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How to build a machine that learns how to play a flappy bird?


Congratulations AI! You play yourself.


The line of codes were inspired by nature. It was the combination between neurons, how our brain works, and the Darwinian theory of evolution. Those combinations between the Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm compose unsupervised machine learning. The servo motor is to show how the mechanical machine learn to interact with another machine as the environment.

Game Parameters

  • Bird ID is the identification of an agent.
  • Score is the score of the current agent playing.
  • High score is the highest score for all the agents whom who has played the game.
  • Generation is the current generation of all the agents being runned.


  • Arduino Nano
  • SG90 Micro Servo
  • M2 screws and nuts
  • 2x 3D printed parts
  • Wires

Artificial Neural Network

Let us call the robot an agent, each individual agent has its own brain of an artificial network of 4 inputs and 7 hidden nodes, and 1 output.

self.wih = numpy.random.normal(0.0, pow(self.hnodes,-0.5), (self.hnodes, self.inodes))
self.who = numpy.random.normal(0.0, pow(self.onodes,-0.5), (self.onodes, self.hnodes))

Then, the forward propagation is to calculate the output result by using the weights of each node of the Artificial Neural Network. We could just simple calculate this using matrix.

def query(self, inputs_list):
    # convert inputs list to 2d array
    inputs = numpy.array(inputs_list, ndmin=2).T
    # calculate signals into hidden layer
    hidden_inputs =, inputs)
    # calculate the signals emerging from hidden layer
    hidden_outputs = self.activation_function(hidden_inputs)
    # calculate signals into final output layer
    final_inputs =, hidden_outputs)
    # calculate the signals emerging from final output layer
    final_outputs = self.activation_function(final_inputs)

    return final_outputs

Evolutionary Algorithm

The evolutionary algorithm or genetic algorithm helps to select the better agents who are more likely survive by using the techniques as following: survival of the fittest, reproduction, and mutation.

  1. Create the first population
# Create first population
print('Geration : 0, HELLO WORLD!')

for i in range(POP_SIZE):
    person[i] = Individual(input_nodes,hidden_nodes,output_nodes,0)
    offspring[i] = person[i]
  1. Run all the individual agents and calculate the fitness (How far the agent can survive). In this case, we just have one agent as one machine to be evaluated at the same time.
  2. Survival of the fittest describes that those birds tend to live longer and reproduce, create a new generation with the evolved genes ( the Artificial Neural Network).
i1 = random.randrange(POP_SIZE) # choose parent
i2 = random.randrange(POP_SIZE) # choose parent
i3 = random.randrange(POP_SIZE) # choose parent

if person[i1].fitness >= person[i2].fitness:
    mom = i1
    mom = i2
if person[i3].fitness >= person[mom].fitness:
    mom = i3

i1 = random.randrange(POP_SIZE) # choose parent
i2 = random.randrange(POP_SIZE) # choose parent
i3 = random.randrange(POP_SIZE) # choose parent

if person[i1].fitness >= person[i2].fitness:
    dad = i1
    dad = i2
if person[i3].fitness >= person[dad].fitness:
    dad = i3
  1. Reproduction to create a new generation of offspring.

# Crossover for who
for i in range(hidden_nodes):
    if random.random()< X_BIAS:
        offspring[indiv].who[0,i] = person[mom].who[0][i]
        offspring[indiv].who[0,i] = person[dad].who[0][i]

# Crossover for wih
for i in range(input_nodes):
    for ii in range(hidden_nodes):
        if random.random()< X_BIAS:
            offspring[indiv].wih[ii,i] = person[mom].wih[ii][i]
            offspring[indiv].wih[ii,i] = person[dad].wih[ii][i]
  1. Mutation to evolve.

# Mutation for who
for i in range(hidden_nodes):
    if random.random()< MUT_RATE:
        r = (random.randint(0, 1))%2 *2-1 # create a number either -1 or 1 (sign)
        offspring[indiv].who[0,i] += r*STEP_SIZE

# Mutation for wih
for i in range(input_nodes):
    for ii in range(hidden_nodes):
        if random.random()< MUT_RATE:
            r = (random.randint(0, 1))%2 *2-1 # create a number either -1 or 1 (sign)
            offspring[indiv].wih[ii,i] += r*STEP_SIZE
  1. All parents are replaced by the offsprings.

Pre-Trained Model

After hours of training and calibration, this is the result that you might get.Otherwise if you would like to save time, you could use this following weights.

Pre-trained Artificial Neural Network weights:

self.wih = numpy.array([[-3.29829867,  0.76441159,  2.40556884, -0.27947868],
                        [ 0.3240327,   2.25160679, -1.84486032, -1.9700158 ],
                        [-2.62540542,  2.33445864, -0.46812661, -2.3635345 ],
                        [-0.90241636,  1.99882317, -2.67465566, -1.29619994],
                        [-0.15231266,  2.49082877,  1.08143091,  0.58047555],
                        [ 0.62497593,  1.42985698, -3.91579115, -0.20542114],
                        [ 2.7336978 ,  2.26497664,  1.86146316, -0.69662931]])

self.who = numpy.array([[-4.23668794, -1.10929065,  0.05054322,  0.41018827,  2.70858315, -0.42650511, -1.21117085]])


Most of the project is licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later. See the LICENSES folder and the SPDX metadata for more details. The project is REUSE compliant.

Original Authors


  • J.C. Mariscal-Melgar


Special thanks to Yohanes Tjandrawidjaja for the math expert and suggestions. Credit to: for the game.


How to build a machine that learn how to play a flappy bird?







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