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cloudmanic edited this page Oct 21, 2012 · 1 revision

Since Cloudmanic CMS is designed to sit next to an existing PHP web application we can make it so Cloudmanic CMS and the custom web application know how to talk to each other. Right now the interaction with each other is pretty basic but maybe some day it will expand.

When you load Cloudmanic CMS you can tell it which PHP framework you are using for your custom application. If you have not messed with the framework too much Cloudmanic CMS can read the database config files and use the same paramaters for Cloudmanic CMS. We even detect if you are using a local or production environment.

Supported Frameworks

How To Tell Cloudmanic CMS About Your Framework

See example below. In your index.php for Cloudmanic CMS you can call the "CMS::framework()" function. You pass in a string telling it which framework you are using. You also pass in a path to the framework's application directory. We will read the database configs for that framework and bootstrap the rest of Cloudmanic CMS.

require '../../vendor/autoload.php';

CMS::framework('laravel3', '../../application');
require CMS::boostrap('../../vendor');

Notes On Laravel 3

When you use "laravel3" as a framework you need to make sure the "path.php" file is one directory above the application folder. This is how laravel 3 ships. Just a note in case you changed its location.

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