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Added Trivia
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cloh76 committed Jul 7, 2018
1 parent 2bcabfc commit d1ae38a
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Showing 8 changed files with 2,180 additions and 535 deletions.
291 changes: 136 additions & 155 deletions actions/add_embed_field.js
@@ -1,155 +1,136 @@
module.exports = {

// Action Name
// This is the name of the action displayed in the editor.

name: "Add Embed Field",

// Action Section
// This is the section the action will fall into.

section: "Embed Message",

// Action Subtitle
// This function generates the subtitle displayed next to the name.

subtitle: function(data) {
return `${data.message}`;

// DBM Mods Manager Variables (Optional but nice to have!)
// These are variables that DBM Mods Manager uses to show information
// about the mods for people to see in the list.

// Who made the mod (If not set, defaults to "DBM Mods")
author: "DBM",

// The version of the mod (Defaults to 1.0.0)
version: "1.8.2",

// A short description to show on the mod line for this mod (Must be on a single line)
short_description: "Changed category",

// If it depends on any other mods by name, ex: WrexMODS if the mod uses something from WrexMods


// Action Fields
// These are the fields for the action. These fields are customized
// by creating elements with corresponding IDs in the HTML. These
// are also the names of the fields stored in the action's JSON data.

fields: ["storage", "varName", "fieldName", "message", "inline"],

// Command HTML
// This function returns a string containing the HTML used for
// editting actions.
// The "isEvent" parameter will be true if this action is being used
// for an event. Due to their nature, events lack certain information,
// so edit the HTML to reflect this.
// The "data" parameter stores constants for select elements to use.
// Each is an array: index 0 for commands, index 1 for events.
// The names are: sendTargets, members, roles, channels,
// messages, servers, variables

html: function(isEvent, data) {
return `
<div style="float: left; width: 35%;">
Source Embed Object:<br>
<select id="storage" class="round" onchange="glob.refreshVariableList(this)">
<div id="varNameContainer" style="float: right; width: 60%;">
Variable Name:<br>
<input id="varName" class="round varSearcher" type="text" list="variableList"><br>
<div style="padding-top: 8px;">
<div style="float: left; width: 50%;">
Field Name:<br>
<input id="fieldName" class="round" type="text">
<div style="float: left; width: 50%;">
Display Inline:<br>
<select id="inline" class="round">
<option value="0">Yes</option>
<option value="1" selected>No</option>
<div style="padding-top: 8px;">
Field Description:<br>
<textarea id="message" rows="8" placeholder="Insert message here..." style="width: 99%; font-family: monospace; white-space: nowrap; resize: none;"></textarea>

// Action Editor Init Code
// When the HTML is first applied to the action editor, this code
// is also run. This helps add modifications or setup reactionary
// functions for the DOM elements.

init: function() {

// Action Bot Function
// This is the function for the action within the Bot's Action class.
// Keep in mind event calls won't have access to the "msg" parameter,
// so be sure to provide checks for variable existance.

action: function(cache) {
const data = cache.actions[cache.index];
const storage = parseInt(;
const varName = this.evalMessage(data.varName, cache);
const embed = this.getVariable(storage, varName, cache);
const name = this.evalMessage(data.fieldName, cache);
const message = this.evalMessage(data.message, cache);
const inline = Boolean(data.inline === "0");
if(embed && embed.addField) {
embed.addField(name, message, inline);

// Action Bot Mod
// Upon initialization of the bot, this code is run. Using the bot's
// DBM namespace, one can add/modify existing functions if necessary.
// In order to reduce conflictions between mods, be sure to alias
// functions you wish to overwrite.

mod: function(DBM) {

}; // End of module
module.exports = {

// Action Name
// This is the name of the action displayed in the editor.

name: "Add Embed Field",

// Action Section
// This is the section the action will fall into.

section: "Messaging",

// Action Subtitle
// This function generates the subtitle displayed next to the name.

subtitle: function(data) {
return `${data.message}`;

// Action Fields
// These are the fields for the action. These fields are customized
// by creating elements with corresponding IDs in the HTML. These
// are also the names of the fields stored in the action's JSON data.

fields: ["storage", "varName", "fieldName", "message", "inline"],

// Command HTML
// This function returns a string containing the HTML used for
// editting actions.
// The "isEvent" parameter will be true if this action is being used
// for an event. Due to their nature, events lack certain information,
// so edit the HTML to reflect this.
// The "data" parameter stores constants for select elements to use.
// Each is an array: index 0 for commands, index 1 for events.
// The names are: sendTargets, members, roles, channels,
// messages, servers, variables

html: function(isEvent, data) {
return `
<div style="float: left; width: 35%;">
Source Embed Object:<br>
<select id="storage" class="round" onchange="glob.refreshVariableList(this)">
<div id="varNameContainer" style="float: right; width: 60%;">
Variable Name:<br>
<input id="varName" class="round varSearcher" type="text" list="variableList"><br>
<div style="padding-top: 8px;">
<div style="float: left; width: 50%;">
Field Name:<br>
<input id="fieldName" class="round" type="text">
<div style="float: left; width: 50%;">
Display Inline:<br>
<select id="inline" class="round">
<option value="0">Yes</option>
<option value="1" selected>No</option>
<div style="padding-top: 8px;">
Field Description:<br>
<textarea id="message" rows="8" placeholder="Insert message here..." style="width: 99%; font-family: monospace; white-space: nowrap; resize: none;"></textarea>

// Action Editor Init Code
// When the HTML is first applied to the action editor, this code
// is also run. This helps add modifications or setup reactionary
// functions for the DOM elements.

init: function() {
const {glob, document} = this;


// Action Bot Function
// This is the function for the action within the Bot's Action class.
// Keep in mind event calls won't have access to the "msg" parameter,
// so be sure to provide checks for variable existance.

action: function(cache) {
const data = cache.actions[cache.index];
const storage = parseInt(;
const varName = this.evalMessage(data.varName, cache);
const embed = this.getVariable(storage, varName, cache);
const name = this.evalMessage(data.fieldName, cache);
const message = this.evalMessage(data.message, cache);
const inline = Boolean(data.inline === "0");
if(embed && embed.addField) {
embed.addField(name, message, inline);

// Action Bot Mod
// Upon initialization of the bot, this code is run. Using the bot's
// DBM namespace, one can add/modify existing functions if necessary.
// In order to reduce conflictions between mods, be sure to alias
// functions you wish to overwrite.

mod: function(DBM) {

}; // End of module

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