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Unofficial helm chart for the Psono password manager.

It supports independent installation of the following components:


We highly recommend going through the install docs of psono-server to understand what secrets you need to generate and how to.

You may skip the secret generation if you use the function provided by the helm chart:

# -- Secret Creation Config
# Set options to Generate a Secret on first install
# It will only run if you install the chart for the first time!
  # Set to false if you have your own secrets.
  # If you have predefined values, you need to mount them in the sections below
  # or define them in the env section
  create: true
  # Set the Name of the generated secrets
  name: "psono-deploy-secrets"

Psono requires a mail server. If you don't want to deal with installing one, you can use the default subchart provided here by using --set=mail.enabled=true. This will deploy bokysan/mail.

Available examples

A few configuration examples are provided here:

If you don't use a secret management system like Vault, we recommend using secrets. Only use the env variables example for testing, as this is highly insecure and will be deprecated in the future.


For v0.3.0 (tls, more error-proofed):

  • Write chart tests
  • Custom nginx config for client and admin-client
  • Fail when required configs are not provided
  • Deprecate passwords via helm values as it is just bad practices


Ingress, mail and general configuration

Parameter Description Default
imagePullSecrets Docker registry secret names as an array [] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods)
nameOverride String to partially override resource names ""
fullnameOverride String to fully override resource names ""
ingress.enabled Enable or disable the kubernetes ingress false
ingress.annotations Annotations for the ingress []
ingress.hosts List of hosts for the ingress []
ingress.hosts[].host Host address
mail.enabled Enable or disable the deployment of a subchart for sending emails false

Secret Configurations

Parameter Description Default
secrets.create Enables or disable the creation of PSONO Secrets for the first install, also use this if you have an external or already existing secret, or if you are reinstalling an existing instance. true Ther name of the secret to be used/created psono-deploy-secrets
databaseSecret.enabled Enables or disable usage of passwords from secret for the Database false The Name of the Database Secret psono-postgres-secret
databaseSecret.usernameKey The Key Name inside the secret for the username username
databaseSecret.passwordKey The Key Name inside the secret for the password password

Server configuration

Parameter Description Default
server.enabled Enable or disable the psono-server instance true
server.replicas Number of replicas for the server deployment. Untested with more replicas 1
server.image.repository Docker image for the server psono/psono-server
server.image.tag Tag for the docker image latest
server.image.pullPolicy Pull policy for the docker image IfNotPresent
server.service.type Type of service for the server ClusterIP
server.service.port Port exposed by the service serving the server 10100
server.serviceAccount.create Enable or disable the creation of a service account to be used by the server true Name of the service account to create {{ .Release.Name }}-server
server.serviceAccount.annotations Annotations given to the service account {}
server.podAnnotations Annotations given to the pods spawned by the server deployment {}
server.podSecurityContext {}
server.securityContext {}
server.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for server pods {}
server.nodeSelector Node labels for server pod assignment {}
server.affinity Affinity for server pod assignment {}
server.env Environment variables for the main container in the server pods {}
server.tolerations Tolerations for server pod assignment []
server.extraVolumeMounts Extra volume mounts used by the main container in the server pods []
server.extraVolumes Extra volumes to be used by the server pods []
server.extraSecretEnvironmentVars List of env vars loaded from secret []
server.envFiles Extra files from where to load environment variables. Format of each env file line is "FOO=BAR" []

Webclient configuration

Parameter Description Default
webclient.enabled Enable or disable the psono-webclient instance true
webclient.replicas Number of replicas for the webclient deployment. Untested with more replicas 1
webclient.image.repository Docker image for the webclient psono/psono-client
webclient.image.tag Tag for the docker image latest
webclient.image.pullPolicy Pull policy for the docker image IfNotPresent
webclient.service.type Type of service for the webclient ClusterIP
webclient.service.port Port exposed by the service serving the webclient 10101
webclient.serviceAccount.create Enable or disable the creation of a service account to be used by the webclient true Name of the service account to create {{ .Release.Name }}-webclient
webclient.serviceAccount.annotations Annotations given to the service account {}
webclient.podAnnotations Annotations given to the pods spawned by the webclient deployment {}
webclient.podSecurityContext {}
webclient.securityContext {}
webclient.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for webclient pods {}
webclient.nodeSelector Node labels for webclient pod assignment {}
webclient.affinity Affinity for webclient pod assignment {}
webclient.env Environment variables for the main container in the webclient pods {}
webclient.tolerations Tolerations for webclient pod assignment []
webclient.extraVolumeMounts Extra volume mounts used by the main container in the webclient pods []
webclient.extraVolumes Extra volumes to be used by the webclient pods []

