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cloudmanic edited this page Oct 20, 2012 · 5 revisions

Overview of CloudCms

If you look at most content management systems on the market today they all solve the same problem in different ways. They all provide a platform for non-developer types (ie. sales, marketing, and designer type people) to manage a website. Typically these systems provide a layer of abstraction between the raw HTML and the user. These systems are great for everyone but the developer that has to set them up.

If you are a senior developer the chances are pretty high you hate building websites on top of content management systems. Why do you have to point and click 100 times just to add some text to the site? Really.......we all just want to open our favorite text editor and update the text and get back to tweeting, right??

CloudCms is a content management system built by developers for developers. Never again will be forced to build on top of some crazy developer unfriendly platform.

Best to describe the problem CloudCms is trying to solve with an example. At Cloudmanic Labs we have a number of marketing websites. Our core marketing site is We custom build our marketing sites. There is no need for the bloat of a content management system when 90% of the content is managed by developers or employees that know how to edit an html file and commit to git. However, there is 10% of the site that a CMS is really useful. For example our blog, our support documents, and a few other things. Content that changes regularly or is managed by non-developer types really needs a CMS. We need a control panel to support our dynamic content, however, we do not want some clunky framework. Enter CloudCms.

CloudCms has been made with the following goals in mind.

  • A add on to your custom PHP web application. You install CloudCms via composer.

  • Super customizable. Your admin panel will just be for your site no other cutter.

  • Very easy to develop locally and then push to production. Since so much of a traditional CMS is database driven working locally and then pushing to production is often a challenge.

  • Out of the box support for file storage on CDN’s such as Amazon S3 or Rackspace cloud file. Most content management systems do not do this and it makes scaling a challenge.

  • No crazy database structures. Since you will likely be making queries against your database outside of the CMS you want to manage the schema not the CMS.

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