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BOSH Release for AutoSleep service


The purpose of this bosh release is to deploy and setup AutoSleep service (

Orange AutoSleep Service for Cloudfoundry

The aim of the auto-sleep project is to give the ability for Cloud Foundry operators to automatically have cf apps idled, after a given period of inactivity, and then automatically restarted when end users access apps again through traffic their routes. This features, with some CF Diego overprovisionning, enables an economic management of Cloudfoundry Development orgs.

This bosh release provides 3 errands :

  • publish_autosleep : install and publish the autosleep service broker
  • publish_autowake_proxy: install and publish the autowake app, binding it to wildcard route domains
  • provision_autosleep: batch creates autosleep service instances in all the spaces of a given org
  • unprovision_autosleep: batch removes autosleep service instances in all the spaces of a given org

recommanded reading before use:


  • a cloudfoundry autosleep account
  • cf marketplace with mysql for autosleep broker persistence
  • open cf application security group, so that autosleep and autowakeup cf apps can acces the cloudfoundry api


To use this bosh release, first upload it to your bosh:

bosh target BOSH_HOST
git clone
cd cloudfoundry-operators-tools-boshrelease
bosh upload release releases/cloudfoundry-operators-tools-1.yml

For bosh-lite, you can quickly create a deployment manifest & deploy a cluster:

templates/make_manifest warden
bosh -n deploy

For AWS EC2, create a single VM:

templates/make_manifest aws-ec2
bosh -n deploy

Override security groups

For AWS & Openstack, the default deployment assumes there is a default security group. If you wish to use a different security group(s) then you can pass in additional configuration when running make_manifest above.

Create a file my-networking.yml:

  - name: cloudfoundry-operators-tools1
    type: dynamic
        - cloudfoundry-operators-tools

Where - cloudfoundry-operators-tools means you wish to use an existing security group called cloudfoundry-operators-tools.

You now suffix this file path to the make_manifest command:

templates/make_manifest openstack-nova my-networking.yml
bosh -n deploy


As a developer of this release, create new releases and upload them:

bosh create release --force && bosh -n upload release

Final releases

To share final releases:

bosh create release --final

By default the version number will be bumped to the next major number. You can specify alternate versions:

bosh create release --final --version 2.1

After the first release you need to contact Dmitriy Kalinin to request your project is added to (as mentioned in README above).