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File metadata and controls

253 lines (152 loc) · 11.6 KB


Diego can run one-off work in the form of Tasks. When a Task is submitted Diego allocates resources on a Cell, runs the Task, and then reports on the Task's results. Tasks are guaranteed to run at most once.

Describing Tasks

When submitting a Task you POST a valid TaskCreateRequest. The API reference includes the details of the request. Here we simply describe what goes into a TaskCreateRequest:

    "task_guid": "some-guid",
    "domain": "some-domain",

    "stack": "lucid64",

    "root_fs": "docker:///docker-org/docker-image",
    "env": [
        {"name": "ENV_NAME_A", "value": "ENV_VALUE_A"},
        {"name": "ENV_NAME_B", "value": "ENV_VALUE_B"}

    "cpu_weight": 57,
    "disk_mb": 1024,
    "memory_mb": 128,
    "privileged": true,

    "action":  ACTION (see below),

    "result_file": "/path/to/return",
    "completion_callback_url": "http://optional/callback/url",

    "log_guid": "some-log-guid",
    "log_source": "some-log-source",

    "annotation": "arbitrary metadata",

    "security_group_rules": [
            "protocol": "tcp",
            "destination": "",
            "port_range": {
                "start": 1,
                "end": 1024

Let's describe each of these fields in turn.

Task Identifiers

task_guid [required]

It is up to the consumer of Diego to provide a globally unique task_guid. To subsequently fetch the Task you refer to it by its task_guid.

  • It is an error to attempt to create a Task whose task_guid matches that of an existing Task.
  • The task_guid must only include the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ and -.
  • The task_guid must not be empty

domain [required]

The consumer of Diego may organize their Tasks into groupings called Domains. These are purely organizational (e.g. for enabling multiple consumers to use Diego without colliding) and have no implications on the Task's placement or lifecycle. It is possible to fetch all Tasks in a given Domain.

  • It is an error to provide an empty domain.

Task Placement

In the future Diego will support the notion of Placement Pools via arbitrary tags associated with Cells. For now, this functionality is limited to the notion of stack.

stack [required]

Diego can support different target platforms (linux, windows, etc.). stack allows you to select which target platform the Task must run against. For a typical Diego deployment you should set stack to lucid64

  • It is an error to provide an empty stack.

Container Contents and Environment

root_fs [optional]

By default, when provisioning a container, Diego will mount a pre-configured root filesystem. Currently, the default filesystem provided by diego-release is based on lucid64 and is geared towards supporting the Cloud Foundry buildpacks.

It is possible, however, to provide a custom root filesystem by specifying a Dockerimage for root_fs:

"root_fs": "docker:///docker-org/docker-image#docker-tag"

Currently, only the public docker hub is supported.

You must specify the dockerimage root_fs uri as specified, including the leading docker:///!

Diego-Edge does not ship with a default rootfs. You must specify a docker-image when using Diego-Edge. You can mount the filesystem provided by diego-release by specifying "root_fs": "docker:///cloudfoundry/lucid64" or "root_fs": "docker:///cloudfoundry/trusty64".

env [optional]

Diego supports the notion of container-level environment variables. All processes that run in the container will inherit these environment variables.

For more details on the environment variables provided to processes in the container, read Container Runtime Environment

Container Limits

cpu_weight [optional]

To control the CPU shares provided to a container, set cpu_weight. This must be a positive number in the range 1-100. The cpu_weight enforces a relative fair share of the CPU among containers. It's best explained with examples. Consider the following scenarios (we shall assume that each container is running a busy process that is attempting to consumer as many CPU resources as possible):

  • Two containers, with equal values of cpu_weight: both containers will receive equal shares of CPU time.
  • Two containers, one with cpu_weight=50 the other with cpu_weight=100: the latter will get (roughly) 2/3 of the CPU time, the former 1/3.

disk_mb [optional]

A disk quota applied to the entire container. Any data written on top of the RootFS counts against the Disk Quota. Processes that attempt to exceed this limit will not be allowed to write to disk.

  • disk_mb must be an integer >= 0
  • If set to 0 no disk constraints are applied to the container
  • The units are megabytes

memory_mb [optional]

A memory limit applied to the entire container. If the aggregate memory consumption by all processs running in the container exceeds this value, the container will be destroyed.

