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This repository contains a CND demo for the well known project of the voting app

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Voting App CND demo

Develop a simple distributed application the cloud native way.


  • Running Kubernetes cluster with support for load balancers (we used GKE)
  • If you're using Minikube, you'll need to configure and run the minikube tunnel command to be able to access the load balanced services. More information on that is available here.
  • Kubectl installed and configured in your machine

Getting started

kube-deployment.yml contains the specifications of the Voting App's services.

First create the vote namespace

kubectl create namespace vote

Run the following command to create the deployments and services objects

$ kubectl create -f k8s-specifications --namespace vote
service/redis created
deployment.apps/redis created
service/db created
deployment.apps/db created
persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-pv-claim created
service/result created
deployment.apps/result created
service/vote created
deployment.apps/vote created
service/worker created
deployment.apps/worker created

Run the following command to get the ip and port of the vote service

$ kubectl get service vote --namespace=vote
NAME   TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
vote   LoadBalancer   5000:30250/TCP   4m41s

Open a browser and navigate to the vote service's UI (e.g. to make sure that everything is in order.

Feel free to review the Voting App official repo if you want more information on the app.

Cloud Native Development

Cloud Native Development helps you go faster friction by eliminating the docker build redeploy cycle.

Run the following command to start your cloud native environment

cnd up

This will create a remote container which is synchronized with your local code changes and hot reloads these changes without rebuilding containers.

Once cnd up is finished, open a browser and navigate to the vote service's UI.

Edit the file vote/ and change line 8 from cats to otters and save.

Go to the Voting App UI, make another vote. Your code changes are already live!!

*Review cnd's usage guide to see other commands available to help you speed you up your development.


Cancel the cnd up command by pressing ctrl + c and run the following command to go back to the production version of the service

cnd down

Run the following commands to remove the resources created by the commands above

$ kubectl delete -f kube-deployment.yml --namespace vote
service "redis" deleted
deployment.apps "redis" deleted
service "db" deleted
deployment.apps "db" deleted
persistentvolumeclaim "postgres-pv-claim" deleted
service "result" deleted
deployment.apps "result" deleted
service "vote" deleted
deployment.apps "vote" deleted
service "worker" deleted
deployment.apps "worker" deleted


This repository contains a CND demo for the well known project of the voting app






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