (model.clock.iteration / Nt) # Progress %
@printf("[%06.2f%%] Time: %.1f / %.1f...", progress, model.clock.time, Nt*Δt)

tic = time_ns()
time_step!(model, Ni, Δt)

@printf(" average wall clock time per iteration: %s\n", prettytime((time_ns() - tic) / Ni))

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