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A collection of Python Scripts I wrote for the Google Automation certificate: link

Project 1: Image Conversion Script

This script is used to convert TIFF images to JPEG format in a specified directory.


  1. Place the script file ( in the desired directory.
  2. Create a subdirectory named supplier-data in the same directory.
  3. Inside the supplier-data directory, create an images subdirectory and place the TIFF images to be converted inside it.
  4. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory containing the script.
  5. Run the following command to execute the script:
  6. The script will search for TIFF images in the ./supplier-data/images/ directory and convert them to JPEG format.
  7. The converted JPEG images will be saved with the same filename but with the extension changed to .jpeg in the same directory.

Project 2: Image Conversion Script

Email Sender

This script provides a simple interface to send emails with attachments using the SMTP protocol.


  1. Ensure that you have the necessary email server settings configured. By default, the script assumes that the email server is running on localhost. If you are using a different email server, update the mail_server variable in the send() method accordingly.

  2. Import the script into your Python project:

  3. Create an email message using the Email class constructor:

    email = Email(sender, recipient, subject, body)
    • sender: Email address of the sender.
    • recipient: Email address of the recipient.
    • subject: Subject of the email.
    • body: Content of the email.
  4. Add an attachment (optional) using the add_attachment() method:

    • attachment_path: Path to the file to be attached.
  5. Send the email using the send() method:


Project 3: System Health Check

This script performs a health check on the system by monitoring disk usage, CPU usage, memory availability, and hostname resolution. It sends email notifications if any of the monitored metrics exceed predefined thresholds or if there are errors in hostname resolution.


  • Python 3
  • psutil module (install using pip install psutil)
  • emails module (install using pip install emails)


Before running the script, make sure to configure the following variables within the script:

  • sender: Email address of the sender.
  • receiver: Email address of the recipient. By default, it uses the current user's username obtained from the environment variables.
  • body: Body of the email notification to be sent.


  1. Ensure that the required modules (psutil and emails) are installed.

  2. The script will perform the following checks:

    • Disk Usage: Checks if the available disk space is less than 20% and sends an email notification if it is.
    • CPU Usage: Checks if the CPU usage is over 80% and sends an email notification if it is.
    • Memory Availability: Checks if the available memory is less than 500MB and sends an email notification if it is.
    • Hostname Resolution: Checks if the hostname 'localhost' can be resolved to '' and sends an email notification if it cannot.

    Note: You can customize the threshold values and error messages for each check within their respective functions.

  3. The script will send email notifications using the emails module if any of the checks fail or encounter errors.


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