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Restructuring of the values.yaml sizing hierarchy

Andreas Kupries edited this page May 28, 2018 · 1 revision


Parsing the sizing section of values.yaml is difficult because it contains a mix of per-role descriptions and other things: HA, memory, cpu.

The extra tuneables should be moved somewhere else.

Example of an old variable setting: --set sizing.HA=true

Proposed change

Move the non-role-specific settings to the new key config.

For example sizing.HA becomes config.HA.

The keys affected by this change are:

  • sizing.HA
  • sizing.cpu.limits
  • sizing.cpu.requests
  • sizing.memory.limits
  • sizing.memory.requests

The only keys left under sizing are the per-role descriptions.

Further, to prevent users from accidentally using the old names in their overide yaml files, all templates will be extended to contain guarding statements of the form

    {{- if .Values.FOO }}
    _moved(FOO): {{ fail "Bad use of removed variable FOO. The new name to use is [FOO]" }}
    {{- end }}

where FOO is one of the keys above, (FOO) that key changed to not be nested (. --> _), and [FOO] the new key for FOO.

Example: sizing.cpu.limits to sizing_cpu_limits

Fuller example:

    {{- if .Values.sizing.cpu.limits }}
    _moved_sizing_cpu_limits: {{ fail "Bad use of removed variable sizing.cpu.limits. The new name to use is config.cpu.limits" }}
    {{- end }}