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2.0.0 Milestone 2

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On the behalf of the CloudEvents community, I'm pleased to announce that we're releasing a new 2.0.0 milestone. The major focus of this release was on fixing some timestamp issues people had, in particular with interop with other sdks.

Breaking changes

Timestamp type change #216

All over the sdk, the type used to represent time field and in general the CloudEvent Timestamp type becomes OffsetDateTime. This type maps better to RFC3339 and represents exactly the representable timestamps in RFC3339.

The method in CloudEventAttributes:

ZonedDateTime getTime();


OffsetDateTime getTime();

The public static field in io.cloudevents.types.Time.RFC3339_DATE_FORMAT was also removed.

Vert.x 4 #206

From this version onward, the cloudevents-http-vertx module uses Vert.x 4 and implements the client marshalling/unmarshalling using the vertx-web-client. Look at the PR for more info.


  • Added methods to remove extensions from a CloudEventBuilder: #218
  • Added more examples: #194 #195

You can check out all the changes here:

To start using it, look at the documentation on the official website:

What's next

If you want to contribute, feel free to pick any good first issue here: good first issue Good for newcomers

If you want to join the discussions about new features and how to improve the existing ones, feel free to look on issues and pr with discussion label: discussion

As all milestones, this is a preview of the library for the community, nothing is written on the stone, so please give us feedback in order to improve this project!

Happy hacking!