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Marco Nguitragool committed Apr 26, 2020
1 parent 16eef7e commit 915738c
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Showing 3 changed files with 355 additions and 24 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Clob;
Expand All @@ -18,28 +19,36 @@
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;

import javax.jdo.FetchGroup;
import javax.jdo.FetchPlan;
import javax.jdo.JDOHelper;
import javax.jdo.PersistenceManager;
import javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory;
import javax.jdo.Query;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
Expand All @@ -58,6 +67,7 @@
import co.codewizards.cloudstore.local.persistence.CloudStorePersistenceCapableClassesProvider;
import co.codewizards.cloudstore.local.persistence.Dao;
import co.codewizards.cloudstore.local.persistence.Directory;
import co.codewizards.cloudstore.local.persistence.Entity;
import co.codewizards.cloudstore.local.persistence.NormalFile;
import co.codewizards.cloudstore.local.persistence.NormalFileDao;
import co.codewizards.cloudstore.local.persistence.RepoFile;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -487,6 +497,10 @@ protected void copyTableData(Table sourceTable, Table targetTable,
requireNonNull(targetTable, "targetTable");
requireNonNull(sourceColumnName2Column, "sourceColumnName2Column");
requireNonNull(targetColumnName2Column, "targetColumnName2Column");

// Without explicitly declaring the time-zone via this calendar, the timestamps are not correctly copied!
final Calendar utc = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));

boolean sourceAutoCommit = sourceConnection.getAutoCommit();
boolean targetAutoCommit = targetConnection.getAutoCommit();
try {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -571,6 +585,14 @@ protected void copyTableData(Table sourceTable, Table targetTable,
Column sourceColumn = me.getKey();
Column targetColumn = me.getValue();
Object sourceValue = rs.getObject(++idx);

if (sourceValue instanceof Timestamp)
sourceValue = rs.getTimestamp(idx, utc);
else if (sourceValue instanceof java.sql.Date)
sourceValue = rs.getDate(idx, utc);
else if (sourceValue instanceof java.sql.Time)
sourceValue = rs.getTime(idx, utc);

Object targetValue = convertValue(sourceColumn, targetColumn, sourceValue);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("copyTableData: tableName={} columnName={} columnIndex={} sourceJdbcType={} sourceValue.class={} sourceValue={} targetJdbcType={} targetValue.class={} targetValue={}",
Expand All @@ -580,11 +602,18 @@ protected void copyTableData(Table sourceTable, Table targetTable,
if (targetValue == null) {
int dataType = targetColumn.dataType;

insertStatement.setNull(idx, dataType);
insertStatement.setObject(idx, targetValue);
else {
if (targetValue instanceof Timestamp)
insertStatement.setTimestamp(idx, (Timestamp) targetValue, utc);
else if (targetValue instanceof java.sql.Date)
insertStatement.setDate(idx, (java.sql.Date) targetValue, utc);
else if (targetValue instanceof java.sql.Time)
insertStatement.setTime(idx, (java.sql.Time) targetValue, utc);
insertStatement.setObject(idx, targetValue);
int rowsAffected = insertStatement.executeUpdate();
if (rowsAffected != 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1005,6 +1034,298 @@ protected void testTargetPersistence() throws Exception {
} finally {

try {
for (Class<?> pcClass : CloudStorePersistenceCapableClassesProvider.Helper.getPersistenceCapableClasses()) {
if (! Entity.class.isAssignableFrom(pcClass))

if ((pcClass.getModifiers() & Modifier.ABSTRACT) != 0)

} finally {

protected void comparePersistentObjects(final Class<?> pcClass) {
requireNonNull(pcClass, "pcClass");
final long idBlockSize = 1000;
final long minId = getMinId(sourcePm, pcClass); final long targetMinId = getMinId(targetPm, pcClass);
final long maxId = getMaxId(sourcePm, pcClass); final long targetMaxId = getMaxId(targetPm, pcClass);

if (minId != targetMinId)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("%s: sourceMinId != targetMinId :: %d != %d", pcClass.getName(), minId, targetMinId));

if (maxId != targetMaxId)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("%s: sourceMaxId != targetMaxId :: %d != %d", pcClass.getName(), maxId, targetMaxId));

if (minId == Long.MIN_VALUE || maxId == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
if (minId != maxId)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("%s: minId != maxId :: %d != %d", pcClass.getName(), minId, maxId));

logger.debug("comparePersistentObjects: pcClass={}: *EMPTY*", pcClass.getName());
logger.debug("comparePersistentObjects: pcClass={}: minId={} maxId={}", pcClass.getName(), minId, maxId);

