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Diego v1.26.1

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@emalm emalm released this 26 Sep 23:59

Changes from v1.26.0 to v1.26.1

IMPORTANT: If you are upgrading existing Diego cells from an earlier grootfs version to v0.26.0, you must recreate them in order to apply the correct disk quotas to Docker-image-based containers. Containers based on preloaded rootfses such as cflinuxfs2 will set disk quotas correctly. Please see the grootfs v0.26.0 release notes for more information. (An earlier version of these release notes overstated the severity of upgrading grootfs in place on the Diego cells.)

NOTE: This version of Diego recreates many BOSH-Lite certificate and key values on account of the expiration of many of the end-entity certificates. We apologize for the difficulty in coordinating these with the BOSH-Lite certificates in the cf-release repository, and for the delay in producing a new Diego final release that includes the new credentials.

Significant changes

Instance Identity Credentials (Experimental)

v2 Loggregator API Adoption (Experimental)

Per-Instance Proxy (Experimental)

Windows Support

Manifest Generation

Component Logging and Metrics

Test Suites and Tooling

BOSH job changes


BOSH property changes


  • Added enable_container_proxy_tests: Whether the Vizzini tests should assume cells provide a per-container proxy. Defaults to false.

BOSH link changes
