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Hedwig Terraform module

Hedwig is a inter-service communication bus that works on AWS and GCP, while keeping things pretty simple and straight forward. It allows validation of the message payloads before they are sent, helping to catch cross-component incompatibilities early.

This module provides a custom Terraform modules for deploying Hedwig infrastructure that creates infra for Hedwig consumer app.


module "hedwig" {
  source   = "cloudchacho/hedwig/google"

  pull_consumers = {
    myapp : {
      subscriptions : {
        user-created-v1 : {}
      labels : {
        "app" = "myapp"
        "env" = "dev"
      service_account: ""
      high_message_count_threshold : 100000
    other-app : {
      subscriptions : {
        project-id-user-updated-v1 : {
          # cross-project subscription
          project : "project-id"
          topic : "user-updated-v1"
          enable_ordering : true
      labels : {
        cost-center : "foo"
      # override
      queue_alert_notification_channels = ["projects/<projectid>/notificationChannels/<other-channelid>"],
      # override
      dlq_alert_notification_channels   = ["projects/<projectid>/notificationChannels/<other-channelid>"],
  topics = {
    user-created-v1 : {
      service_accounts: [""]
    user-updated-v1 : {
      enable_firehose : true
  queue_alert_notification_channels = ["projects/<projectid>/notificationChannels/<channelid>"]
  dlq_alert_notification_channels   = ["projects/<projectid>/notificationChannels/<channelid>"]

If using a single Google project for multiple environments (e.g. dev/staging/prod), ensure that queue includes your environment name.

Naming convention - lowercase alphanumeric and dashes only.

Please note Google's restrictions (if not followed, errors may be confusing and often totally wrong):

The Google queue and subscription names will be prefixed by hedwig-.

Release Notes

Github Releases

How to publish

Go to Terraform Registry, and Resync module.