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Docker versions

Manu Garg edited this page Jul 4, 2024 · 4 revisions

To provide stability, but to given an option to test the newest changes at the same time, we build and push the following docker images:

Tag Built from
main or master HEAD of the master branch, re-pushed after every commit to the master branch.
latest Latest tagged release, re-pushed only after a new release.
v<version>, e.g. v0.11.1 Points to a specific release.
*-fips, e.g. latest-fips, v0.13.7-fips FIPS compliant docker image

We recommend that production systems use the latest tag. It's ideal if non-production systems use the master tag so that you can verify that the latest docker image works for you before it is marked as latest and production systems start using it.

FIPS Compliant Image

We publish a FIPS compliant docker image corresponding to all the versions (starting with v0.13.7). To access the FIPS compliant image, just add -fips to the version tag, e.g. latest-fips. In the FIPS compliant image, Cloudprober is compiled against the boringcrypto SSL package (Dockerfile). Note that FIPS compliant image is minimal and contains only the cloudprober binary and CA certificates. That's for the security reason. If you need more utilities, you can build another image from our image.

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