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1. Project structure

  • /triggers - Triggers in Zapier

  • /searches - Searches in Zapier

    • numberVerifier.js
    • numberVerifier-outputFields.json5 - Descriptions of the result items we get from the search
    • numberVerifier-sample.json5 - An example response to return when Zapier can't access the CM API
  • /creates - Actions in Zapier

    • textMessage.js
    • voiceMessage.js
  • /model - Classes

    • TextMessage.js
    • Voice.js - Voice object with language, gender and number
    • VoiceMessage.js
    • ZapierRequest.js - Class used for HTTP Requests, with url, HTTP method, body, HTTP headers
  • /auth - Authentication

    • addAuthToHeaders.js - Adds a header with a product token to every HTTP request
    • authentication.js
  • /test - Unit tests

    • index.js
  • .env - Variables used for testing

  • index.js - Collection of triggers, searches, actions and information like version numbers

  • ErrorHandlerCM.js - File that handles errors returned by the CM API

2. Installing the project

  1. npm install -g zapier-platform-cli
  2. zapier login
  3. npm install from the main directory of the app

3. Using the project

Description Command
Run tests zapier test
Publishing local code to Zapier zapier push
Delete version zapier delete version [version]

Commands have to be run from the main directory of the app.

For more commands, visit the Zapier documentation