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Cloudify Utilities SDK

Utilities SDK for extending Cloudify features.


Rest Yaml Template format.

  • rest_calls: Top level list of calls.
    • port: Connection port, for -1 port selected by ssl value.

    • ssl: Use https connection.

    • hosts: Optional, List of rest servers, use value from host.

    • host: Optional, rest server address.

    • path: Represents URI of REST call.

    • payload_format: Optional, payload format for request, supported: json, urlencoded, raw. By default: json.

    • payload: Optional, YAML representation of data that is to be sent as payload in REST call.

    • payload_raw / raw_payload: Optional, raw payload data name avaible by callback.

    • files: Optional, YAML representation of data that is to be sent as files in REST call.

    • files_raw / raw_files: Optional, raw files data name avaible by callback.

    • params: Optional, url params.

    • method: REST method (GET/PUT/POST/PATCH/DELETE).

    • headers: Optional, headers for set.

    • verify: Optional, check https certificates. By default: true.

      Supported such values:

      • True: default value, check certificaties,
      • False: ignore server certificates,
      • <file path>: path to CA_BUNDLE on local system,
      • <certificate content>: CA_BUNDLE content.

      More info:

    • timeout: Optional, timeout value for requests.

      More info:

    • cert: Optional, provide https client certificates. By default: None.

      Supported such values:

      • None: default value, ignore client certificates,
      • <file path>: path to certificate on local system,
      • <certificate content>: certificate content.

      More info:

    • proxies: proxies dictionary. By default: None.

      Supported keys:

      • http: Full proxy http proxy url
      • https: Full proxy https proxy url

      More info:

    • recoverable_codes: Optional, non critical recoverable http codes, will triger operation retry on failure.

    • successful_codes: Optional, non critical http error codes, will be accepted as successful.

    • translation_format: Optional, translation rules format, supported: v1, v2, v3 and auto. By default: auto. If set to auto - format detected by translation rules itself.

    • header_translation: Optional, rules for translate headers for save in response.

    • cookies_translation: Optional, rules for translate cookies for save in response.

    • response_translation: Optional, rules for translate response body for save in response (runtime properties).

    • response_format: Optional, response type, supported: json, xml, text, auto and raw. By default: auto. If set to auto - format detected by response headers.

    • nonrecoverable_response: Optional, unaccepted responses. Response which is raising non-recoverable error and triggers workflow to stop (give up). Any of rule could be invalid(logical OR) for failure. As checking rule for value should be used Python Regular Expression Syntax.

    • response_expectation: Optional, accepted responses. What we expect in a response content. If response is different than specified, system is raising recoverable error and trying until response is equal to specified. All rules should be valid(logical AND) for success. As checking rule for value should be used Python Regular Expression Syntax.

    • retry_on_connection_error: try to send request again even in case when REST endpoint is not available (ConnectionError). It may be useful in cases that we need to wait for some REST service to be up.

    • auth: Optional, Authentication credentials.

      • user: user name,
      • password: password.

In tempalate supported all Jinja filters, e.g. {{a|tojson}} and additional {{a|toxml}} filter.

Suported transformation rules Version 1:


    "id": 10,
    "name": "Clementina DuBuque",
    "username": "Moriah.Stanton",
    "email": "",
    "address": {
        "street": "Kattie Turnpike",
        "suite": "Suite 198",
        "city": "Lebsackbury",
        "zipcode": "31428-2261",
        "geo": {
            "lat": "-38.2386",
            "lng": "57.2232"
    "phone": "024-648-3804",
    "website": "",
    "company": {
        "name": "Hoeger LLC",
        "catchPhrase": "Centralized empowering task-force",
        "bs": "target end-to-end models"

Transformation rule:

    "name": ["user-full-name"],
    "email": ["user-email"],
    "address": {
        "city": ["user-city"],
        "zipcode": ["user-city-zip"],
        "geo": {
            "lat": ["user-city-geo", "latitude"],
            "lng": ["user-city-geo", "longnitude"]


    "user-city": "Lebsackbury",
    "user-city-geo": {
        "latitude": "-38.2386",
        "longnitude": "57.2232"
    "user-city-zip": "31428-2261",
    "user-email": "",
    "user-full-name": "Clementina DuBuque"

Suported transformation rules Version 2:


    "id": "6857017661",
    "payload": {
        "pages": [
                "page_name": "marvin",
                "action": "edited",
                "properties" :
                    "color" : "blue"
                "page_name": "cool_wool",
                "action": "saved",
                "properties" :
                    "color" : "red"

Transformation rule:

    ["payload", "pages", ["page_name"]],
    ["pages", ["page_name"]]


{"pages": [{"page_name": "cool_wool"},
           {"page_name": "cool_wool"}]}

Suported transformation rules Version 3:


    "a": {
        "b": "c"

Transformation rule:

    "g": ["a", "b"]


    "g": "c"


Look to ChangeLog.

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pip3 install --upgrade keyrings.alt
python2 sdist bdist_wheel
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python3 -m twine upload dist/*