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File metadata and controls

220 lines (180 loc) · 6.49 KB

API Version

The API resides at /api/.
The API is versioned using incrementing integers. Version 1 is at /api/v1/ while version 2 is at /api/v2/. A list of all supported versions can be found at /api/versions.
This file documents Version 0, all paths below refer to /api/v0/$PATH.


v0: initial version


The server manages one global stream of actions. Every action stored contains these members:

All actions share these members:

    "id": 123,            // unique identifier, always increasing
    "time": 1234567890,   // UNIX timestamp, in seconds
    "type": "status",     // the action type
    "note": "some string" // not interpreted, maximum length of 80 bytes (UTF-8)

Action types

  • status: The status has been set to a new value.
  • announcement: Someone announces to stay at the club for a certain time range.
  • presence: These people are at the club at the moment.

The examples below omit the standard members.

Status actions

    "user": "Hans Acker", // the user who changed the status (UTF-8,
                          // 1 to 15 bytes, enclosing whitespace is stripped)
    "status": "closed"    // What the status has been changed to.
                          // Possible values: "public", "private", "closed"

Announcement actions

    "method": "new",      // "new" | "mod" | "del"
    "aid": 42,            // the announcement to operate on. only needed when
                          // "action=mod" or "action=del"
    "user": "Hans Acker", // the user who announces to come (UTF-8,
                          // 1 to 15 bytes, enclosing whitespace is stripped)
    "from": 123456789,    // UNIX timestamp
    "to": 123456789,      // UNIX timestamp
    "public": true        // if the announcement can be seen without
                          // authenticating

Presence actions

Client request:

    "user": "Hans Acker"  // UTF-8, 1 to 15 bytes, enclosing whitespace is stripped

Action from server:

An action is generated every 10 minutes, but only if the list of present users has changed.

    "users": [                    // alphabetically sorted list of all present
                                  // users
            "user": "Frank Nord",
            "since": 1234567890   // UNIX timestamp
            "user": "Hans Acker"
            "since": 1234567891

The server will add a human readable note explaining the changes (joins/leaves).


By default, all actions are encoded (and expected to be encoded) in JSON. Other encodings might be added in future. Whenever a list is returned, it is wrapped in {"actions": […]}.
Authenticate using HTTP Authentication, unless you use the public API. The username is ignored.
If you want to show relative times in your interface, use the server's time rather than your own. The server's time can be out of sync.

GET current status

GET /status/current

    "last": {action},   // last status action
    "changed": {action} // last status action which changed the status

GET current announcements

GET /announcement/current
200 List of actions that have not yet ended. (I.e. also contains future announcements.)

Action select queries

The type all matches all action types. Ranges are interpreted inclusively. All filters/options below can be combined.

id filter

GET /{action_type}?id=
GET /{action_type}?id={id}
GET /{action_type}?id={id1}:{id2}
Queries actions by id (range). id= deactivates this filter.
Special values: last
Default: id=

time filter

GET /{action_type}?time=
GET /{action_type}?time={time}
GET /{action_type}?time={time1}:{time2}
Queries actions by timestamp (range). time= deactivates this filter. Be aware the timestamp of an action could be terribly wrong due to an unsynchronized server clock.
Special values: now and now-{int} (eg. now-3600)
Default: time=

count option

GET /{action_type}?count={int}
The number of actions to return.

take option

GET /{action_type}?take=first
GET /{action_type}?take=last


The type all matches all action types.

GET /{action_type}/stream?format={format}
Streams actions of {action_type} in realtime. Supported formats are newline and SSE. {format} defaults to newline. For each action type, the last action is send immediately on connecting.

PUT Queries

PUT / with an action object as body
Create a new action. The attributes id and time are ignored.

PUT Status

Mandatory members: type, user, status, note
public defaults to false.
The server returns the action id.

PUT Announcement action

The past can not be modified. But announcements that are currently running can be extended or shortened (but to can't be moved into the past.)
Special values for from and to: now, now-{int} (seconds), now+{int} (seconds).

New announcement

Mandatory members: type, user, from, to
200 the created announcement
400 from > to
403 you tried to modify the past

Modify announcement

Mandatory members: type, aid, user, from, to
200 the updated announcement
400 from > to
403 you tried to modify the past
404 unknown announcement id

Delete announcement

    "action": "del"
    "aid": 1234

403 you tried to modify the past
404 unknown announcement id

PUT Presence

Mandatory members: type, user
The presence times out after 15 minutes. The note attribute is ignored.
Please make sure you do proper checking (eg. check if your device connected to the club wifi/ethernet).

Public API

The public API is mostly the authenticated API, but with strong restrictions:

  • id and user are stripped from every action object.
  • note is stripped from every action object, unless it is an announcement action with public=true.
  • The status private is treated as closed.
  • Requests for ids, id ranges and also for last are blocked with 401 Unauthorized.
  • /status/current only returns the changed key, last is stripped.
  • /status/stream only sends actions when the status actually changed between public and {private, closed}.
  • /announcements/stream is blocked with 401 Unauthorized.
  • /presence/stream is blocked with 401 Unauthorized.
  • /announcements/current only lists announcements with public=true.
  • all PUT requests are blocked with 401 Unauthorized.