  • memory_mb must be an integer >= 0
  • If set to 0 no memory constraints are applied to the container
  • The units are megabytes

privileged [optional]

If false, Diego will create a container that is in a user namespace. Processes that succesfully obtain escalated privileges (i.e. root access) will actually only be root within the user namespace and will not be able to maliciously modify the host VM. If true, Diego creates a container with no user namespace -- escalating to root gives the user real root access.


action [required]

Encodes the action to run when running the Task. For more details see actions

Task Completion and Output

When the action on a Task terminates the Task is marked as COMPLETED.

result_file [optional]

When a Task completes succesfully Diego can fetch and return the contents of a file in the container. This is made available in the result field of the TaskResponse (see below).

To do this, set result_file to a valid path in the container.

  • Diego only returns the first 10KB of the result_file. If you need to communicate back larger datasets, consider using an UploadAction to upload the result file to a blob store.

completion_callback_url [optional]

Consumers of Diego have two options to learn that a Task has COMPLETED: they can either poll the action or register a callback.

If a completion_callback_url is provided Diego will POST to the provided URL as soon as the Task completes. The body of the POST will include the TaskResponse (see below).

  • Any response from the callback (be it success or failure) will resolve the Task (removing it from Diego).
  • However, if the callback responds with 503 or 504 Diego will immediately retry the callback up to 3 times. If the 503/504 status persists Diego will try again after a period of time (typically within ~30 seconds).
  • If the callback times out or a connection cannot be established, Diego will try again after a period of time (typically within ~30 seconds).
  • Diego will eventually (after ~2 minutes) give up on the Task if the callback does not respond succesfully.


By default network access for any container is limited but some tasks might need specific network access and that can be setup using security_group_rules field.

security_group_rules [optional]

Security Group is a list of egress firewall rules that are applied to a container running in Diego

  • protocol [required] will be a string and one of TCP, UDP,ICMP, All
  • port_range [required]
    • start [required] will be integer between 1 and 65535
    • end [required] will be integer between 1 and 65535
  • destination [required] will be CIDR format like


Diego uses doppler to emit logs generated by container processes to the user.

log_guid [optional]

log_guid controls the doppler guid associated with logs coming from Task processes. One typically sets the log_guid to the task_guid though this is not strictly necessary.

log_source [optional]

log_source is an identifier emitted with each log line. Individual RunActions can override the log_source. This allows a consumer of the log stream to distinguish between the logs of different processes.

Attaching Arbitrary Metadata

annotation [optional]

Diego allows arbitrary annotations to be attached to a Task. The annotation must not exceed 10 kilobytes in size.

Retreiving Tasks

To learn that a Task is completed you must either register a completion_callback_url or periodically poll the API to fetch the Task in question. In both cases, you will receive an object that includes all the fields on the TaskCreateRequest and the following additional fields:

    ... all TaskCreateRequest fields...

    "state": "RUNNING",

    "cell_id": "cell-identifier",

    "failed": true/false,
    "failure_reason": "why it failed",
    "result": "the contents of result_file",

Let's describe each of these fields in turn.


Tasks travel through a series of state transitions throughout their lifecycle. These are described in The Task Lifecycle below.



Once claimed, a Task will include the ID of the Diego cell it is running on.


Once a Task enters the COMPLETED state, failed will be a boolean indicating whether the Task completed succesfully or unsuccesfully.


If failed is true, failure_reason will be a short string indicating why the Task failed. Sometimes, in the case of a RunAction that has failed this will simply read (e.g.) exit status 1. To debug the Task you will need to fetch the logs from doppler.


If result_file was specified and the Task has completed succesfully, result will include the first 10KB of the result_file.

The Task lifecycle

Tasks in Diego undergo a simple lifecycle encoded in the Tasks's state:

  • When first created a Task enters the PENDING state.
  • When succesfully allocated to a Diego Cell the Task will enter the CLAIMED state. At this point the Task's cell_id will be populated.
  • When the Cell begins to create the container and run the Task action, the Task enters the RUNNING state.
  • When the Task completes, the Cell annotates the TaskResponse with failed, failure_reason, and result, and puts the Task in the COMPLETED state.

At this point it is up to the consumer of Diego to acknowledge and resolve the completed Task. This can either be done via a completion callback (described above) or by deleting the Task. When the Task is being resolved it first enters the RESOLVING state and is ultimately removed from Diego.

Diego will automatically reap Tasks that remain unresolved after 2 minutes.

The RESOLVING state exists to ensure that the completion_callback_url is initially called at most once per Task.

There are a variety of timeouts associated with the PENDING and CLAIMED states. It is possible for a Task to jump directly from PENDING or CLAIMED to COMPLETED (and failed) if any of these timeouts expire. If you would like to impose a time limit on how long the Task is allowed to run you can use a TimeoutAction.

Cancelling Tasks

Diego supports cancelling inflight tasks. More documentation on this is available here.
