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Typed List   Maven Central Build Status

A linked list with compile time size.

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📝 NOTE - No large lists.

In practise, this library will only work for relatively small lists. (I couldn't go past 400 elements).
The problem is that it relies on the peano encoding of the natural numbers to express the size of the lists. This is very heavy on the compiler and it simply gives up.
I think there is a presentation somewhere of Miles Sabin reporting the same issue in his Shapeless library.


Create a typed list the same way you would a standard list:

import com.cmhteixeira.typedlist.TypedNil
val aListOfSizeEight = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7 :: 8 :: TypedNil

val standardList = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7 :: 8 :: Nil

You can also use a standard list by specifying the size you expect. The result is wrapped in an Option.

import com.cmhteixeira.typedlist.TypedList
import com.cmhteixeira.typedlist.naturalnumbers.Natural.{Nat10, Nat5}

val standardList= (1 to 50).toList
val typedList = TypedList.fromList[Nat10#Mult[Nat5], Int](standardList)

Because the size is known at compile time, you cannot access the head or tail of an empty list:

val oneElement = "Foo" :: TypedNil
oneElement.tail.head // does not compile
oneElement.tail.tail // does not compile

You can obtain an element at a given index:

import com.cmhteixeira.typedlist.TypedNil
import com.cmhteixeira.typedlist.naturalnumbers.Natural.Nat2
val typedList = "Foo" :: "Bar" :: "Baz" :: TypedNil
res> "Bar"  

But you cannot obtain an element at an index greater that the size of the list:

import com.cmhteixeira.typedlist.TypedNil
import com.cmhteixeira.typedlist.naturalnumbers.Natural.Nat4
val typedList = "Foo" :: "Bar" :: "Baz" :: TypedNil
typedList.get[Nat4] // does not compile

You can split two lists at a given index, and the resulting lists will maintain type information. That is, their size will still be known:

import com.cmhteixeira.typedlist.TypedNil
import com.cmhteixeira.typedlist.naturalnumbers.Natural.Nat3
val typedList = "Foo" :: "Bar" :: "Baz" :: "Qux" :: "Quux" :: TypedNil
val (l, r) = typedList.split[Nat3]
val l: TypedList[Suc[Suc[Suc[Zero.type]]], String] = TypedList("Foo", "Bar", "Baz")
val r: TypedList[Suc[Suc[Zero.type]], String] = TypedList("Qux", "Quux")

You can also map over the list, and the resulting list will maintain its size:

import com.cmhteixeira.typedlist.TypedNil
val typedList = "Bar" :: "Baz" :: TypedNil
val stringList =
val stringList = TypedList(3, 3)

You can concatenate two lists and the resulting list will still have the correct typed size; which in fact will be a summation of the sizes of the two lists being concatenated:

import com.cmhteixeira.typedlist.TypedNil
val firstList = "Foo" :: "Bar" :: TypedNil
val secondList = "Baz" :: TypedNil
val concatenatedList = firstList concat secondList
concatenatedList.tail.tail.tail.head // will not compile
concatenatedList.tail.tail.tail.tail // will not compile
val concatenatedList = TypedList(Foo, Bar, Baz)

Lastly, you can flatmap a list, and the resulting list will have the correct size which will still be known at compile time. The drawback is that the function that is applied to each element of the original list must return a new list with a constant size. That is, the returning size cannot vary across the elements of the original list:

import com.cmhteixeira.typedlist.TypedNil
import com.cmhteixeira.typedlist.naturalnumbers.Natural.Nat6

val someList = "Foo" :: "Bar" :: "Baz" :: TypedNil
val result = someList.flatMap(i => s"$i-1" :: s"$i-2" :: TypedNil)
val result: TypedList[Nat6, String] = TypedList(Foo-1, Foo-2, Bar-1, Bar-2, Baz-1, Baz-2)

Cats support

A Typed list has a Traverse instance. Which also makes it a Functor and a Foldable.
You don't need to import any implicits to have it working:

import cats.syntax.traverse._
import cats.implicits.catsStdInstancesForOption
import com.cmhteixeira.typedlist.TypedNil

val list =  1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: TypedNil

list.traverse[Option, Int](i => Some(i))
res> Some(TypedList(1, 2, 3, 4))

list.traverse[Option, Int](i => if (i == 2) None else Some(i))
res> None


The artefacts have been uploaded to Maven Central.

Library Version Scala 2.11 Scala 2.12 Scala 2.13
2.0.0 Maven Central Maven Central Maven Central
1.0.0 Maven Central
0.1 Maven Central