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File metadata and controls

51 lines (34 loc) · 1.95 KB

Getting and Cleaning Data Project

Lucas Kauffman


This codebook describes variables, data, and any transformations or performed to clean up the data.

Source Data

A full description of the data used in this project can be found at The UCI Machine Learning Repository

The source data for this project can be found here.

  1. Merge the training and the test sets to create one data set.

The following files have been read into seperate tables each:

  • features.txt
  • activity_labels.txt
  • subject_train.txt
  • x_train.txt
  • y_train.txt
  • subject_test.txt
  • x_test.txt
  • y_test.txt

All of the test and train datasets are merged into a single table using the rbind function in R.

  1. Extract only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement.

Using grep we extracted all mean and std data for the merged dataset.

  1. Use descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set

Merge data subset with the activityType table to inlude the descriptive activity names.

  1. Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive variable names

The gsub function was used to clean up the variable names.

  1. Create a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.

Using the aggregate function for the variables we created a single table containing the averages and means.