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puredanger committed Apr 8, 2014
1 parent efb4dbd commit ef91e3c
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316 changes: 316 additions & 0 deletions archive/knucleotide.12
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
; The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
;; ported from Scala #2
;; contributed by Alex Miller

(ns alioth.knucleotide
(:require [clojure.string :as s])
(:import [java.util.concurrent Executors Future]
[ InputStream]
[clojure.lang Numbers]
[java.nio.channels Channels ReadableByteChannel]
[java.nio ByteBuffer]))

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(set! *unchecked-math* true)

(definterface IBits
(add2 [^long b])
(addLots [bs])
(scan [^long n ^long offset])
(^long getSize []))

(deftype Bits [^ints data ;; array of ints, each of which has 16 2-bit slots
^:unsynchronized-mutable ^long size ;; number of bits in Bits
^:unsynchronized-mutable ^long index ;; write index in data
^:unsynchronized-mutable ^long n] ;; bit offset to write at current index
(add2 [_ b]
(let [data ^ints data]
(set! size (inc size))
(when (> n 30)
(set! index (inc index))
(set! n 0))
(aset data index (bit-or (aget ^ints data index)
(Numbers/shiftLeftInt (bit-and b 0x3) n)))
(set! n (+ n 2))
(addLots [this bs]
(let [data ^ints data
bs ^Bits bs]
(if (or (= n 0) (> n 30))
(when (> n 30)
(set! index (inc index))
(set! n 0))
(System/arraycopy ^ints (.-data bs) 0 data index (.-index bs))
(set! index (+ index (.-index bs)))
(when (and (> index 0) (= n 0))
(set! index (dec index))
(set! n 32)))
(loop [i 0]
(when (< i (.-index bs))
(let [j (aget ^ints (.-data bs) i)]
(aset data index (bit-or (aget data index) (Numbers/shiftLeftInt j n)))
(set! index (inc index))
(aset data index (bit-or (aget data index) (Numbers/unsignedShiftRightInt j (- 32 n))))
(recur (inc i)))))))
(set! size (+ size (* 16 ^long (.-index bs))))
(let [bsn (.-n bs)]
(when (> bsn 0)
(loop [n bsn
i (aget ^ints (.-data bs) (.-index bs))]
(when (> n 0)
(.add2 this i)
(recur (long (- n 2))
(long (Numbers/unsignedShiftRightInt i 2)))))))
(scan [_ n offset]
(let [data ^ints data
mask (dec (bit-shift-left 1 (* n 2)))
scanned (long-array (quot size n))]
(loop [i (rem offset 16)
j (quot offset 16)
scan-index 0]
(if (<= (+ (* j 16) i n) size)
(if (<= (+ i n) 16)
(let [l (bit-and (unsigned-bit-shift-right (aget data j) (* 2 i)) mask)
newi (+ i n)]
(aset scanned scan-index l)
(if (>= newi 16)
(recur (- newi 16) (inc j) (inc scan-index))
(recur newi j (inc scan-index))))
;;(bit-and (aget data j) 0xFFFFFFFF)
(let [l (bit-and (bit-or (Numbers/unsignedShiftRightInt (aget data j) (int (* 2 i)))
(bit-shift-left (aget data (inc j)) (* 2 (- 16 i))))
newj (inc j)
newi (+ i (- n 16))]
(aset scanned scan-index l)
(if (>= newi 16)
(recur (- newi 16) (inc newj) (inc scan-index))
(recur newi newj (inc scan-index)))))
(loop [pad-index scan-index]
(if (< pad-index (alength scanned))
(do (aset scanned scan-index -1)
(recur (inc pad-index)))
(getSize [_] size))

(def table (let [arr (long-array 256)]
(loop [i 0]
(if (< i 256)
(aset arr i (case i
(97 65) 0
(116 84) 1
(103 71) 2
(99 67) 3
(recur (inc i)))

(defn r ^long [^ReadableByteChannel ch ^ByteBuffer d]
(.clear d)
(.read ch d))

(defn add-all [bitsv]
(let [total-size (inc ^long (/ ^long (reduce (fn ^long [a b] (+ ^long a ^long (.getSize ^IBits b))) 0 bitsv) 16))
all ^IBits (->Bits (int-array total-size) 0 0 0)]
(doseq [^IBits bits bitsv :when (pos? (.getSize bits))]
(.addLots all bits))

(defn readb [^ReadableByteChannel ch ^ByteBuffer data ^long n ^long i]
(let [table ^longs table]
(loop [i i
n n
bits (->Bits (int-array (inc (quot (- n i) 4))) 0 0 0)
bitsv []]
(if (< i n)
(let [b (long (.get data i))]
(when (false? (= b (long 10))) ;; if not newline
(.add2 ^IBits bits (aget table (bit-and b 0xFF))))
(recur (inc i) n bits bitsv))
(if (<= n 0)
(add-all bitsv)
(let [n (r ch data)]
(recur 0 (long n) (->Bits (int-array (inc (quot n 4))) 0 0 0) (conj bitsv bits))))))))

(defn skip [^ReadableByteChannel ch ^ByteBuffer data ^long n ^long i]
(loop [i i
n n]
(if (< i n)
(if (= (long (.get data i)) 10) ;; \newline
(if (= (inc i) n)
(readb ch data (r ch data) 0)
(readb ch data n i))
(recur (inc i) n))
(recur 0 (r ch data)))))

