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ArthurHlt edited this page Aug 31, 2020 · 4 revisions


Provides a Cloud Foundry application resource.

Example Usage

The following example creates an application.

resource "cloudfoundry_app" "spring-music" {
    name = "spring-music"
    path = "/Work/cloudfoundry/apps/spring-music/build/libs/spring-music.war"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the application.
  • space - (Required) The GUID of the associated Cloud Foundry space.
  • instances - (Optional, Number) The number of app instances that you want to start. Defaults to 1.
  • memory - (Optional, Number) The memory limit for each application instance in megabytes. If not provided, value is computed and retreived from Cloud Foundry.
  • disk_quota - (Optional, Number) The disk space to be allocated for each application instance in megabytes. If not provided, default disk quota is retrieved from Cloud Foundry and assigned.
  • stack - (Optional) The GUID of the stack the application will be deployed to. Use the cloudfoundry_stack data resource to lookup the stack GUID to override Cloud Foundry default.
  • buildpack - (Optional, String) The buildpack used to stage the application. There are multiple options to choose from:
  • command - (Optional, String) A custom start command for the application. This overrides the start command provided by the buildpack.
  • enable_ssh - (Optional, Boolean) Whether to enable or disable SSH access to the container. Default is true unless disabled globally.
  • timeout - (Optional, Number) Max wait time for app instance startup, in seconds
  • stopped - (Optional, Boolean) Defines the desired application state. Set to true to have the application remain in a stopped state. Default is false, i.e. application will be started.
  • labels - (Optional, map string of string) Add labels as described here. Works only on cloud foundry with api >= v3.63.
  • annotations - (Optional, map string of string) Add annotations as described here. Works only on cloud foundry with api >= v3.63.

Application Source / Binary

One of the following arguments must be declared to locate application source or archive to be pushed.

  • path - (Required) An uri or path to target a zip file. this can be in the form of unix path (/my/ or url path (

  • source_code_hash - (Optional) Used to trigger updates. Must be set to a base64-encoded SHA256 hash of the path specified. The usual way to set this is ${base64sha256(file(""))}, where "" is the local filename of the lambda function source archive.

  • docker_image - (Optional, String) The URL to the docker image with tag e.g or docker image name from the public repo e.g. redis:4.0

  • docker_credentials - (Optional) Defines login credentials for private docker repositories

    • username - (Required, String) Username for the private docker repo
    • password - (Required, String) Password for the private docker repo

~> NOTE: terraform-provider-zipper can create zip file from tar.gz, tar.bz2, folder location, git repo locally or remotely and provide source_code_hash.

Example Usage with zipper:

provider "zipper" {
  skip_ssl_validation = false

resource "zipper_file" "fixture" {
  source = ""
  output_path = "path/to/"

resource "cloudfoundry_app" "gobis-server" {
    name = "gobis-server"
    path = zipper_file.fixture.output_path
    source_code_hash = zipper_file.fixture.output_sha
    buildpack = "go_buildpack"

Application Deployment strategy (Blue-Green deploy)

  • strategy - (Required) Strategy to use for creating/updating application. Default to none. Following are supported:
    • none:
      • Alias: standard, v2
      • Description: This is the default strategy, it will restage/create/restart app with interruption
    • blue-green:
      • Alias: blue-green-v2
      • Description: It will restage and create app without interruption and rollback if an error occurred.

Service bindings

  • service_binding - (Optional, Array) Service instances to bind to the application.

    • service_instance - (Required, String) The service instance GUID.
    • params - (Optional, Map) A list of key/value parameters used by the service broker to create the binding. Defaults to empty map.

~> NOTE: Modifying this argument will cause the application to be restaged. ~> NOTE: Resource only manages service binding previously set by resource.


  • routes - (Optional, Set) The routes to map to the application to control its ingress traffic. Each route mapping is represented by its route block which supports fields documented below.

The route block supports:

  • route - (Required, String) The route id. Route can be defined using the cloudfoundry_route resource
  • port - (Number) The port of the application to map the tcp route to.

~> NOTE: in the future, the route block will support the port attribute illustrated above to allow mapping of tcp routes, and listening on custom or multiple ports.
~> NOTE: Route mappings can be controlled from either the cloudfoundry_app.routes or the attributes. Using both syntaxes will cause conflicts and result in unpredictable behavior.
~> NOTE: A given route can not currently be mapped to more than one application using the cloudfoundry_app.routes syntax. As an alternative, use the syntax instead in this specific use-case.
~> NOTE: Resource only manages route mapping previously set by resource.

Example usage:

resource "cloudfoundry_app" "java-spring" {
# [...]
 routes = [
    { route = },
    { route = }

Environment Variables

  • environment - (Optional, Map) Key/value pairs of custom environment variables to set in your app. Does not include any system or service variables.

~> NOTE: Modifying this argument will cause the application to be restaged.

Health Checks

  • health_check_http_endpoint -(Optional, String) The endpoint for the http health check type. The default is '/'.
  • health_check_type - (Optional, String) The health check type which can be one of "port", "process", "http" or "none". Default is "port".
  • health_check_timeout - (Optional, Number) The timeout in seconds for the health check.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported along with any defaults for the inputs attributes.

  • id - The GUID of the application
  • id_bg - The GUID of the application updated by resource when strategy is blue-green. This allow change a resource linked to app resource id to be updated when app will be recreated.


The current App can be imported using the app GUID, e.g.

$ terraform import cloudfoundry_app.spring-music a-guid

Update resource using blue green app id

This is an example of usage of id_bg attribute to update your resource on a changing app id by blue-green:

resource "cloudfoundry_app" "test-app-bg" {
    space            = "apaceid"
    buildpack        = "abuildpack"
    name             = "test-app-bg"
    path             = ""
    strategy         = "blue-green-v2"
    routes {
      route = "arouteid"

resource "cloudfoundry_app" "test-app-bg2" {
  space            = "apaceid"
  buildpack        = "abuildpack"
  name             = "test-app-bg2"
  path             = ""
  strategy         = "blue-green-v2"
  routes {
    route = "arouteid"

resource "cloudfoundry_network_policy" "my-policy" {
  policy {
    destination_app = cloudfoundry_app.test-app-bg2.id_bg
    port            = "8080"
    protocol        = "tcp"
    source_app      = cloudfoundry_app.test-app-bg.id_bg

# When you change either test-app-bg or test-app-bg2 this will affect my-policy to be updated because it use `id_bg` instead of id
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