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upgrade-all-services (cf-cli plugin)

A CF-CLI plugin for upgrading all service instances in a CF foundation.


This tool was developed to allow users to upgrade all service instances they have access to in a foundation, without having to navigate between orgs and spaces to discover upgradable instances.

Warning: It is important to ensure that the authenticated user only has access to instances which you wish to upgrade. The plugin will upgrade all service instances a user has access to, irrespective of org and space.


First build the binary from the plugin directory

go build .

Then install the plugin using the cf cli

cf install-plugin <path_to_plugin_binary>


To create a new GitHub release, decide on a new version number according to Semantic Versioning, and then:

  1. Create a tag on the main branch with a leading v: git tag vX.Y.X
  2. Push the tag: git push --tags
  3. Wait for the GitHub action to run GoReleaser and create the new GitHub release


cf upgrade-all-services <broker_name> [options]

    -parallel                                 - number of upgrades to run in parallel (defaults to 10)
    -loghttp                                  - log HTTP requests and responses
    -dry-run                                  - print the service instances that would be upgraded
    -min-version-required <major.minor.patch> - checks and fails if any service instance has a version less than the minimum required <major.minor.patch>
    -check-up-to-date                         - checks and fails if any service instance is not up-to-date. An instance is not up-to-date if it is marked as upgradable or belongs to a deactivated plan
    -check-deactivated-plans                  - checks and fails if any of the plans have been deactivated



Both the and semver libraries are used. The aim is to use as the default and where needed. While you might imagine that using one library would be cleaner than using two, we make use of unique features in each library. Attempts have been made to standardise on one library, but it resulted in worse code, so we decided to continue to use two libraries.