(defn loadf [^String target]
(let [ch ^ReadableByteChannel (Channels/newChannel System/in)
tb ^bytes (.getBytes target)
tlen (long (alength tb))
tl ^longs (long-array (inc tlen)) ;; pad by 1 space for match termination
data ^ByteBuffer (ByteBuffer/allocateDirect 1048576) ;; 1024 * 1024
n (long (r ch data))]
(doseq [i (range tlen)]
(aset tl i (long (aget tb i))))
(loop [i (long 0)
need (long 0)
match (long (aget tl 0))
n (long n)]

(if (< i n)
(if (< need tlen)
(if (= (long (.get data i)) match)
(recur (inc i) (inc need) (aget tl (inc need)) n)
(recur (inc i) 0 (long (aget tl 0)) n))
(if (= (inc i) n)
(skip ch data (r ch data) 0)
(skip ch data n i)))
(recur 0 need match (r ch data))))))

(definterface IDnaHash
(^alioth.knucleotide.IDnaHash add [^long key ^long count])
(^long get [^long key])
(^void printSorted []))

(defmacro hc [l size]
`(bit-and (+ ~l (bit-shift-right ~l 17)) (dec ~size)))

(defmacro nx [i size]
`(bit-and (inc ~i) (dec ~size)))

(def ^:constant decode ["A" "T" "G" "C"])
(defn l2s [^long l ^long n]
(if (<= n 0)
(str (decode (bit-and l 0x3)) (l2s (unsigned-bit-shift-right l 2) (dec n)))))

(deftype DnaHash [^long z
^long size
^:unsynchronized-mutable ^long n
^longs keys
^longs counters]
(add [this key count]
(let [size size
keys ^longs keys
counters ^longs counters
index (int (hc key size))]
;; new key
(= (aget counters index) 0)
(aset keys index key)
(aset counters index count)
(set! n (inc n))

;; existing key
(= (aget keys index) key)
(aset counters index (+ (aget counters index) count))

;; rehash
(> (* 6 n) size)
(let [newsize (* size 64)
newhash (DnaHash. z newsize 0 (long-array newsize) (long-array newsize))]
(loop [i 0]
(if (< i size)
(let [ci (aget counters i)]
(when (> ci 0)
(.add newhash (aget keys i) ci))
(recur (inc i)))
(.add newhash key 1)

(loop [i (nx index size)]
(let [ii (int i)]
(if (or (= 0 (aget counters ii))
(= key (aget keys ii)))
(if (= (aget counters i) 0)
(aset keys ii key)
(aset counters ii count)
(set! n (inc n))
(aset counters ii (+ (aget counters ii) count))
(recur (nx i size))))))))
(get [_ key]
(loop [i (hc key size)]
(if (and (pos? (aget counters i)) (not= key (aget keys i)))
(recur i)
(aget counters i))))
(printSorted [this]
(let [tcounts (long (loop [idx 0 acc 0]
(if (< idx (alength counters))
(recur (inc idx) (+ acc (aget counters idx)))
factor (/ 100.0 tcounts)
freqs (loop [i 0
acc (transient [])]
(if (< i (alength counters))
(let [c (* factor (aget counters i))
k (l2s (aget keys i) z)]
(recur (inc i) (if (> c 0) (conj! acc [c k]) acc)))
(persistent! acc)))
s (reverse (sort freqs))]
(doseq [[freq label] s]
(printf "%s %.3f\n" label freq))

(defn prints [^IDnaHash d ^String s]
(let [bs (.getBytes s)
mapped (map (fn [^long b] (aget ^longs table (bit-and b 0xFF))) bs)
k (reduce (fn [^long acc ^long b] (+ (* 4 acc) b)) 0 (reverse mapped))]
(format "%d\t%s" (.get d k) s)))

(defn addToHash [^IBits data ^IDnaHash h ^long n ^long offset]
(let [s ^longs (.scan data n offset)
c (alength s)]
(loop [h h i 0]
(if (< i c)
(let [si (aget s i)]
(if (< si 0)
(recur (.add h si 1) (inc i))))

(defn -main [& args]
(let [sizes [1 2 3 4 6 12 18]
data (loadf ">THREE")
tasks (doall
(map (fn [^long n]
(fn []
(loop [h (DnaHash. n 512 0 (long-array 512) (long-array 512))
i 0]
(if (< i n)
(recur (addToHash data h n i) (inc i))
processors (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors)
pool (Executors/newFixedThreadPool processors)
[f1 f2 :as futures] (.invokeAll pool tasks)]
(.printSorted ^DnaHash @f1)
(.printSorted ^DnaHash @f2)

(loop [[f & fs] (drop 2 futures)
[s & ss] (drop 2 sizes)]
(when f
(println (prints @f (subs sequence 0 s)))
(recur fs ss)))
(.shutdown pool)
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions archive/knucleotide.txt
Expand Up @@ -129,6 +129,10 @@ real 0m9.328s
.11 - .10 + changed lookup table calculation, cosmetic stuff
real 0m9.249s

.12 - .11 + reorg'ed code, and improved lookup table generation
real 0m9.301s

Expand Down

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