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Merge pull request #197 from Malabarba/master
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Debugger rewrite
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bbatsov committed Apr 25, 2015
2 parents 91bc58c + def4c04 commit 9117447
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Showing 5 changed files with 306 additions and 59 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -204,7 +204,6 @@ Let's also acknowledge some of the projects leveraged by cider-nrepl:
* [tools.trace]( - for tracing
* [tools.namespace]( - for namespace reloading
* [cljfmt]( - for code formatting
* [clj-debugger]( - for debugging

## License

Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion project.clj
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.10"]
[org.tcrawley/dynapath "0.2.3"]
[debugger "0.1.7"]
^:source-dep [compliment "0.2.2-SNAPSHOT"]
^:source-dep [cljs-tooling "0.1.5"]
^:source-dep [cljfmt "0.1.10"]
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244 changes: 198 additions & 46 deletions src/cider/nrepl/middleware/debug.clj
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@@ -1,69 +1,221 @@
(ns cider.nrepl.middleware.debug
"Expression-based debugger for clojure code"
{:author "Artur Malabarba"}
(:require [ :as transport]
[ :refer [set-descriptor!]]
[ :refer [response-for]]
[cider.nrepl.middleware.util.instrument :refer [instrument]]
[debugger.time :as t]
[debugger.config :as c]
[debugger.core :refer [break]]))
[ :refer [*msg*]]
[cider.nrepl.middleware.stacktrace :refer [analyze-causes]]
[cider.nrepl.middleware.util.instrument :refer [instrument]])
(:import [clojure.lang Compiler$LocalBinding]))

;;;; ## Interaction with the client
;;;; # The Debugger
;;; The debugger is divided into two parts, intrument.clj and
;;; debug.clj.
;;; - instrument.clj (which see), found in the util/ subdir, is
;;; responsible for navigating a code data structure and
;;; instrumenting all sexps of interest.
;;; - debug.clj is the debugger per se. It doesn't actually "look" at
;;; the code it's being run on. It simply implements the breakpoint
;;; logic as well as a number of functions to interact with the user
;;; according to breakpoints placed by instrument.clj.
;;; After the repl is started, before the debugger can be used, a
;;; message must be sent by the client with the "init-debugger" op
;;; (only one of these is necessary througout a session).
;;; Afterwards, code can be instrumented by calling
;;; `instrument-and-eval` on it (through the regular "eval" op).
;;; Finally, when a breakpoint is reached due to running
;;; instrumented code, an `need-debug-input` message is sent to the
;;; client in response to the message used during initialization.
;;; Execution of the code will halt until this message is replied.
;;; It may specify a :prompt, it will specify an :input-type and a
;;; :key, and it expects an :input key in the reply. The :key must
;;; be contained in the reply, and :input-type may be:
;;; - a vector of keywords, in which case one must be returned (but
;;; note that the repl may convert these to non-keyword strings);
;;; - the keyword :expression, in which case a single sexp must be
;;; returned (as a string).

;;;; ## Internal breakpoint logic
;;; Variables and functions used for navigating between breakpoints.
(def ^:dynamic *skip-breaks*
"Boolean or vector to determine whether to skip a breakpoint.
Don't set or examine this directly, it is bound in the session
binding map, use `skip-breaks!` and `skip-breaks?` instead.
Its value is discarded at the end each eval session."

(defn skip-breaks?
"True if the breakpoint at coordinates should be skipped.
If *skip-breaks* is true, return true.
If *skip-breaks* is a vector of integers, return true if coordinates
are deeper than this vector."
(when-let [sb (@(:session *msg*) #'*skip-breaks*)]
;; From :continue, skip everything.
(true? sb)
;; From :out, skip some breaks.
(let [parent (take (count sb) coordinates)]
(and (= sb parent)
(> (count coordinates) (count parent)))))))

(defn- skip-breaks!
"Set the value of *skip-breaks* in the session binding map."
(swap! (:session *msg*) assoc #'*skip-breaks* bool-or-vec))

(defn- abort!
"Stop current eval thread.
This does not quit the repl, it only interrupts an eval operation."
(.stop (:thread (meta (:session *msg*)))))

;;; Politely borrowed from clj-debugger.
(defn- sanitize-env
"Turn a macro's &env into a map usable for binding."
(into {} (for [[sym bind] env
:when (instance? Compiler$LocalBinding bind)]
[`(quote ~sym) (.sym bind)])))

;;;; ## Getting user input
;;; `wrap-debug` receives an initial message from the client, stores
;;; it in `debugger-message`, and `breakpoint` answers it.
(def debugger-message (atom nil))
;;; it in `debugger-message`, and `breakpoint` answers it when asking
;;; for input.
(def debugger-message
"The message being used to communicate with the client.
Stored by the \"init-debugger\" op, and used by `read-debug` to ask
for debug input through the :need-debug-input status."
(atom nil))

(defn wrap-debug [h]
(fn [{:keys [op force] :as msg}]
(if (= "init-debugger" op)
(let [stored-message @debugger-message]
(if (and stored-message (not force))
(transport/send (:transport msg)
(response-for msg :status :done))
(do (when stored-message
(transport/send (:transport stored-message)
(response-for stored-message :status :done)))
;; TODO: Redefine this in the session binding map, see inspect.clj.
(reset! debugger-message msg))))
(h msg))))
(def debugger-input
"Map atom holding all unprocessed debug inputs.
This is where the \"debug\" op stores replies received for debug
input requests. `read-debug` will halt until it finds its input in
this map (identified by a key), and will `dissoc` it afterwards."
(atom {}))

(defn- read-debug
"Like `read`, but reply is sent through `debugger-message`.
type is sent in the message as :input-type."
[extras type prompt]
(let [key (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))]
(->> (assoc extras
:status :need-debug-input
:key key
:prompt prompt
:input-type type)
(response-for @debugger-message)
(transport/send (:transport @debugger-message)))
(while (not (@debugger-input key))
(java.lang.Thread/sleep 100))
(let [input (@debugger-input key)]
(swap! debugger-input dissoc key)

(defn breakpoint
(def ^:dynamic *locals*
"Bound by the `breakpoint` macro to the local &env."

