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Class repository Getting started!

Production Site URL

How to work on the site on your machine

This site was created from a 11ty starter project which uses Node.js to build static web pages from markdown, html and a variety of templates. See the ./ for more information about how the project works.

The site runs on your local machine so you can verify changes.


  1. Install git if it is not already installed.
  2. Download and install Node v16 from
  3. Open a terminal and clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Using a terminal, navigate into the root folder of the repository, and install 11ty's npm dependencies:
npm ci 

Running the site locally

From a terminal in the root directory of the project, run:

npm start

This will start a server on your machine and can be browsed: http://localhost:8080/ The server can be stopped with the Control + c keyboard shortcut.

Updates to pages should automatically be loaded in your browser (aka Hot reloading). If changes are not appearing, stop and restart the sereve.

Buiding the site

The docs/ folder is generated by 11ty and that is the folder that is served in GitHub pages. Running this command to build the site into the docs/ folder:

npm run build

Workflow for making page updates

  1. Check out a branch to make your changes.

The branch name can be any name, my-changes is used as an example.

git checkout -b my-changes
  1. Start the server
npm start
  1. Make changes to files and preview the changes at http://localhost:8080/

When you're happy with the changes to the page(s):

# add the changes to your branch
git add . 
git commit -m "My delightful changes"
# Upload (aka push) your changes to GitHub
git push -u origin my-changes

Create a pull request in GitHub by either:

A) Opening the link included in the output.

For example:

remote: Create a pull request for 'my-changes' on GitHub by visiting:


B) Go to GitHub and create a pull request for your branch.

Your changes are now ready for review by your teammates.

About 5 minutes after your pull request is merged, the changes will appear on:



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