long objectCount = 0;
long fromIdIncl = minId;
while (fromIdIncl <= maxId) {
long toIdExcl = fromIdIncl + idBlockSize;
objectCount += comparePersistentObjects(pcClass, fromIdIncl, toIdExcl);
fromIdIncl = toIdExcl;
}"comparePersistentObjects: pcClass={}: {} objects are equal.", pcClass.getName(), objectCount);

protected int comparePersistentObjects(final Class<?> pcClass, final long fromIdIncl, final long toIdExcl) {
requireNonNull(pcClass, "pcClass");
final List<Entity> sourceObjects = getPersistentObjects(sourcePm, pcClass, fromIdIncl, toIdExcl);
final List<Entity> targetObjects = getPersistentObjects(targetPm, pcClass, fromIdIncl, toIdExcl);

if (sourceObjects.size() != targetObjects.size())
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("%s: fromIdIncl=%d toIdExcl=%d :: sourceObjects.size != targetObjects.size :: %d != %d",
pcClass.getName(), fromIdIncl, toIdExcl, sourceObjects.size(), targetObjects.size()));

final Iterator<Entity> targetIterator = targetObjects.iterator();
for (final Entity sourceObject : sourceObjects) {
final Entity targetObject =;

if (sourceObject.getId() != targetObject.getId())
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("%s: fromIdIncl=%d toIdExcl=%d :: != :: %d != %d",
pcClass.getName(), fromIdIncl, toIdExcl, sourceObject.getId(), targetObject.getId()));

comparePersistentObject(sourceObject, targetObject);
logger.debug("comparePersistentObjects: pcClass={} fromIdIncl={} toIdExcl={}: {} objects are equal.",
pcClass.getName(), fromIdIncl, toIdExcl, sourceObjects.size());
return sourceObjects.size();

protected void comparePersistentObject(final Entity sourceObject, final Entity targetObject) {
requireNonNull(sourceObject, "sourceObject");
requireNonNull(targetObject, "targetObject");

if (sourceObject.getId() != targetObject.getId())
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(" != :: %d != %d",
sourceObject.getId(), targetObject.getId()));

final Class<? extends Entity> objectClass = sourceObject.getClass();
if (objectClass != targetObject.getClass())
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("sourceObject.class != targetObjects.class :: %s != %s",
objectClass.getName(), targetObject.getClass().getName()));

for (final Method getter : getGetters(objectClass)) {
final String propertyName = getPropertyName(getter);
final Object sourceValue = invokeGetter(getter, sourceObject);
final Object targetValue = invokeGetter(getter, targetObject);
comparePropertyValue(sourceObject, targetObject, propertyName, sourceValue, targetValue);

protected void comparePropertyValue(final Entity sourceObject, final Entity targetObject, final String propertyName,
final Object sourceValue, final Object targetValue) {
requireNonNull(sourceObject, "sourceObject");
requireNonNull(targetObject, "targetObject");
requireNonNull(propertyName, "propertyName");
// sourceValue may be null!
// targetValue may be null!

if (sourceValue == null) {
if (targetValue == null)

throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Property '%s' of %s differs between source and target: sourceValue=null targetValue='%s'",
propertyName, sourceObject, targetValue));
if (targetValue == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Property '%s' of %s differs between source and target: sourceValue='%s' targetValue=null",
propertyName, sourceObject, sourceValue));

if (sourceValue.getClass() != targetValue.getClass())
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Property '%s' of %s differs between source and target: Class mismatch! sourceValue.class=%s targetValue.class=%s sourceValue='%s' targetValue='%s'",
propertyName, sourceObject, sourceValue.getClass().getName(), targetValue.getClass().getName(), sourceValue, targetValue));

if (sourceValue.getClass().isArray()) {
if (! arrayEquals(sourceValue, targetValue))
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Property '%s' of %s differs between source and target: sourceValue=%s targetValue=%s",
propertyName, sourceObject, arrayToString(sourceValue), arrayToString(targetValue)));
else {
if (! sourceValue.equals(targetValue))
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Property '%s' of %s differs between source and target: sourceValue='%s' targetValue='%s'",
propertyName, sourceObject, sourceValue, targetValue));

protected static String arrayToString(final Object array) {
requireNonNull(array, "array");

if (array instanceof boolean[])
return Arrays.toString((boolean[]) array);

if (array instanceof byte[])
return Arrays.toString((byte[]) array);