(defn- eval-with-locals
"`eval` form wrapped in a let of the *locals* map."
`(let ~(vec (mapcat #(list % `(*locals* '~%)) (keys *locals*)))

(defn- read-debug-eval-expression
"Read and eval an expression from the client.
extras is a map to be added to the message, and prompt is added into
the :prompt key."
[prompt extras]
(eval-with-locals (read-debug extras :expression prompt)))

(def commands
"Vector of defined debug commands."
[:next :continue :out :inject :eval :quit])

(def commands-prompt
"Vector of defined debug commands."
"(n)ext (c)ontinue (o)ut (i)nject (e)val (q)uit")

(defn read-debug-command
"Read and take action on a debugging command.
Ask for one of the following debug commands using `read-debug`:
next: Return value.
continue: Skip breakpoints for the remainder of this eval session.
out: Skip breakpoints in the current sexp.
inject: Evaluate an expression and return it.
eval: Evaluate an expression, display result, and prompt again.
quit: Abort current eval session."
[value extras]
(case (read-debug extras commands commands-prompt)
:next value
:continue (do (skip-breaks! true) value)
:out (do (skip-breaks! (butlast (:coor extras))) value)
:inject (read-debug-eval-expression "Expression to inject: " extras)
:eval (let [return (read-debug-eval-expression "Expression to evaluate: " extras)]
(read-debug-command value (assoc extras :debug-value (pr-str return))))
:quit (abort!)))

;;; ## High-level functions
(defmacro breakpoint
"Send value and coordinates to the client through the debug channel.
Sends a response to the message stored in debugger-message."
[value extras]
;; If the user has recently replied (quit) to a `break` statement,
;; then debugger will not ask for input. Therefore, have to avoid
;; sending the following message in these cases.
(if (->> (t/now) (t/interval @c/*last-quit-at*) t/in-seconds (< c/*skip-repl-if-last-quit-ago*))
;; TODO: If clj-debugger makes the `read` call in `read-fn`
;; configurable (perhaps with a dynamic variable) we would have to
;; divide our breakpoint into two messages.
(do (transport/send
(:transport @debugger-message)
(response-for @debugger-message
(assoc extras
:debug-value (pr-str value)
:breakfunction nil)))
;; Send the actual break.
(binding [*out* (new]
(break value)))
;; Notify cider that a (break) is incoming, along with the value
;; of the instrumented sexp and instructions on how to find it in
;; the code.
`(binding [*locals* ~(sanitize-env &env)]
(let [val# ~value
ex# ~extras]
(if (skip-breaks? (:coor ex#))
(read-debug-command val#
(assoc ex#
:debug-value (pr-str val#)
:breakfunction nil))))))

(defn instrument-and-eval
"Instrument form and evaluate the result.
Call cider.nrepl.middleware.util.instrument."
[ex form]
(instrument (merge {:coor [], :breakfunction breakpoint} ex)
(instrument (merge {:coor [], :breakfunction #'breakpoint} ex)

;;; ## The middleware definition
(defn wrap-debug [h]
(fn [{:keys [op input force] :as msg}]
(case op
(do (swap! debugger-input assoc (:key msg) (read-string input))
(transport/send (:transport msg) (response-for msg :status :done)))
(let [stored-message @debugger-message]
(if (and stored-message (not force))
(transport/send (:transport msg)
(response-for msg :status :done))
(do (when stored-message
(transport/send (:transport stored-message)
(response-for stored-message :status :done)))
(reset! debugger-message msg))))
;; else
(h msg))))

{:doc "Initialize the debugger so that #'breakpoint works correctly.
This does not respond immediately. It sends a response when a breakpoint is reached."
{:doc "Read client input on debug action."
:requires {"input" "The user's reply to the input request."}
:returns {"status" "done"}}
{:doc "Initialize the debugger so that `breakpoint` works correctly.
This usually does not respond immediately. It sends a response when a
breakpoint is reached or when the message is discarded."
:requires {"id" "A message id that will be responded to when a breakpoint is reached."}
:returns {"status" "debugging"}}}})
:returns {"status" "\"done\" if the message will no longer be used, or \"need-debug-input\" during debugging sessions"}}}})
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions src/cider/nrepl/middleware/util/instrument.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
(ns cider.nrepl.middleware.util.instrument
"Generic instrumentation for clojure code"
{:author "Artur Malabarba"}
(:require [ :refer [resolve-special info-clj]]))

;;;; # Instrumentation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -473,7 +475,10 @@
([function form ex]
(with-break (function ex form) ex))
([form ex]
`(~(:breakfunction ex) ~form ~ex)))
(if (seq (:coor ex))
`(~(:breakfunction ex) ~form ~ex)
;; Top-level sexps are rarely interesting.

(defn- contains-recur?
"Return true if form is not a `loop` and a `recur` is found in it."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,11 +523,9 @@
symbol? (if (interesting-symbol? form)
(with-break form ex)
;; We just can't walk through a set, as the order is unstable.
;; We just can't walk through a set or a map, as the order is unstable.
set? (with-break form ex)
;; TODO: Maps are written as a line but walked as a table. They'll
;; need their own function to instrument.
map? (instrument-map ex form)
map? (with-break form ex)
;; Other coll types are safe, so we go inside them and only
;; instrument what's interesting.
;; Do we also need to check for seq?
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