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paintable macro for generating paintable sub-classes, i.e. overriding…
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… JComponent.paintComponent().
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daveray committed Jun 9, 2011
1 parent 846d5fd commit f1298ab
Showing 1 changed file with 65 additions and 18 deletions.
83 changes: 65 additions & 18 deletions src/seesaw/core.clj
Expand Up @@ -1694,52 +1694,99 @@

(def ^{:private true} paint-property "seesaw-paint")

(defn- canvas-paint-option-handler [c v]
(defn- paint-option-handler [c v]
(nil? v) (canvas-paint-option-handler c {:before nil :after nil :super? true})
(fn? v) (canvas-paint-option-handler c {:after v})
(nil? v) (paint-option-handler c {:before nil :after nil :super? true})
(fn? v) (paint-option-handler c {:after v})
(map? v) (do (put-meta! c paint-property v) (.repaint c))
:else (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Expect map or function for :paint property"))))

(defmacro ^{:private true} paintable-proxy [class]
`(proxy [~class] []
(paintComponent [g#]
(let [{:keys [~'before ~'after ~'super?] :or {~'super? true}} (get-meta ~'this paint-property)]
(ssg/anti-alias g#)
(when ~'before (ssg/push g# (~'before ~'this g#)))
(when ~'super? (proxy-super paintComponent g#))
(when ~'after (ssg/push g# (~'after ~'this g#)))))))

(defmacro paintable
"Macro that generates a paintable widget, i.e. a widget that can be drawn on
by client code. class is a Swing class literal indicating the type that will
be constructed. handler can be one of the following:
nil - disables painting. The widget will be filled with its background
color unless it is not opaque.
(fn [c g]) - a paint function that takes the canvas and a Graphics2D as
arguments. Called after super.paintComponent.
{:before fn :after fn} - a map with :before and :after functions which
are called before and after super.paintComponent respectively.
If you just want a panel to draw on, use (seesaw.core/canvas). This macro is
intended for customizing the appearance of existing widget types.
Also note that some customizations are also possible and maybe easier with
the creative use of borders on widgets.
Typically, you'd use this macro in conjunction with (seesaw.core/with-widget):
(paintable javax.swing.JLabel (fn [c g] (.fillRect g 0 0 20 20)))
(label :text \"Hello\", ....))
[class handler]
`(doto (paintable-proxy ~class)
(paint-option-handler ~handler)))

(def ^{:private true} canvas-options {
:paint canvas-paint-option-handler
:paint paint-option-handler

(defn- create-paintable []
(proxy [javax.swing.JPanel] []
(paintComponent [g]
(let [{:keys [before after super?] :or {super? true}} (get-meta this paint-property)]
(ssg/anti-alias g)
(when before (ssg/push g (before this g)))
(when super? (proxy-super paintComponent g))
(when after (ssg/push g (after this g)))))))

(defn canvas
[& opts]
"Creates a paintable canvas, i.e. a JPanel with paintComponent overridden.
Painting is configured with the :paint property which can be:
nil - disables painting. The canvas' will be filled with its background
color unless :opaque? is false.
(fn [c g]) - a paint function that takes the canvas and a Graphics2D as
arguments. Called after super.paintComponent.
{:before fn :after fn} - a map with :before and :after functions which
are called before and after super.paintComponent respectively.
Note that (config!) can be used to change the :paint property at any time.
(seesaw.core/config!) can be used to change the :paint property at any time.
:paint is equivalent to the second argument to the (seesaw.core/paintable)
Here's an example:
(canvas :paint #(.drawString %2 \"I'm a canvas\" 10 10))
(let [p (create-paintable)]
(let [{:keys [paint] :as opts} opts
p (paintable javax.swing.JPanel paint)]
(.setLayout p nil)
(apply-options p opts (merge default-options canvas-options))))
(apply-options p (dissoc opts :paint) (merge default-options canvas-options))))

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