if (array instanceof char[])
return Arrays.toString((char[]) array);

if (array instanceof double[])
return Arrays.toString((double[]) array);

if (array instanceof float[])
return Arrays.toString((float[]) array);

if (array instanceof int[])
return Arrays.toString((int[]) array);

if (array instanceof long[])
return Arrays.toString((long[]) array);

if (array instanceof short[])
return Arrays.toString((short[]) array);

if (array instanceof Object[])
return Arrays.toString((Object[]) array);

throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected type: " + array.getClass().getName());

protected static boolean arrayEquals(final Object sourceArray, final Object targetArray) {
requireNonNull(sourceArray, "sourceArray");
requireNonNull(targetArray, "targetArray");

if (sourceArray instanceof boolean[])
return Arrays.equals((boolean[]) sourceArray, (boolean[]) targetArray);

if (sourceArray instanceof byte[])
return Arrays.equals((byte[]) sourceArray, (byte[]) targetArray);

if (sourceArray instanceof char[])
return Arrays.equals((char[]) sourceArray, (char[]) targetArray);

if (sourceArray instanceof double[])
return Arrays.equals((double[]) sourceArray, (double[]) targetArray);

if (sourceArray instanceof float[])
return Arrays.equals((float[]) sourceArray, (float[]) targetArray);

if (sourceArray instanceof int[])
return Arrays.equals((int[]) sourceArray, (int[]) targetArray);

if (sourceArray instanceof long[])
return Arrays.equals((long[]) sourceArray, (long[]) targetArray);

if (sourceArray instanceof short[])
return Arrays.equals((short[]) sourceArray, (short[]) targetArray);

if (sourceArray instanceof Object[])
return Arrays.equals((Object[]) sourceArray, (Object[]) targetArray);

throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected type: " + sourceArray.getClass().getName());

private Map<Class<?>, List<Method>> objectClass2Getters = new HashMap<Class<?>, List<Method>>();

protected Object invokeGetter(final Method getter, final Object object) {
requireNonNull(getter, "getter");
requireNonNull(object, "object");
try {
return getter.invoke(object);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Getter for property '%s' on %s failed: %s", getPropertyName(getter), object, e), e);

protected List<Method> getGetters(Class<? extends Entity> objectClass) {
requireNonNull(objectClass, "objectClass");

List<Method> getters = objectClass2Getters.get(objectClass);
if (getters == null) {
getters = new ArrayList<Method>();
for (Method method : objectClass.getMethods()) {
if (method.getParameterCount() == 0 && isGetterName(method.getName()))
objectClass2Getters.put(objectClass, getters);
return getters;

protected static String getPropertyName(Method method) {
String methodName = requireNonNull(method, "method").getName();
String propertyName;
if (methodName.startsWith("get"))
propertyName = methodName.substring(3);
else if (methodName.startsWith("is"))
propertyName = methodName.substring(2);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(" is not a valid getter-name (wrong prefix): " + method);

if (propertyName.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(" is not a valid getter-name (too short): " + method);

return Character.toLowerCase(propertyName.charAt(0)) + propertyName.substring(1);

protected static boolean isGetterName(final String methodName) {
requireNonNull(methodName, "methodName");
return (methodName.startsWith("get") && methodName.length() > 3)
|| (methodName.startsWith("is") && methodName.length() > 2);

protected long getMinId(PersistenceManager pm, Class<?> pcClass) {
requireNonNull(pm, "pm");
requireNonNull(pcClass, "pcClass");
Query<?> query = pm.newQuery(pcClass);

Long result = (Long) query

return result == null ? Long.MIN_VALUE : result;

protected long getMaxId(PersistenceManager pm, Class<?> pcClass) {
requireNonNull(pm, "pm");
requireNonNull(pcClass, "pcClass");
Query<?> query = pm.newQuery(pcClass);

Long result = (Long) query

return result == null ? Long.MIN_VALUE : result;

protected List<Entity> getPersistentObjects(PersistenceManager pm, Class<?> pcClass, long fromIdIncl, long toIdExcl) {
requireNonNull(pm, "pm");
requireNonNull(pcClass, "pcClass");

Query<?> query = pm.newQuery(pcClass);

FetchPlan fetchPlan = query.getFetchPlan();

List<Entity> result = (List<Entity>) query
.filter(" >= :fromIdIncl && < :toIdExcl")
.orderBy(" ASCENDING")
.execute(fromIdIncl, toIdExcl);

result = new ArrayList<Entity>(result);
return result;

Expand Down

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