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sample manifests

This folder contains a sample manifest repository setup for a kubernetes cluster of version >= 1.13.

├── shipcat.conf
├── charts
│   └── base/...
└── services
    ├── blog
    │   └── manifest.yml
    └── webapp
        └── manifest.yml


A cluster defined in shipcat.conf (two example environments defined therein), reachable through dns.

More examples in the Makefile.

Example 1: Minikube

A minikube none driver, running in the apps namespace:

sudo -E minikube start --driver=none --kubernetes-version v1.15.8 --extra-config kubeadm.ignore-preflight-errors=SystemVerification
kubectl config set-context --cluster=minikube --user=minikube --namespace=apps minikube
kubectl create namespace apps

Example 2: Kind

A kind cluster in the default namespace:

kind create cluster --name shipcat


The only thing you need to install are the CRDs that shipcat define, which can be done with:

shipcat cluster crd install

Local Exploration

You can use shipcat at the root of this folder, or anywhere else if you point SHIPCAT_MANIFEST_DIR at it. Here are some examples:

Check completed manifest:

shipcat values blog

Check generated kube yaml:

shipcat template blog

Apply it to your cluster:

shipcat apply blog

Diff the template against what's running:

shipcat diff blog

Note that the webapp example requires external dependencies which you can configure with make integrations or follow along below.

Vault Integration

Secrets are resolved from vault, so let's install a sample backend using docker:

docker run --cap-add=IPC_LOCK -e 'VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID=myroot' -e 'VAULT_DEV_LISTEN_ADDRESS=' -p 8200:8200 -d --rm --name vault vault:0.11.3
export VAULT_ADDR=
export VAULT_TOKEN=myroot
vault secrets disable secret
vault secrets enable -version=1 -path=secret kv

Install a database

The webapp service relies on having a database. If you want to supply your own working DATABASE_URL in vault further down, you can do so yourself. Here is how to do it with helm 3:

helm install --set postgresqlPassword=pw,postgresqlDatabase=webapp -n=webapp-pg stable/postgresql

Then we can write the external DATABASE_URL for webapp:

vault write secret/example/webapp/DATABASE_URL value=postgres://postgres:pw@webapp-pg-postgresql.apps/webapp

You can verify that shipcat picks up on this via: shipcat values -s webapp.

Slack integrations

Both the shipcat apply and shipcat cluster commands will pick up on some slack evars to be able send result notifications:


If these are unset, then there are still upgrade results visible on the status object:

kubectl get sm blog -oyaml | yq ".status" -y

Cluster reconcile

Now that all our dependencies are set up; we can ensure our cluster is up-to-date with our repository:

shipcat cluster crd reconcile

This will install all the necessary custom resource definitions into kubernetes, then install the shipcatmanifest instances of blog and webapp (in parallel).

To garbage collect a release, you can delete its shipcatmanifests:

kubectl delete shipcatmanifest webapp blog

Re-running reconcile after doing so will reinstall the services.

After having reconciled a cluster, you can then run individual shipcat apply webapp commands manually.

Checking it works

You can hit your api by port-forwarding to it:

kubectl port-forward deployment/webapp 8000
curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"title": "hello", "body": "world"}'
curl -s -X GET ""


Ensure the current commands are run before merging into a repository like this folder:

shipcat config verify
shipcat verify
shipcat cluster check
shipcat secret verify-region -r minikube --changed=blog,webapp
shipcat template webapp | kubeval -v 1.13.8 --strict