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Releases: cloudflare/cloudflare-go

flarectl Improvements

06 Oct 15:43
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  • flarectl now features the user-agents (shortname: ua) sub-command for managing User-Agent Blocking rules.
  • Addresses a bug with PUT requests for User-Agent blocks not including the ID of the resource.


$ flarectl user-agents
   flarectl user-agents - User-Agent blocking

   flarectl user-agents command [command options] [arguments...]

   list, l      List User-Agent blocks for a zone
   create, c    Create a User-Agent blocking rule
   update, u    Update an existing User-Agent block
   delete, d    Delete a User-Agent block
   help, h      Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h   show help


$ flarectl ua l --zone
ID                               Description                          Mode         Value                                                                                                                 Paused 
-------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ 
62d49d9eacca445b9973f583688b74e7 Block the worst browser in the world block        Wawoo Browser 90210                                                                                                   false  
1ab4054cca55471387e407b35c6cc267 block IE6                            block        Mozilla/6.0 (osh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_5) AppleWebKit/603.2.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.1.1 Safari/603.2.4       false  
95ccf4e26e714d7c8e55d9a858258061 block IE6                            block        Mozilla/5.0 (osh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_5) AppleWebKit/603.2.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.1.1 Safari/603.2.4       false  
fdff66612b0a4d73ae72a0f13e7c6693 block IE6                            js_challenge Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_5) AppleWebKit/603.2.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.1.1 Safari/603.2.4 false  

14ae67c [flarectl] Adds User-Agent blocking to flarectl (#145)

IP Firewall

01 Oct 18:28
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Adds support for zone- and organization- level Firewall Access Rules ("IP Firewall"). Thanks to @CtrlZvi for contributing this.

bd2891d [build] Update Go versions in Travis, remove static 1.7.x check
0d80d90 [feat] Support Firewall access rules (#144)

Load Balanced

09 Aug 21:52
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This release adds support for the Load Balancing endpoints and the new Zone Lockdown and User-Agent Blocking firewall features.


7318813 [feat] Load Balancers, User LB Monitors, User LB Pools (#142)
19f9d5a [feat] Zone Lockdowns & User-Agent Blocks (#141)
147b16b [build] Add Go 1.8 to TravisCI (#140)
e6739d6 Merge pull request #137 from xofyarg/raw-query
1b316fe Add a raw interface to deal with special params

Origin CA Support

16 Jun 15:54
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This release adds support for Origin CA thanks to @iToto, @cbranch & @jamesog.

Origin CA is useful when you want to support encryption and authentication between Cloudflare and your origin server (which we strongly, strongly recommend!) but don't want the hassle of acquiring one from a public certificate authority. Provided your server is not directly facing the Internet and is behind Cloudflare, Origin CA can make this process easy.

API additions:


17 Jan 07:33
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  • Adds the List Organizations endpoint
  • Increases the number of DNS records we pull down at once (note: need to fix pagination)
  • Adds the billing profile endpoint
  • Adds the update User endpoint.

9d186a5 Implement ListOrganizations
e3a3c00 Add Go 1.7 to Travis
40db474 Merge pull request #102 from cloudflare/jamesog/all-dns-records
0c2ec30 feat(DNSRecords): return all records
afb06af feat(ResultInfo): add TotalPages field
055e0a9 Merge pull request #99 from gliptak/billingprofile1
5b7666a Implement UserBillingProfile
01acbdd Merge pull request #96 from gliptak/updateuser1
8e8f329 Implement UpdateUser call


28 Dec 21:06
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Note: Commit 1bef4b5 should address the Terraform bug (hashicorp/terraform#8011 we haven't tagged a release since that commit.

6cfcb7e (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Merge pull request #98 from cloudflare/jamesog/97-updatednsrecord
d70046a flarectl: Allow setting DNS record name with update
c070583 [bugfix] dns: Don't overwrite rr.Name if it was specified
48f0a50 Merge pull request #95 from gliptak/warnings1
4d612d3 Cleanup Go Report Card warnings
06a204e CloudFlare is now Cloudflare
2bea8a6 Fix zoneID url concatenations
ae77df3 Tidy Structs (#92)
1bef4b5 (elithrar/firewall-rules) [bugfix] API.request: Clone base headers to be thread safe, fixes #88 (#89)
fc1a1cb Merge pull request #85 from ameya-pandilwar/fix-80


16 Jun 22:10
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  • HTTP 522, 523, 524 and 504 errors no longer return the response body as part of the error (via ba610b8)


02 Jun 18:06
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New features:

  • Railgun management added in 2c441b7
  • Zone Analytics added in 746075f
  • Custom SSL certificate management added in 446b47c

Breaking changes:

"XXXResponse" structs are now private as they did not add anything to the public API (their result was returned). There is some further work to close this out being tracked in #78.

  • RailgunResponse is now private
  • ZoneRailgunResponse is now private
  • ZoneCustomSSLResponse is now private


24 May 18:05
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  • Virtual DNS support is now included as of 1cd9ce5
  • flarectl also supports alternative authentication methods (i.e. Certificates API key auth)


15 May 15:31
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A couple of breaking changes from v0.5 aimed at improving API friendliness and adding features.

  • Dates are now represented as time.Time (via f51439e).
  • http.Clients are re-used across API calls (improving connection re-use) and the internal request helpers have been split out to support future work (via b75b3b4)