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A simple API wrapper for facebook graph api ✨ 🍰 ✨ .

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Python Facebook

A Python wrapper around for Facebook Common API.

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This project structure is base on Python-Twitter.

Thanks a lot for Python-Twitter Developers.


Library provides a service to easy use Facebook Graph API.

It currently includes the use of Facebook and Instagram Business product data.


You can install this library from pypi:

$pip install --upgrade python-facebook-api

This is name is ugly. but the python-facebook is exists and it not update long time.


You can view the latest python-facebook documentation at:

Also view the full Facebook Graph API docs at:


Facebook API

The API is exposed via the pyfacebook.Api class.

This API need facebook OAUTH keys to get any data from facebook. And the facebook app is required first.

If you not have facebook app, you can view Facebook Developers to apply one. If you have app. you can do as follows example.

All the OAuth Doc to see Facebook Access Token

To create an instance of the pyfacebook.Api with two different methods. Use only long term token or provide app id, app secret and short token:

In [1]: import pyfacebook

In [2]: api = pyfacebook.Api(app_id='your app id',   # use the second method.
   ...:                      app_secret='your app secret',
   ...:                      short_token='your short token')

In [3]: api = pyfacebook.Api(long_term_token='your long term access token')

To see if your config well:

In [4]: api.get_token_info(return_json=True)
{'data': {'app_id': 'xxx',
'type': 'USER',
'application': 'xxx',
'data_access_expires_at': 1555231532,
'expires_at': 1553244944,
'is_valid': True,
'issued_at': 1548060944,
'scopes': ['public_profile'],
'user_id': 'xxx'}}

To fetch one facebook page's public data:

In [5]: api.get_page_info(page_id='20531316728')  # you can make return_json True to see more fields
Out[5]: Page(ID=20531316728, username=facebook)

Because facebook graph api limit Page Feed. Use public token only can get approximately 600 ranked, published posts per year. If you want to get page's all posts. you need query the /{page_id}/published_posts endpoint with page's access token. First get page's access token (Must the page's administer give the permission manage_pages.):

In [6]: access_token = api.exchange_insights_token(token='user token', page_id='page id')
Out[6]: 'page access token'

Now. You can use page access token to get page's all posts:

In [7]: api.get_published_posts(username='facebook', access_token='page access token')
Out[7]: [Post...]

Use the page access token, you can also get the posts who has tagged your page. Like this:

In [8]: api.get_tagged_posts(username='facebook', access_token='page access token')
Out[8]: [Post...]

To fetch a list facebook page's public posts data (Not full):

In [9]: api.get_posts(username='facebook')
[Post(ID=20531316728_10158033357426729, permalink_url=,
 Post(ID=2031316728_10157806010111729, permalink_url=,
 Post(ID=20531316728_1877006505687069, permalink_url=,
 Post(ID=20531316728_267444427196392, permalink_url=]

To fetch point post info:

In [10]: res = api.get_post_info(post_id='20531316728_10157619579661729')

In [11]: res
Out[11]: Post(ID=20531316728_10157619579661729, permalink_url=

In [12]: res.comments
Out[12]: 1016

To fetch pointed object(post,picture and so on)'s comments data:

In [13]: res = api.get_comments(object_id='20531316728_10157619579661729', summary=True)
In [14]: res
In [15]: res[1]
Out[15]: CommentSummary(order=chronological,total_count=987)
In [16]: res.as_json_string()
Out[16]: '{"can_comment": true, "order": "chronological", "total_count": 987}'

Instagram API

At present, the business Account of Instagram can be accessed through the API provided by Facebook.

That is pyfacebook.Instagram Api can only get data of the business Account on Instagram platform.

The business Account is the Account who associates Instagram account with Facebook page.

Initialization of the pyfacebook.InstagramApi instance requires the provision of user authorization Token for App with Instagram privileges, and also need an available Instagram business account.

For detailed documentation, please consult:

Usage example:

Similar to Facebook Api, the InstagramApi instance can also be initialized in two ways, but requires an additional instagram_business_id parameter:

# Use temporary tokens and App secret
In [1] import pyfacebook

In [2] api = pyfacebook.InstagramApi(
   ...     app_id = 'App ID',
   ...     app_secret='App secret',
   ...     short_token='your temporary token',
   ...     instagram_business_id='your Instagram business id')

# Use long-term tokens
In [3] api = pyfacebook.InstagramApi(
   ...     long_term_token='your long term access token',
   ...     instagram_business_id='your Instagram business id')

Get basic information about a user:

In [12]: api.get_user_info(username='jaychou')
Out[12]: User(ID=17841405792603923, username=jaychou)

In [13]: api.get_user_info(username='jaychou', return_json=True)
{'business_discovery': {'biography': '',
  'id': '17841405792603923',
  'ig_id': 5951385086,
  'followers_count': 3303887,
  'follows_count': 50,
  'media_count': 319,
  'name': 'Jay Chou 周杰倫',
  'profile_picture_url': '',
  'username': 'jaychou',
  'website': ''},
  'id': '17841406338772941'}

Mass access to a user's posts(Get nearly 50 by default):

In [3]: api.get_medias(username='jaychou')
    [Media(ID=17852512102358859, link=,
     Media(ID=17914455160286660, link=,
     Media(ID=18038180344016282, link=,
     Media(ID=18000503476161727, link=,
     Media(ID=17863710898325821, link=,
     Media(ID=17857272226339334, link=,
     Media(ID=17854413100345353, link=,
     Media(ID=18033275821031206, link=,
     Media(ID=18033135562032465, link=,
     Media(ID=17933504032265945, link=,
     Media(ID=18017672368106762, link=,
     Media(ID=18033213532062450, link=,
     Media(ID=18031391875036047, link=,
     Media(ID=18029417977062683, link=]

Get information about a post(This API is available only for posts on the current Instagram business account and is not available to others):

In [5]: api.get_media_info(media_id='17861821972334188')
Out[5]: Media(ID=17861821972334188, link=


Now features:

Facebook Api:

  • Page Info.
  • Page Picture Info.
  • Feed Info (public posts, published posts, tagged posts).
  • Comment Info.

Instagram Api:

  • Business user info.
  • Medias info


  • Acquisition of Insights Data
  • publish


A simple API wrapper for facebook graph api ✨ 🍰 ✨ .






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  • Python 99.2%
  • Makefile 0.8%