Admin client configuration

Parameter Description Default
adminClient.enabled Enable or disable the psono-admin instance true
adminClient.replicas Number of replicas for the admin deployment. Untested with more replicas 1
adminClient.image.repository Docker image for the adminClient psono/psono-admin-client
adminClient.image.tag Tag for the docker image latest
adminClient.image.pullPolicy Pull policy for the docker image IfNotPresent
adminClient.service.type Type of service for the admin ClusterIP
adminClient.service.port Port exposed by the service serving the admin 10102
adminClient.serviceAccount.create Enable or disable the creation of a service account to be used by the admin true Name of the service account to create {{ .Release.Name }}-admin
adminClient.serviceAccount.annotations Annotations given to the service account {}
adminClient.podAnnotations Annotations given to the pods spawned by the adminClient deployment {}
adminClient.podSecurityContext {}
adminClient.securityContext {}
adminClient.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for adminClient pods {}
adminClient.nodeSelector Node labels for adminClient pod assignment {}
adminClient.affinity Affinity for adminClient pod assignment {}
adminClient.env Environment variables for the main container in the adminClient pods {}
adminClient.tolerations Tolerations for adminClient pod assignment []
adminClient.extraVolumeMounts Extra volume mounts used by the main container in the adminClient pods []
adminClient.extraVolumes Extra volumes to be used by the admin pods []

Database configuration

Parameter Description Default
database.enabled Enable or disable the psono-database instance true
database.replicas Number of replicas for the database deployment. When increasing this, you need to deal with managing and configuring the replicated database yourself 1
database.image.repository Docker image for the database psono/psono-client
database.image.tag Tag for the docker image latest
database.image.pullPolicy Pull policy for the docker image IfNotPresent
database.service.type Type of service for the database ClusterIP
database.service.port Port exposed by the service serving the database 5432
database.serviceAccount.create Enable or disable the creation of a service account to be used by the database true Name of the service account to create {{ .Release.Name }}-database
database.serviceAccount.annotations Annotations given to the service account {}
database.podAnnotations Annotations given to the pods spawned by the database deployment {}
database.podSecurityContext {}
database.securityContext {}
database.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for database pods {}
database.nodeSelector Node labels for database pod assignment {}
database.affinity Affinity for database pod assignment {}
database.env Environment variables for the main container in the database pods {}
database.extraSecretEnvironmentVars List of env vars loaded from secret []
database.tolerations Tolerations for database pod assignment []
database.extraVolumeMounts Extra volume mounts used by the main container in the database pods []
database.extraVolumes Extra volumes to be used by the database pods []
database.persistence.enabled Whether to use a PVC for the database false
database.persistence.storageClass Storage class used by the PVC "-"
database.persistence.existingClaim Name of an existing PVC to use. Using this will make .storageClass and .size irrelevant ""
database.persistence.size Size for the disk used by the database 10Gi

Backup job configuration

Parameter Description Default
backup.enabled Enable or disable the psono-backup instance true
backup.schedule Cron schedule to run the job "00 6 * * *"
backup.restartPolicy Restart policy for the jobs OnFailure
backup.startingDeadlineSeconds Timeout to start in seconds 100
backup.image.repository Docker image for the backup psono/psono-client
backup.image.tag Tag for the docker image latest
backup.image.pullPolicy Pull policy for the docker image IfNotPresent
backup.serviceAccount.create Enable or disable the creation of a service account to be used by the backup true Name of the service account to create {{ .Release.Name }}-backup
backup.serviceAccount.annotations Annotations given to the service account {}
backup.podAnnotations Annotations given to the pods spawned by the backup job {}
backup.podSecurityContext {}
backup.securityContext {}
backup.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for backup pods {}
backup.nodeSelector Node labels for backup pod assignment {}
backup.affinity Affinity for backup pod assignment {}
backup.env Environment variables for the main container in the backup pods {}
backup.extraSecretEnvironmentVars List of env vars loaded from secret []
backup.tolerations Tolerations for backup pod assignment []
backup.extraVolumeMounts Extra volume mounts used by the main container in the backup pods []
backup.extraVolumes Extra volumes to be used by the backup pods []


Helm chart for Psono password manager







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