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emalm committed Mar 25, 2016
1 parent 36aea08 commit 853cc94
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110 changes: 3 additions & 107 deletions
@@ -1,110 +1,6 @@
# SSH Access and Policy

This document describes how CF and Diego support SSH access to CF application instances.
Up-to-date documentation about the SSH features of Diego can be found in the CF Documentation:

## Developers: SSH Access to CF App Instances

### CF CLI

The easiest way to start an SSH session into a CF app instance is to use commands in a recent version of the CF CLI. For older versions of the CLI, there is also an [SSH CLI plugin]( providing these commands.

#### CLI 6.13.0 and later: Native Support

Versions 6.13.0 and later of the CF CLI natively support a `cf ssh` command for SSH access to CF app instances. If your app is running on Diego with SSH enabled and your operator has configured SSH access to be publicly routable, run

cf ssh <app-name>

to start an interactive SSH session in the index-0 instance of your app. To target a different instance with `cf ssh`, supply its index via the `-i` flag.

The `cf ssh` command also supports executing commands inside the app instance and forwarding local ports to it via the `-L` flag. Run `cf help ssh` for a description of all the options available on the command.

### CLI 6.12.4 and earlier: Diego-SSH CLI Plugin

Versions 6.12.4 and earlier of the CF CLI can obtain the `ssh` command from the [SSH CLI plugin]( For CF CLI v6.10.0+, you can install it from the CF-Community repo:

cf add-plugin-repo CF-Community
cf install-plugin Diego-SSH -r CF-Community

For older versions of the CF CLI, install the plugin via `cf install-plugin <binary-url>`, where `<binary-url>` is the URL from the [SSH plugin GitHub releases]( appropriate for your OS and architecture.

### CF Authenticator access

It is also possible to connect to your SSH-enabled app instance via other SSH clients. If SSH is configured for your deployment, Cloud Controller's `/v2/info` endpoint contains an `app_ssh_endpoint` field with the domain name and port for the externally available SSH endpoint, and an `app_ssh_host_key_fingerprint` field with the fingerprint of the host key for the deployment. To connect to a particular instance of your app, run

ssh -p <ssh-port> cf:<app-guid>/<instance-index>@<ssh-domain>

The password is a UAA-issued authorization code for a user authorized to modify that app, such as a user with the SpaceDeveloper role in the app's space. Such a code can be obtained via the CF CLI's `ssh-code` command, or directly from the UAA `/oauth/authorize` endpoint.

Transferring files with `scp` is invoked similarly, although the user name must be specified with the `-o` flag because of the `:` character present in it. For example, to copy a file out of the instance, run

ssh -P <ssh-port> -oUser=cf:<app-guid>/<instance-index> <ssh-domain>:<remote-file-to-retrieve> <local-file-destination>

More details on the CF Authenticator can be found in the [Diego-SSH README](

## Developers and Managers: SSH Access Policy

### Cloud Controller Configuration

Cloud Controller provides several levels of granularity for enabling or disabling SSH access to CF app instances.

* Each CF app has an `enable_ssh` field that determines whether the Diego SSH server will be invoked alongside the main process in the app and whether users will be authorized to connect to it. Changing the value of `enable_ssh` triggers a new version of the app and hence restarts it on Diego with or without the SSH server running, as desired.

* Each CF space has an `allow_ssh` field that determines whether users are authorized to connect to the SSH server running inside their app instance.

* Cloud Controller has an `allow_app_ssh_access` configuration field that determines whether any user is authorized to connect to the SSH server running inside their app instance.

The Diego-SSH plugin allows users to inspect and alter the app and space fields through plugin commands:

* `cf enable-ssh <app-name>` and `cf disable-ssh <app-name>` set the value of `enable_ssh` on an app.
* `cf ssh-enabled <app-name>` reports whether SSH access is enabled for that app.
* `cf allow-space-ssh <space-name>` and `cf disallow-space-ssh <space-name>` set the value of `allow_ssh` on a space.
* `cf space-ssh-allowed <space-name>` reports whether SSH access is allowed for apps in that space.

The `allow_app_ssh_access` property must be changed through Cloud Controller's config file. For a BOSH-deployed CF, an operator can specify this config property via the `cc.allow_app_ssh_access` property described below.

## Operators: Configuring Deployments for SSH Access to CF App Instances

### Diego configuration

The following BOSH properties are relevant for configuring SSH access to CF app instances in [diego-release]( These all pertain to configuring the SSH proxy instances that handle incoming SSH requests and connect them to app instances running on Diego.

- `diego.ssh_proxy.host_key`: A PEM-encoded RSA private key used by the Diego SSH proxy instances as their host key. Deployment operators should generate their own keypair for each deployment and supply that in the manifest.
- `diego.ssh_proxy.enable_cf_auth`: Whether to activate the CF Authenticator in the proxies. This should be enabled for the `cf ssh` plugin to be able to connect to the Diego SSH server running in the instance.
- `diego.ssh_proxy.enable_diego_auth`: Whether to activate the Diego Authenticator in the proxies. For a production CF+Diego deployment, this should be disabled, as it allows access to any instance running the Diego SSH server with only the receptor credentials. Development deployments may wish to enable it to provide an alternate mechanism to establish SSH sessions.

The properties `` and `` should not require direct configuration if an operator uses the spiff-based manifest-generation scripts to generate the Diego deployment manifest.

### CF configuration

The following BOSH properties are relevant for SSH configuration in [cf-release](

- `app_ssh.host_key_fingerprint`: Fingerprint of the public key presented by the SSH host (in this case, Diego's layer of SSH proxies). This should be the fingerprint of the public key of the keypair generated for the `diego.ssh_proxy.host_key` value in the Diego deployment manifest.
- `app_ssh.port`: Port of the externally routable SSH endpoint advertised through the Cloud Controller info endpoint.
- `cc.allow_app_ssh_access`: As mentioned above, whether to allow SSH access at all for CF app instances.

If SSH access is allowed for the CF deployment, Cloud Controller will advertise the SSH endpoint to be `ssh.<system-domain>`, accepting traffic on the port given in `app_ssh.port`. Cloud Controller's `/v2/info` endpoint provides this SSH endpoint in its `app_ssh_endpoint` field and the host key fingerprint above in its `app_ssh_host_key_fingerprint` field.

### SSH Load Balancer configuration

If the HAproxy job from cf-release is used as the gorouter load balancer and `cc.allow_app_ssh_access` is set to true, HAproxy will also serve as the load balancer for Diego's SSH proxies. This configuration relies on the presence of the same consul server cluster that Diego components use for service discovery. This configuration also works well for deployments where all traffic on the system domain and its subdomains is directed towards the HAproxy job, as is the case for a BOSH-Lite CF deployment on the default `` domain.

For AWS deployments, where the infrastructure offers load-balancing as a service through ELBs, the deployment operator can provision an ELB to balance load across the Diego SSH proxy instances. This ELB should be configured to listen to TCP traffic on the port given in `app_ssh.port` and to send it to port 2222. In order to register the SSH proxies with this ELB, the ELB identifier should then be added to the `elbs` property in the `cloud_properties` hash of the Diego manifest's `access_zN` resource pools. If the spiff-based manifest-generation templates are used to produce the Diego manifest, these `cloud_properties` hashes should be specified in the `iaas_settings.resource_pool_cloud_properties` section of the `iaas-settings.yml` stub.
- Developers accessing their applications and service instances over SSH shoud consult "[Accessing Apps with SSH](" and "[Accessing Services with SSH](".
- Operators configuring SSH access in their CF and Diego deployment manifests should consult "[Configuring SSH Access](".

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