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Cloud Spanner Emulator Samples

This repository contains samples that demonstrate how to use Cloud Spanner emulator in CI/CD pipelines.

Please feel free to report issues and send pull requests, but note that these samples are not officially supported as part of the Cloud Spanner product.

Starting Emulator from Docker

The emulator can be started using Docker on Linux, MacOS and Windows. As a prerequisite, you would need to install docker on your system. You can configure a default instance and/or database using following sample recipe:

Build and run docker image.

cd emulator-samples/docker

# Build an image.
docker build -t start-spanner-emulator .

# Run docker container.
docker run --detach --name emulator -p 9010:9010 -p 9020:9020

# Verify the container is running.
docker ps

Test that everything is working.

As a prerequisite, install Google Cloud SDK. You can then update gcloud configuration to point to the docker container running emulator as following:

# Verify that gcloud is installed.
gcloud --version

# Create a new gcloud configuration for this test.
gcloud config configurations create emulator-docker

gcloud config set api_endpoint_overrides/spanner
gcloud config set auth/disable_credentials true
gcloud config set core/project test-project

gcloud config list
spanner =
disable_credentials = true
project = test-project

gcloud spanner instances list --project=test-project
test-instance  Test Instance  emulator-test-config  1           READY

gcloud spanner databases list --instance=test-instance --project=test-project
NAME           STATE
test-database  READY


# Stop docker when your integration tests complete.
docker stop emulator


This is not an official Google product.