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func check, all of Ns, Mcis, Vm, Resource

Yunkon Kim edited this page Aug 2, 2023 · 1 revision

1. CheckNs

Call chain:

  1. GET http://tb_ip:tb_port/tumblebug/checkNs/:nsId (in api/rest/server/server.go)
  2. func RestCheckNs(c echo.Context) error (in api/rest/server/common/namespace.go)
  3. func CheckNs(Id string) (bool, error) (in core/common/namespace.go)

2. CheckMcis

Call chain:

  1. GET http://tb_ip:tb_port/tumblebug/:nsId/checkMcis/:mcisId (in api/rest/server/server.go)
  2. func RestCheckMcis(c echo.Context) error (in api/rest/server/mcis/utility.go)
  3. func CheckMcis(nsId string, mcisId string) (bool, error) (in core/mcis/utility.go)

3. CheckVm

Call chain:

  1. GET http://tb_ip:tb_port/tumblebug/:nsId/mcis/:mcisId/checkVm/:vmId (in api/rest/server/server.go)
  2. func RestCheckVm(c echo.Context) error (in api/rest/server/mcis/utility.go)
  3. func CheckVm(nsId string, mcisId string, vmId string) (bool, error) (in core/mcis/utility.go)

4. CheckResource

Call chain:

  1. GET http://tb_ip:tb_port/tumblebug/:nsId/checkResource/:resourceType/:resourceId (in api/rest/server/server.go)
  2. func RestCheckResource(c echo.Context) error (in api/rest/server/mcir/common.go)
  3. func CheckResource(nsId string, resourceType string, resourceId string) (bool, error) (in core/mcir/common.go)
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